How to install on your computer MediaGet


How to install on your computer MediaGet

Step 1: Search for and download the installer

MediaGet program is free, so download its priority will be to use the official site. So you protect yourself from computer virus infection and will be sure that the fully loaded operating assembly. The only problem in this case - to find the site and not a fake, if you use a search engine.

  1. Open official website and, after displaying its contents, click on "Download."
  2. Installer download button to install the program on your computer MediaGet

  3. Download the installer will start immediately. After downloading, click on the file to run it.
  4. Successful download of the installer to install MediaGet to the computer

Step 2: Install the Client

Now you can install the program on your PC. This is done in a standard way, but you will need to know some of the nuances and do not rush to move to the next steps, thus confirming the changes to the operating system and the installation of additional software.

  1. Open the "Custom settings" for defining and configuring all of the changes that are made to the operating system after the MediaGet installation.
  2. Opening settings in the installer window to install MediaGet to the computer

  3. In the list that appears, tick off the items that you see fit. Be sure to add a program to the firewall exceptions, and all other parameters, choose only as desired.
  4. Selection of additional parameters in the installer window to be installed on a computer MediaGet

  5. When ready, click "Continue" to move on.
  6. Button to start the computer to install MediaGet

  7. Installation requires an Internet connection, as the installer downloads the missing files. It will take some time.
  8. The process of installing a torrent client MediaGet to the computer

  9. When displaying a partnership proposal to install antivirus, click "Do not install", if you will not add any additional software on your computer. Otherwise, confirm the installation.
  10. Refusal to install additional software when you install MediaGet torrent client on your computer

Step 3: First start

When the installation is completed successfully MediaGet, its window will open automatically. You have to perform a few simple steps, to understand the basic principles of interaction with the software.

  1. When a window «Windows Security Alert" MediaGet allow access through the Windows firewall, if it does not happen automatically.
  2. Permission for the firewall during installation MediaGet torrent client on your computer

  3. The program window will appear a small form with tips on how it works. Press "Next" to scroll the slides and get all the necessary information.
  4. The first launch MediaGet torrent client on your computer after the installation

  5. After reading all the information, click on the "understandable" to close the tips and start managing software.
  6. Familiarization with the information about how to use MediaGet torrent client on your computer after the installation

Step 4: Registration and basic settings

After the first launch MediaGet can create a personal profile and make several basic settings. Account you can store movies, games or software in the list of desirable and adds the function "will be watching" Waiting film premieres.

  1. Open the application menu by clicking on the icon with three horizontal lines to the left.
  2. The transition to the MediaGet menu to complete the registration or authorization after the installation

  3. Immediately sign in using an existing Google-account or sign up.
  4. Button to enter through a Google-account torrent client MediaGet after installation

  5. Please enter your email and password. After confirming your profile, go back to the main menu and follow the authorization.
  6. Filling out the form for registration in the torrent client MediaGet after installation

  7. Now there are three new sections to this menu: "I will watch", "Subscriptions" and "History", which greatly enhances the overall functionality of the client.
  8. New features torrent client MediaGet when the registration or authorization

  9. Following, go to "Settings" tab on the basic parameters decide whether you want to automatically launch MediaGet, what language should be the interface and whether the use of the built-in media player preferences.
  10. Basic settings torrent client MediaGet after you install it on your computer

  11. In the "Downloads" you will find guides to the speed and efficiency and be able to specify the download directory where you want to put all the downloaded files. By the way, you can import it from another torrent client to synchronize and spool files, if any.
  12. Settings file downloads in torrent client MediaGet once it is installed on the computer

Step 5: Interacting with MediaGet

MediaGet - a versatile and unique in its kind torrent client, allowing you to download different content without the use of this tracker. To find the necessary files it has built a library that has its own advantages. For example, it has a collection of movies or the best games on the case when you want to pick up something new for yourself. Details on how to interact with the program described in two other articles on our site by following links.

More information: Download the program via MediaGet games / movies

Using the mediaget torrent client on the computer after its installation is completed

Just in case, leave references and other materials related to the solution of frequently encountered problems that may even appear immediately after installing the program. Pay special attention to the Guide to Increase the boot speed, if the current indicator does not suit you.

Read more:

Does not download files in MediaGet

Is it possible to increase the download speed in MediaGet

Bug fix 32 in MediaGet

If suddenly it turned out that you no longer want to use this application on your PC, it is possible to easily remove it as the standard function of the operating system and the auxiliary means from third-party developers.

Read more: Full mediaget removal from computer

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