Connect to RTC Discord


Connect to RTC Discord

If you encountered an infinite connection to the RTC when you try to join the voice channel on the server in Discord, first check the stability of your internet connection, stop all downloads if there are any, restart the computer and router. Contact your other members of the server and specify whether they have a similar error, since collective problems indicate faults on the server itself. In the latter case, a change in a certain parameter usually helps, which will be discussed in one of the following methods.

Method 1: Firewall and Antivirus Management

The situation under consideration occurs when the discard appears problems when trying to establish a connection to the server. This means that packages are lost during transmission or even at the stage of sending them. The main suspicion always calls on the user's computer, namely standard or third-party firewall and antivirus. Temporarily disconnect the listed components and check how it affects the connection to the RTC when you try to log in to the voice channel server.

Read more:

Turn off the firewall in Windows 10

Disable antivirus

Disable firewall and antivirus to solve a problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

If it turned out that the problem is a firewall or antivirus, but the desire to keep it is constantly disabled, you will need to configure the incoming connection. In the case of antivirus, Discord is added to exceptions, which read the link below.

Read more: How to add a program to exclude antivirus

The owners of third-party firewalls will be needed to add a messenger to the white list or configure the incoming connection. Since the implementation is different everywhere and can be carried out both through the graphical menu, and with the help of console commands, you will have to independently deal with the control of protective software. With standard Windows firewall, everything is much easier:

  1. Run it by typing through the search in the "Start", as shown in the screenshot above. In a new window, click on the "Advanced Settings" string located on the left pane.
  2. Go to configuration of firewall to solve a problem with an infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  3. The "Firewall Monitor" is displayed, in which you are interested in the "Rules for Incoming Connection" item, since you are connected to the channel, sending data packets.
  4. Opening the configuration of incoming firewall connections to solve the problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  5. In the right block, select "Create Rule".
  6. Go to adding an incoming firewall connection to solve a problem with an infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  7. Specify the type of rules "for the program" and go further.
  8. Select the type of connection in the firewall to solve the problem with the infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  9. Mark the "program path" marker and click on "Review".
  10. Go to the selection of a program for an incoming connection in the firewall to solve the problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  11. Go along the path C: \ Users \ Username \ APPDATA \ LOCAL \ Discord, where the "username" replace it.
  12. Transition along the program path when setting up a firewall to solve a problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  13. Open the directory with the application version.
  14. Select a folder with a program when configuring a firewall to solve a problem with an infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  15. Find the "discord.exe" executable file and double-click on it to select.
  16. Select the program when configuring a firewall to solve a problem with an infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  17. It will automatically return to the previous menu, where you need to click on "Next".
  18. Go to the next step setting the firewall to solve the problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  19. Mark the type of connection to "Allow Connection".
  20. Selecting the permitting Firewall Connection Rules to solve the problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  21. Apply the rule for all types of networks used on this computer.
  22. Network selection for the action of the firewall rule to solve the problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  23. Be sure to specify the name for the current rule and enter the description if you want.
  24. Enter the name for the firewall rule to solve the problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

The final action is to restart the computer, after which the new rule will already come into force and you can try to connect to the necessary voice channel again.

Method 2: Turning off VPN

Using the VPN on the computer not only often slows down the network operation, but sometimes interferes and sending packets, which is why the infinite connection to the RTC occurs. If you enable a virtual connection, disconnect it when interacting with Discord. All third-party programs are deactivated in accordance with the location of the buttons in their graphical interface, and with the standard VPN in Windows it is carried out like this:

  1. Open the "Start" and click on the gear icon on the left to go to "Parameters".
  2. Transition to parameters to solve a problem with infinite connection to RTC in Discord

  3. In a new window, click on the Tile "Network and the Internet".
  4. Switch to the network and the Internet to solve the problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  5. Through the panel, go to the "VPN" section.
  6. Go to section with VPN to solve a problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  7. If you have connections, stop or delete each of them, then re-connect to the router used and check the operation of the discord.
  8. Disable all connections VPN to solve a problem with an infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

Method 3: Administrator's Rights Request

This method is only suitable for users using a computer at work or in an educational institution where the working or educational network is configured. Accordingly, most users have practically no rights that allow you to manage system files, install or delete programs. If possible, you must ask you to provide you with full rights or special permissions for connecting to the RTC finally completed successfully. Contact your system administrator service to the system administrator.

Method 4: Server Region Change

If you are the creator or administrator of the server and you have received a collective complaint that there were problems in voice channels, most likely to change only the server of the server, to reconnect to other, more free communication channels. To do this, you must have access to the general server settings.

  1. Click on its name to call the control menu.
  2. Opening the server management menu to solve the problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  3. In the list, select "Server Settings".
  4. Transition to server settings to solve an infinite connection to RTC in Discord

  5. In the first section, you will find the "Server Region", where you must click on "Change".
  6. Opening the Server Region Replacement Menu to solve the problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  7. Check out the information on how shift is done, then select a new region.
  8. Changing the Server Region to solve the problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

Method 5: Disconnecting a high priority package service

Discord has a built-in feature designed to install an increased priority to the messenger, which improves the quality of service. Not all protocols of Internet providers interact normally with this opportunity, so developers are recommended to disconnect it if any network failures suddenly occur, including those considered.

  1. Dispose the discord and go to the general profile settings by clicking on the icon with the image of the gear.
  2. Transition to general settings for solving a problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  3. In the "Application Settings" block, click on "Voice and Video".
  4. Opening voice and video settings to solve a problem with infinite connection to RTC in Discord

  5. Find the "Enable Package Service with High Priority" item and disconnect it.
  6. Disable packet transfer priority to solve a problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

Now it is better to restart the program, after which you can re-try to connect to the voice channel.

Method 6: Drawing up a letter to support

To resort to this method, we recommend only when nothing of the above has brought proper result and you still have difficulty connecting to an absolutely any voice channel. The following instruction implies an error analysis and current network status, so if you understand the WebrTC and are an advanced PC user, you can try to find the cause yourself. Regular users with the collected information remains only to apply to technical support.

Go to Webrtc Troubleshooter website

  1. You will use a special online service, go to which you can link above. To start testing, click the "Start" button.
  2. Starting packet transfer test to solve the problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  3. After a few seconds, a report with general results will appear - make a browser screenshot so that all items fall into the frame (the tab scale decreases via Ctrl +, the alternative is to use the program to create screenshots with the scroll function of the page).
  4. Package transfer test screenshot to solve an infinite connection to RTC in Discord

  5. Call Discord and start connecting to voice channel, then call the developer console through the CTRL + SHIFT + I key combination and go to the Console tab.
  6. Call the developer console to solve the problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  7. Make a screenshot again so that all the last warnings are displayed in the console.
  8. Screenshot of the developer console to solve the problem with infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

  9. Open the official Discord Support page and start making a request by selecting the topic "Fault Message".
  10. Drawing up support for support for solving an infinite connection to RTC in Discord

  11. Fill out each field in accordance with the requirements, and at the end, attach the screenshots created earlier from the site and the program itself. Send the letter and expect a response to the specified email address.
  12. Attaching screenshots when contacting support service to solve an infinite connection to the RTC in Discord

See also: Creating a screenshot on a computer or laptop

Most likely, the answer will go in a few days, but this can happen before, so check the "incoming" and category "Spam" just in case. Developers will find a solution to conflicts with other programs or prompt which settings interfere with a normal connection, which to detect and fix it is extremely difficult.

If there is a problem in the Mobile Discord application, pay attention to the 4 method and method 5, try to restart the device and reconnect to the network. If nothing helped, write to the support service, but without the relevant screenshots, specifying that you are using the mobile application and need additional instructions.

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