How to remove background noise in skype


Background Noise in Skype

During the conversation in the Skype program, it is not rare to hear backgrounds, and other extraneous noises. That is, you, or your interlocutor, is heard not only the conversation, but any noise in the room of another subscriber. If there are also sound interference to this, then the conversation generally turns into torture. Let's figure out how to remove background noise, and other sound interference in Skype.

Basic rules of conversation

First of all, to minimize the negative impact of extraneous noise, you need to adhere to certain rules of the conversation. At the same time, both interlocutors must be observed, otherwise the effectiveness of actions decreases sharply. Store the following recommendations:
  • If possible, place the microphone away from the speakers;
  • Yourself as close as possible to the microphone;
  • Do not bring the microphone to various noise sources;
  • Make the sound of speakers as quieter: not louder than you need in order to hear the interlocutor;
  • If possible, remove all sources of noise;
  • If possible, use not built-in headphones and speakers, but a specialized plug-in headset.

Adjusting Skype settings

At the same time, to minimize the effect of background noise, you can make adjustment of the settings of the program itself. Consistently go through the Skype application menu items - "Tools" and "Settings ...".

Go to Skype settings

Next, we move to the subsection "Sound Settings".

Transition to Sound Setup in Skype

Here we will work with the settings in the Microphone block. The fact is that by default in Skype installed automatic adjustment of the microphone volume. This means that when you start to speak quieter, the volume of the microphone increases when louder - it decreases when they are slaughtered - the volume of the microphone reaches the maximum, and therefore it starts to capture all the extraneous noises that fill your room. Therefore, we remove a tick from the "Allow automatic microphone setting" settings, and translate its volume into the position you need. It is recommended to install it approximately in the center.

Disable automatic microphone setup in Skype

Reinstalling drivers

If your interlocutors are constantly complaining about unnecessary noises, you should try to reinstall the drivers of the recording device. At the same time, you need to install only microphone manufacturer drivers. The fact is that sometimes, especially when updating the system, the manufacturer driver can be replaced with standard Windows drivers, and it is quite negatively affecting the operation of the devices.

The original drivers can be installed from the device mounting disk (if it remains you), or download from the manufacturer's official website.

If you adhere to all the above recommendations, it will be guaranteed to help reduce background noise levels. But, you should not forget that the sound of sound distortion can be problems on the other subscriber. In particular, he can have faulty speakers, or problems with sound card drivers.

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