Hidden Google Chrome Settings


Hidden Google Chrome Settings

Google Chrome is a powerful and functional web browser, which has a lot of opportunities for fine tuning in its arsenal. However, not all users know that in the "Settings" section presents only a small part of the tools to work on improving the browser, because there are still hidden settings, which will be discussed in the article.

Many web browser updates add new features and opportunities in Google Chrome. However, such functions appear in it far from immediately - first they are tested for a long time with all those who want, and access to them can be obtained in hidden settings.

Thus, the hidden settings are the Test Settings of Google Chrome, which are currently at the development stage, therefore can be very unstable. Some parameters can suddenly disappear from the browser at any time, and some remain in the hidden menu, without falling into the main one.

How to get into the hidden settings google chrome

In the hidden settings of Google Chrome, it is easy enough: for this, using the address bar, you will need to go to the following link:

Chrome: // Flags

The screen displays a list of hidden settings, which is very extensive.

Hidden Google Chrome Settings

Pay attention to the fact that thoughtlessly change the settings in this menu is urgently not recommended because you can seriously disrupt the work of the browser.

How to use hidden settings

Activating hidden settings, as a rule, occurs by clicking near the desired button item "Turn on" . Knowing the name of the parameter, the easiest way can be found using it using a search string that can be called using a combination of keys Ctrl + F..

Hidden settings Google Chrome

In order for the changes to entered into force, you will definitely need to restart the web browser, agreeing with the program proposal or by doing this procedure yourself.

How to restart Google Chrome browser

Hidden Google Chrome Settings

Below, we will look at the list of the most interesting and relevant day of hidden settings Google Chrome, with which the use of this product will be even more comfortable.

5 hidden settings for improving Google Chrome

1. "Smooth scrolling". This mode will allow you to smoothly scroll through the mouse chain page, significantly improving the quality of web surfing.

Hidden Google Chrome Settings

2. "Quick Closing tabs / windows". Useful feature that allows you to increase the browser response time for almost instant closing of windows and tabs.

Hidden Google Chrome Settings

3. "Automatically delete the contents of the tabs." Before the adoption of this function, Google Chrome consumed a huge amount of resources, as well as at the expense of this, and spent significantly more battery charge, and in connection with this web browser, laptops and tablets refused. Now everything is much better: By activating this feature, when the memory is filling out the contents of the tab will be erected, but the tab itself will remain in place. Opening the tab again, the page will be reloaded.

Hidden Google Chrome Settings

4. "Material Design at the top of the Chrome browser" and "Material Design in the rest of the browser interface." Allows you to activate in the browser one of the most successful designs, which for several years is improved in Android OS and other Google services.

Hidden Google Chrome Settings

5. "Creating passwords." Due to the fact that each Internet user is not registered on one web resource, special attention should be paid to password reliability. This feature will allow the browser to automatically generate reliable passwords for you and automatically save them in the system (passwords are securely encrypted, so they can be calm for their safety).

Hidden Google Chrome Settings

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