Error installing a discard


Error installing a discard

General recommendations

If Discord is not installed on a computer, but no messages with the text of the error appear, you must first implement general recommendations. There are quite a lot of them, so we recommend starting from the first, easiest way - so you will save time and do not fulfill extra action when troubleshooting.

Read more: Error solving when installing Discord in Windows 10

Using general recommendations for making an error when installing a Discord on a computer

If you have installed one of the previous versions of the operating system, the principle of action will change slightly, since the obsolete OS sometimes there are problems with compatibility or lack of additional libraries. Winners of Windows 7 we advise you to familiarize yourself with other instructions by clicking on the following header.

Read more: Solving problems with the installation of Discord in Windows 7

Option 1: Notification with "Installation Has Failed"

"Installation Has Failed" is one of the most popular errors that appear when trying to install a computer on a computer. Her text suggests that the installation failed, but he does not reveal the reason, so it will have to look for themselves. The easiest option is to check the processes and clear the files of the previous version of the program, but this may not help. Then you have to apply more complex ways or even go to the beta version, testing it in the operating system.

Read more: Error solving "Installation Has Failed" when installing Discord on a computer

Using Recommendations To solve an Installation HAS FAILED error when installing Discord on a computer

Option 2: The appearance of the message "Update Failed"

It would seem that the installation was successful, but at the first launch of the messenger, an error with the text "Update Failed" appears, which indicates that attempt to upload the last update ended with failure. Usually, those users who have installed the previous version of the program on their PCs are faced with such a problem, and it launched an automatic update at startup, but could not install the files found. There are integer six different methods for solving this situation, and you will learn about them further.

Read more: Error Solution "Update Failed" when running Discord

Using Recommendations To solve the Update Failed error when installing Discord on a computer

Option 3: Error with kernel32.dll

The full text of the error looks like "the entry point in the procedure in the Kernel32.dll library is not found." The mentioned file is systemic, so do not think that it is simply absent in Windows and can be downloaded from third-party sites. First, many of these web resources spread viruses under the guise of dynamically executed libraries, secondly, it is unlikely to bring due results, since the file is in the OS, but for some reason it does not work. To understand this will help another article on our website.

Read more: Solving the problem with kernel32.dll

Using Recommendations To solve the Kernel32.dll error when installing Discord on a computer

Option 4: No d3dcompiler_47.dll

The lack of the d3dcompiler_47.dll file, which is part of the additional DirectX component, can also cause problems with installing the discord to the computer. Winners of Windows 10 rarely face this error, because all the necessary libraries are installed automatically, but in "seven" such a notification is not uncommon. You can solve this error by both the download of this file and the installation of the entire library.

Read more: Correction of problems with the lack of d3dcompiler_47.dll

Using Recommendations to solve the D3DCOMPILER_47.DLL error when installing Discord on a computer

Option 5: Error "Error 502"

Error with code 502 indicates that establishing a connection when trying to establish communication with the messenger services failed. It may appear as during installation, already when using software. To solve it, there are several available methods that we want to consider further.

Method 1: Checking Discord Server Status

There is a possibility that the error under consideration is global and concerns all Discord servers. Before moving to manipulations with your computer, we recommend checking this assumption by completing only some simple actions.

  1. To begin with, open the official Discord page in any browser and wait for it to download. If the contents are displayed correctly, go to the next step. If you saw a 502 error in such a representation, as shown in the following screenshot, it means that the discord does not work and need to wait for the fault of the problem to developers, which usually takes no longer a few hours.
  2. Server Verification for Error Solving Error 502 when installing Discord on a computer

  3. Use the link below to go to the Discord Downtector website, where press the button to report the problem when installing Discord.
  4. Go to the site of Discord Downtector

    Error message send button to solve error error 502 when installing Discord on a computer

  5. You will receive a notice that your report has been successfully sent, after which you can close the pop-up window.
  6. Notifying an error message to solve error Error 502 when installing Discord on a computer

  7. After that, familiarize yourself with that anyone also sends reports about the problem in the work of the messenger. If now there are many of them, it means that you are not the only facing difficulties - it is worth waiting until they are corrected by the developers.
  8. Check the latest error reports to solve Error 502 error when installing Discord on a computer

  9. Below you can find out what the difficulties of most users who left the site appear with the difficulties.
  10. Checking error types to solve error Error 502 when installing Discord on a computer

Method 2: Disable Windows Firewall

Usually, the Windows Defender Firewall does not have a negative effect on the Discord Installation, but the situation changes if the changes for this component were made manually or by the system administrator. Even if you are sure that they didn't change anything, you still advise you to turn off the firewall and re-run the installation, checking whether the error 502 will disappear.

Read more: Turn off the firewall in Windows 10

Disable firewall to solve error Error 502 when installing Discord on a computer

Method 3: DNS Kesha Reset

Sometimes the error in question is related to the problems of indexing domain addresses, which is when using DNS on the computer. Different addresses are stored in his cache, because of which some becomes a problem. This may cause problems with installing the program, since the transition to its server is simply not implemented.

  1. Open the "Start", find the "Command Line" application there and run it.
  2. Run a command line to solve error Error 502 when installing Discord on a computer

  3. Enter the IPConfig / Flushdns command and activate it by pressing ENTER.
  4. Enter a command to reset the cache to solve error Error 502 when installing Discord on a computer

  5. Wait for the appearance of information that the cache of the DNS comparable is successfully cleaned, then close the console, restart the computer and repeat the Discord setting.
  6. Successful application of a cache reset command to solve Error 502 error when installing Discord on a computer

Option 6: Error "A JavaScript Error OccurRed in The Main Process"

This problem is extremely rare, and only two methods are known that will actually help correct it. The first is to delete residual files of the previous version of Discord, and the second is to clean the PC from the garbage files, which interfere with the start of the JavaScript process.

Method 1: Cleaning Residual Discord Files

With a regular removal of the messenger, not all files are cleaned automatically - other directory and items remain in the user folders. They will have to be found and deleted independently by following the following instructions.

  1. Open the "Run" utility using the Win + R key combination to do this. Enter the% Localappdata% there and press ENTER to use the command.
  2. Switch to the folder with residual files to solve an error A JavaScript Error Occurred in The Main Process when installing Discord on a computer

  3. Find the "Discord" folder in the window that appears and right-click on it.
  4. Search for the first folder with residual files to solve an error A JavaScript Error Occurred in the Main Process when installing Discord on a computer

  5. From the context menu that appears, select Delete.
  6. Deleting the first folder with residual files to solve an error A JavaScript Error OccurRD in the main process when installing a Discord on a computer

  7. Run "Run" again, but this time go to% appdata%.
  8. Go to the second folder with other files to solve an error A JavaScript Error Occurred in The Main Process when installing a Discord on a computer

  9. Lay there a directory with the same name and also delete it.
  10. Removing the second folder with residual files to solve an error A JavaScript Error OccurRed in The Main Process when installing a Discord on a computer

It remains only to restart the computer so that all changes take into force and you can re-run the installation of the messenger, checking whether the error under consideration disappears.

Method 2: Cleaning PCs from garbage

The effectiveness of this method is extremely controversial, but still it helps some users who collided with the error "A JavaScript Error Occurred in The Main Process". You can use completely any software for cleaning the garbage, but we recommend looking at the free version of CCleaner, we are talking about in another article on our website.

Read more: How to clean the computer from garbage using the CCleaner program

PC Cleaning from garbage to solve an error A JavaScript Error OccurRed in The Main Process when installing Discord on a computer

Of course, nothing prevents from choosing another program if the proposed for some reason does not fit. Check out the list of available and most popular in full-format review by clicking on the following header.

Read more: PC cleaning programs from garbage

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