How to block the site in the opera


Blocking Site Opera.

The Internet is a sea of ​​information in which the browser is a kind of ship. But sometimes you need to filter this information. Especially, the question of filtering sites with dubious content is relevant in families where there are children. Let's find out how to block the site in the opera.

Lock using extensions

Unfortunately, new versions of Chromium opera are not built-in tools for blocking sites. But, at the same time, the browser provides the ability to establish extensions that have a function of prohibiting a transition to specific web resources. For example, one of these applications is Adult Blocker. It is primarily intended to block sites containing content for adults, but it can be used as a block driver for web resources of any other character.

In order to install Adult Blocker, go to the main opera menu, and select the "Extension" item. Next, in the list that appears, click on the name "Load Extensions".

Go to loading extensions for Opera

We go to the official Opera extension site. We drive in the search bar of the resource the name of the Adult Blocker add-on, and click on the search button.

Start Search Adult Blocker Supplement for Opera

Then, go to the page of this supplement by clicking on the first name of the search results.

Go to Adult Blocker Addition Page for Opera

The Adult Blocker extension information is available on the Add-on page. If desired, it can be found with it. After that, we click on the green button "Add to Opera".

Adult Adult Blocker Supplement for Opera

The installation process begins, as indicated by the inscription on the button that has changed the color to yellow.

Installing Adult Blocker Supplement for Opera

After the installation is completed, the button changes the color again to green, and "installed" appears on it. In addition, an adult blocker extension icon appears on the toolbar in the form of a man changing color with red on black.

Adult Blocker for Opera installed

In order to start working with the Adult Blocker extension, click on its icon. A window appears, which invites us twice to enter the same arbitrary password. This is done so that no one else can remove the locks imposed by the user. Double-click the invented password, which should be remembered and click on the "Save" button. After that, the icon stops flashing, and acquires black.

Password introduction in Adult Blocker for Opera

After switching to the site to be blocked by clicking again on the Adult Blocker icon on the toolbar, and in the window that appears, press the "Black List" button.

Making the site in the black list Adult Blocker for Opera

Then, a window appears, where we need to enter a password that has been added earlier when expansion activation. We enter the password, and click on the "OK" button.

Enter password in Adult Blocker for Opera

Now, when you try to go to the site, the user will move to the page, which says that accessing this web resource is prohibited.

The site is blocked by Adult Blocker for Opera

To unlock the site, you will need to click on the large green button "Add to the White List", and enter the password. A person who does not know the password naturally unlock the web resource will not be able.

Note! In the Adult Blocker extension database, there is already a fairly large list of sites with content for adults who are blocked by default, without user intervention. If you want to unlock any of these resources, it will also need to add it to the white list, in the same way as described above.

Locking sites on old opera versions

At the same time, on the old versions of the Opera browser (up to version 12.18 inclusive) on the Presto engine had the ability to block sites with built-in tools. So far, some users prefer the browser on this engine. Find out how unwanted sites can be blocked.

We go to the main menu of the browser by clicking on its logo in the upper left corner. In the list that opens, select the "Settings" item, and, hereinafter, "General Settings". For those users who remember the hot keys well, there is an even easier way out: just dial a combination of Ctrl + F12 on the keyboard.

Go to Common Opera Settings

The general settings window opens. Go to the "Extended" tab.

Transition to the Advanced Opera Settings tab

Next, go to the "Content" section.

Go to the Opera Settings Content section

Then, click on the "Blocked content" button.

Transition to blockable content in Opera

A list of blocked sites opens. To make new, click on the Add button.

Adding a blocked site in Opera

In the form that appears, enter the address of the site, which we wish to block, press the "Close" button.

Making the address of the blocked site in Opera

Then, that the changes take force in the General Settings window, click on the "OK" button.

Saving changes to Opera settings

Now, when you try to go to the site included in the list of blocked resources, it will be unavailable for users. Instead of displaying a web resource, a message will appear that the site is locked by the contents.

Transition to the locked site in Opera

Site blocking via Hosts file

The above methods help to block any site in the Opera browser of various versions. But what to do if several browsers installed on the computer. Of course, for each of them there is a way to block unwanted content, but look for such options for all web browsers, and then each of them make all unwanted sites, very long and uncomfortable. Is there really no universal method that would allow to block the site immediately not only in the opera, but also in all other browsers? This method is.

Go using any file manager to the C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ ETC directory. We open the hosts file located there using a text editor.

Hosts file

Add a computer IP address, and the domain name of the site that is required to block, as shown in the image below. Save the contents, and close the file.

Hosts file changes

After that, when you try to enter the site, entered in the Hosts file, any user will wait for the message about the impossibility of doing this.

The site is not available to Opera

This method is good not only by the fact that it allows you to block any site simultaneously in all browsers, including in the Opera, but also by the fact that, in contrast to the option with an add-on installation, it does not allow to immediately determine the cause of the blocking. Thus, the user from which the web resource hides, it might think that the site is blocked by the provider, or simply temporarily unavailable for technical reasons.

As you can see, there are various ways to block sites in the Opera browser. But, most reliable option that guarantees that the user does not switch to a prohibited web resource, simply changing the Internet browser, is blocking through the hosts file.

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