Steam does not see the Internet


Steam does not see the Internet

Not rare Steam users meet with a problem when there is an internet connection, browsers work, but the client will not ship the page and writes that there is no connection. Often, this error appears after the customer is updated. In this article we will look at the causes of the problem and how to fix them.

Technical work is carried out

Perhaps the problem is not with you, but on the side of Valve. It may be that you tried to go to the moment when preventive work is carried out or the server are loaded. In order to make sure this visit Page Statistics Steam And look at the number of visits lately.

Steam update

In this case, nothing depends on you and you just need to wait a bit until the problem is solved.

The changes have not been applied to the router.

Perhaps after the update, the changed change was not applied to the modem and router.

You can fix everything just - turn off the modem and router, wait a few seconds and connect again.

Reloading router

Blocking Steam Firewall

Of course, when you first run Steam after the update, it requests permission to connect to the Internet. You may have denied access to him and now Windows Firewall blocks the client.

It is necessary to add steam to exceptions. Consider how to do it:

  1. In the Start menu, click on the "Control Panel" and in the list that appears, find the Windows Firewall.

    Windows Firewall

  2. Then, in the window that opens, select "Configuration Permissions with Annex or Component in Windows Firewall".
  3. Windows_2 firewall

  4. A list of applications that have Internet access will open. Find vers on this list and check it with a check mark.

    Firewall Connection Permission

Computer infection with virus

Perhaps lately you installed any software from unreliable sources and the virus got into the system.

You need to check the computer for spyware, advertising and viral software using any antivirus.

Full check in the Avira program

Changing the contents of the Hosts file

Purpose of this system file - assigning certain addresses of certain IP sites. This file is very loved by all kinds of viruses and malware in order to register their data in it or simply replace it. The result of changing the contents of the file may be blocking some sites, in our case, the STEAM lock.

In order to clear the host, go through the specified path or simply enter it in the conductor:

C: / Windows / Systems32 / Drivers / etc

Now find the file with the name hosts and open it with the "Notepad". To do this, click on the file with the right mouse button and select "Open with ...". In the list of proposed programs, find "Notepad".



Hosts file may be invisible. In this case, you need to go to the folder settings and in the "View" point to turn on the display of hidden items.

Display of hidden elements

Now you need to delete all the contents of this file and insert this text:

# Copyright (C) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp.


# This is a sample hosts file Used by Microsoft TCP / IP for Windows.


# THIS File Contains The Mappings of IP Addresses to Host Names. Each.

# Entry Should Be Kept On An Individual Line. The IP Address Should

# Be Placed in the Corresponding Host Name # Be Placed In The First Column Followed by the CRESPONDING HOST NAME

# The IP Address and The Host Name Should Be Separated by At Least One

# Space.


# Additionally, Comments (Such As These) May Be Inserted on Individual

# Lines or Following The Machine Name Denoted by A '#' Symbol.




# # Source Server

# # x client host

# Localhost Name Resolution Is Handle Within DNS ItSelf.

# Localhost

# :: 1 Localhost

Programs that conflict with Steam are running

Any antivirus program, apps against spyware, firewalls and protection applications can potentially block access games to the Steam client.

Add Steam to the Anti-Virus Exceptions list or temporarily disconnect it.

There is also a list of programs that it is recommended to delete, since their disconnection is not enough to solve the problem:

  • AVG Anti-Virus
  • Iobit Advanced System Care
  • NOD32 Anti-Virus
  • Webroot Spy Sweeper.
  • NProtect Gameguard

Damage to Steam files

During the last update, some files required for the customer's work were damaged. Also, the files could be damaged under the influence of the virus or other third-party software.

  1. Complete the client and go to the folder in which Steam is installed. By default, this is:

    C: \ Program Files \ Steam \

  2. Then find the files titled steam.dll and clientRegistry.blob. You need to delete them.

    Steam root folder

Now, when you start the verse next time, the client will check the cache integrity and will load missing files.

Steam is incompatible with the router

The operation of the router in the DMZ mode is not supported by Steam and can lead to problems with the connection. In addition, wireless connections Not recommended For games on the network, since such compounds are very dependent on the environment.

  1. Close the steam client application
  2. Walk a router by connecting your car directly to the output from the modem
  3. Restart Steam

If you still want to use a wireless connection, you need to configure the router. If you are a confident PC user, then you can do it yourself, following the instructions on the manufacturer's official website. Otherwise, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

We hope, with the help of this article, you managed to return the client to the working condition. But if none of these methods helped, then perhaps it is worth thinking about the appeal to Steam's technical support.

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