How to make a glare in photoshop


How to make a glare in photoshop

On the Internet, you can find a huge amount of finished tools for applying the effect called "Blike" , just enter the appropriate request to your favorite search engine.

We will try to create your own unique effect using the imagination and capabilities of the program.

Create a glare

First you need to create a new document ( Ctrl + N. ) Any size (preferably more) and format. For example, such:

New document in photoshop

Then create a new layer.

New layer in photoshop

Fill it in black. To do this, choose the tool "Fill" , We mainly make a black color and click on the layer in the workspace.

Filling tool in Photoshop

Select colors in photoshop

Pouring in photoshop

Now go to the menu "Filter - Rendering - Blik".

Blike in photoshop

We see the filter dialog box. Here (in training purposes) setting the settings as shown in the screenshot. In the future, you can independently select the necessary parameters.

The center of the glare (cross in the middle of the effect) can be moved through the preview screen, seeking the desired result.

Blike in photoshop (2)

Upon completion of settings click "OK" Thereby applying the filter.

Blike in Photoshop (3)

The resulting glare should be discouraged by pressing the keyboard Ctrl + SHIFT + U.

Discolor a glare in photoshop

Next, it is necessary to remove unnecessary by applying the correction layer "Levels".

Corrective layer levels in Photoshop

After use, the layer properties window will automatically open. In it we make a brighter point in the center of the glare, and the halo is muffled. In this case, set the sliders about how on the screen.

Corrective layer levels in Photoshop (2)

Corrective layer levels in photoshop (3)

Give coloring

To give the color to our glare apply a correction layer "Color tone / saturation".

Give color glare

In the properties window, we put a tank opposite "Toning" And adjust the tone and saturation sliders. Brightness is desirable not to touch in order to avoid lighting the background.

Give color flare (2)

Give color glare (3)

More interesting effect can be achieved using a corrective layer. "Gradient Map".

Gradient map

In the properties window, click on the gradient and proceed to the settings.

Gradient Map (2)

In this case, the left control point corresponds to the black background, and the right is the right spotlight in the center itself.

Gradient Map (3)

Background, as you remember, it is impossible to touch. He must remain black. But everything else ...

Add a new checkpoint in about the middle of the scale. The cursor must turn into a "finger" and the corresponding hint appear. Do not worry if the first time it does not work - it happens to all.

Gradient Map (4)

Let's change the color of the new control point. To do this, click on it and call the color palette by clicking on the field specified in the screenshot.

Gradient Map (5)

Gradient Map (6)

Thus, adding control points can be achieved completely different effects.

Gradient options

Gradient options (2)

Preservation and application

Preserved finished glare just like any other pictures. But, as we can see, our image is inactively located on canvas, so I will refuse it.

Choose tool "Frame".

Frame Tool in Photoshop

Next, we seek the glare to be approximately the center of the composition, while cutting up the excess black background. Upon completion click "ENTER".

Frame tool in Photoshop (2)

Now click Ctrl + S. , In the window that opens, assign the name of the picture and specify the place to save. Format can be chosen as JPEG. , so I. PNG..

Saving glare

We have saved the glare, now let's talk about how to apply it in their works.

To use the flare simply drag it into the photoshop window to the image with which you work with.

Application flare

The picture with a glare will automatically burst under the size of the workspace (if the glare is more than the size of the image, if less, it will remain as it is). Press "ENTER".

Application Shiga (2)

In the palette we see two layers (in this case) - a layer with the original image and a layer with a glare.

Application Shiga (3)

For a layer with a glare, you must change the overlay mode on "Screen" . This technique will allow to hide the entire black background.

Application flare (4)

Application flare (5)

Please note that if the original image the background has been transparent, the result will be on the screen. This is normal, we will remove the background later.

Application flare (6)

Next you need to edit the glare, that is, to deform and move to the right place. Press the combination Ctrl + T. And the markers at the edges of the frame "squeeze" the glare vertically. In the same mode, you can move the image and turn it, taking the corner marker. Upon completion click "ENTER".

Application Shiga (7)

It should be approximately the following.

Application Glare (8)

Then create a copy of the layer with a glare, having threw it to the corresponding icon.

Application flare (9)

Application flare (10)

To the copies apply again "Free Transformation" (Ctrl + T. ), But this time we only turn it and move it.

Application flare (11)

In order to remove a black background, you must first combine the layers with highlights. To do this, clamp the key Ctrl And clicking in turn on the layers, thereby highlighting them.

Removal of the background

Then click right-click on any selected layer and select item "Combine Layers".

Removal of the background (2)

If the overlay mode for the layer with glare is assembled, then change it again on "Screen" (see above).

Next, without removing the selection from the layer with glare, clamp Ctrl and clicking in Miniature Source layer.

Removal of the background (3)

The image will appear on the contour.

Removal of the background (4)

This selection must be checked by pressing the combination Ctrl + SHIFT + I and remove background by pressing the key Del..

Removal of the background (5)

Remove the selection by combination Ctrl + D..

Ready! Thus, applying a little fantasy and techniques from this lesson, you can create your own unique glare.

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