How to check for originality samsung phone


How to check for originality samsung phone

Method 1: An assessment of the visual state

The easiest version of the originality is an attentive inspection of the phone externally, since there are a number of features for which you can define a fake.

Important! You should not pay attention to the box of the device: Many scammers simply acquire the original packaging in which a falsified sample is placed!

  1. If you have the opportunity, carefully inspect the device, hold it in your hands, it is also worth helping and twist. For a fake device, the quality of the materials and the assembly of the case, as a rule, are not reaching the original: the backlats will be noticeable, symptoms, and instead of glass - imitating its plastic. The latter can be felt tactile: the glass is very smooth and cool to the touch, from heat of the hands heats up slightly, while the plastic is often rough and has a different texture.
  2. Check the instance case for checking on the originality of the Samsung phone

  3. Most modern models from Samsung, including budget, are installed OLED matrices that work otherwise than the screens created using LCD IPS technology. The main difference is to display a black color: if you open a completely black picture on the IPS display, the backlight will be visible in the dark room, whereas in amoled this color is achieved simply by turning off the organic LEDs, and this screen should not be shone. Therefore, the inspection of the display is almost a trouble-free method for determining the fake, since the OLED panels are practically not found in fakes.
  4. Examine the screen for checking the originality of the Samsung phone

  5. Inspect the quantity and quality of the inscriptions on the device's housing: Replicas are trying to simulate them as much as possible, but due to differences in the technologies used, it is completely copied only in separate instances. Find on the Internet high-quality photos of the original model or read the apparatus exhibition sample in a large electronics store, and carefully follow the text on the housing with your instance - inscriptions in not places, another font or with the symbol replacement means a fake sample.
  6. View the inscription on the case for checking on the originality of the Samsung phone

    Visual inspection (especially steps 2) in most cases enough to solve the task.

Method 2: Check by

If the visual inspection did not give anything, you can use the diagnostic software.

Important! In the firmware of many fakes, khaki can be sewn, which allow you to deceive a variety of benchmarks and applications for checking hardware components, so you should not rely on them 100%!

  1. The main step of checking the software of a dubbing device is to find out if there are branded applications and SAMSUNG applications in the firmware. These are part of the operating system, and it is almost impossible to install them separately, as well as making a custom version to install on any other Android smartphone. The main indicator will be the Samsung Pay application - on the original devices from the Korean corporation, it looks like this:

    Installed Samsung Pay application for checking on the originality of the Samsung phone

    If this is no one or the label of its launch causes something else - your instance is most likely fake.

  2. If there is no way to check for yourself, ask the seller to send you screenshots with the system interface in Russian. Of course, in the original device there should be no inaccuracies, a strange font or untranslated items.
  3. Compare the appearance of devices for checking on the originality of the Samsung phone

  4. In most of the original Samsung production devices, service codes for embedded diagnostic tools will work - this may be the following sequences:

    * # 7353 # *;


    * # * # 47328640 # * # *;

    * # * # 4636 # * # *;

    # 12580369 #.

    If entering any of these codes in an application "Quality" does not lead to anything - the specimen is definitely simple.

  5. Use service code to check on the originality of the Samsung phone

    The software test method is also good, but it is not always possible to use it effectively.

General advice

We also give a list of recommendations that will help you to protect yourself from the acquisition of fake.

  1. When buying a device with hands, insist on a personal meeting, and if this is not possible for objective reasons - agree on checking after purchasing and reverse, if the product is doubt.
  2. Do not be fooled on offers with a price that is significantly lower than the average market - as a rule, this is a unambiguous fake indicator.
  3. If you get a gadget in the online store, we recommend reading about it. Feedback (lack of such or solid positive - alarming call) and check whether there are no cases of fraud - if the latter is mentioned, it is better to search for offers from another seller.
  4. The most important rule is to trust intuitions: if the goods cause you at least the slightest doubts, it is worthwhile for the search for another option.
  5. The implementation of these recommendations and the use of the above inspection instructions will significantly reduce the chances of running into fake.

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