How to connect video in a video driver



Quite often, when working with video files, a situation occurs when you need to connect multiple files or file groups. To solve such a problem, some users resort to the help of "heavy" programs, in all the senses of the word, but there is one simple program that will help make not only the video gluing, but much more.

Easy to connect the video in a video driver, the program imposes filters on them and makes a couple of things with which the user will still figure out. In the meantime, let's see how it is still to connect a few videos in the Videomaster program.

Adding elements

First of all, the user needs to add to the video program that he wants to connect. You can add files in different ways, one of which is downloading from the Internet, if you suddenly need to connect the videos in general access, but without the possibility of downloading.


Selection of action

The next step will be the choice of action on video. It is possible to trim the file, add a new, impose a filter, but we are interested only to connect. Having allocating all the necessary video files, you can safely press the "Connect" button.


Select Parameters

The user must then select the parameters that will have a new created video, combined from several previous ones.


It is worth considering that each file will be processed in the specified way, so the conversion can take a lot of time.

Place of conservation

Before the last stage, it is worth choosing a folder where you should save the video obtained as a result. The folder can be anyone as convenient to the user.



After all the actions described above, you can click on the "Convert" button. After that, the long conversion process will begin, which can last for several hours, but as a result, the user will get a big video from those parameters with which he wanted to see him.


Connect the video in the video driver is quite simple. The main difficulty of work is that the user will have to wait a large amount of time before each piece of video is processed and they all connect to one full-fledged file.

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