How to change the language in the Word: detailed instructions


How to change the language in the Word

When users wonder how to change the language in Word, in 99.9% of cases it is not about changing the keyboard layout. The latter, as is known, in the entire system is carried out by one combination - by pressing the ALT + SHIFT keys or Ctrl + Shift, depending on what you have selected in the language settings. And, if with switching the layout, everything is simple and understandable, then with the change of the interface language, everything is more complicated. Especially if you have a language interface in the Word, which you do not quite understand.

In this article, we will look at how to change the language of the interface from English into Russian. In the same case, if you need to perform the opposite action, it will be even easier. In any case, the main thing is to remember the position of the items that you need to choose (if you do not know the language at all). So, proceed.

Changing the interface language in the program settings

1. Open Word and go to the menu "File" ("File").

Menu File in Word

2. Go to the section "Options" ("Options").

Open parameters in Word

3. In the settings window, select "Language" ("Language").

Word Options.

4. Scroll through the parameter window to item "DISPLAY LANGUAGE" ("Interface language").

5. Select "RUSSIAN" ("Russian") or any other you want to use in the program as a language interface. Press the button "Set As Default" ("Default") located under the selection window.

Select interface language in Word

6. Tap "OK" For closing the window "Parameters" , restart the applications from the package "Microsoft Office".

Language is changed in Word

Note: The interface language will be changed to your chosen for all programs that are part of the Microsoft office package.

Changing the Interface Language for MS Office Silent Versions

Some Microsoft Official versions are single-speaking, that is, they support only one interface language and cannot be changed in the settings. In this case, you should download the necessary language package from the Microsoft website and install it on your computer.

Download Language Package

1. Follow the link above and in paragraph "STEP 1" Select the language you want to use in Word as the default interface language.

2. In the table, which is located under the language selection window, select the version for download (32 bits or 64 bits):

  • Download (x86);
  • Download (x64).

Office Support

3. Wait until downloading the language pack on the computer, install it (for this it is enough to start the installation file).

Note: The installation of the Language Package occurs in automatic mode and takes some time, so you have to wait a bit.

After the language pack will be installed on the computer, start the Word and change the interface language, following the instructions described in the previous section of this article.

Lesson: Spell check in Word

That's all, now you know how to change the language of the interface.

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