Why VK Music does not download video


Why VK Music does not download video

When downloading media files through the program Vkmusic. Certain errors may occur. One of these problems is not a download video. There are several reasons why this happens. Then we consider frequent mistakes, because of which the video does not download and find out how to fix them.

Program update

Most often the most reliable, but the radical decision will be updated VK Music.

Download from the official site vkmusic

You can download the program from the official site by clicking on the following link.

Download vkmusic (VK Music)

Authorization before work with download

To upload video through Vkmusic You should log in by entering your login and password VKontakte. After, media files will be loaded.

Authorization in VKTakte for VKMusic

Antivirus blocks access to network access

Installed antivirus on your computer can block the program Vkmusic Or prevent its correct launch. To solve this problem, add a program in exception or "white" list. In each antivirus, this process is performed in different ways.

Hosts cleaning file.

You should make sure that the computer has access to the network. Records in hosts (hosts) file that have made virus programs can prevent Internet connection.

To correct the situation, the cleaning of this file should be cleaned.

First you need to find hosts file and access access. The easiest way to find the hosts file is to enter the search box to my computer "HOSTS" in the search bar.

Search Hosts File for VKMusic

Open the found file through "Notepad" and go down to the bottom.

Opening Hosts File for VKMusic Program

You need to figure out how each command is decrypted so as not to delete anything superfluous. We need not comments (start from the "#" sign), and the teams (begin with numbers). The numbers in the beginning indicate IP addresses.

Example Hosts File for VKMusic

Here, any teams that begin after such lines can be harmed here: " Localhost", "# :: 1 Localhost" or ":: 1 localhost."

It is important that the commands that start with digits (except localhost) block the path to different sites. You can deal with what site is closed closed by reading the graph after the figures. In it, viruses often redirect users to fraudulent sites.

Graph after numbers for VKMusic

At the end of working with the file, you should not forget to save the changes.

Firewall blocks network access

If a built-in or independent firewall (or firewall) is activated on the computer, then it can create a barrier between the program and the Internet. Maybe, Vkmusic I called suspicion and the firewall added it to the "black" list. The program added to this list does not necessarily contain viruses. This may occur due to the fact that there are still few users of this firewall launched the updated version of the program. Therefore, the firewall is still not enough information about the installed program.

To fix the situation, you can enable the program Vkmusic Internet access.

• If you have a firewall on your computer, it should be configured by adding it by adding it. Vkmusic. In the "white" list. Of course, each firewall is configured in different ways.

• If you use a built-in firewall, then it should be found. Therefore, we go to the "Control Panel" and enter "Firewall".

Find firewall for vkmusic

Then we will configure the program Vkmusic network access. Open "Advanced Parameters".

Additional parameters for vkmusic

Next, click "Rules for Outbound Connection". We allocate our program with one click and click "Enable a rule" (on the panel on the right).

Outgoing Connection Rules for VKMusic

Thanks to such solutions, we can return the program access Vkmusic (VK Music) to the network. Also, the video will be loaded without errors.

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