How to raise a degree in Excel


Establishment in Microsoft Excel

The erection of the number is a standard mathematical action. It is applied in various calculations, both for training purposes and in practice. The Excel program has built-in tools for counting this value. Let's see how to use them in various cases.

Lesson: How to put a degree sign in Microsoft Word

Construction of numbers

In Excel, there are simultaneously several ways to build a number. This can be done with the help of a standard symbol, a function, or applying some, not quite ordinary, action options.

Method 1: Construction using a symbol

The most popular and well-known way of building a number in Excel is the use of a standard symbol "^" for these purposes. The formula template for erection looks like this:

= x ^ n

In this formula, X is the erected number, n is the degree of construction.

  1. For example, to build a number 5 to the fourth degree. We in any cell of the sheet or in the formula string we produce the following entry:

    = 5 ^ 4

  2. Formula of the exercise in Microsoft Excel

  3. In order to make the calculation and display its results on the computer screen, click on the ENTER button on the keyboard. As we see, in our particular case, the result will be equal to 625.

The result of the exercise in Microsoft Excel

If the construction is an integral part of a more complex calculation, the procedure is made under the general laws of mathematics. That is, for example, in example 5 + 4 ^ 3, Excel immediately performs the extermination of the number 4, and then addition.

Example with multiple valida in Microsoft Excel

In addition, using the Operator "^" you can build not only conventional numbers, but also the data contained in a specific range of sheets.

Erected in the sixth degree contents of the cell A2.

  1. In any free place on the sheet, write the expression:

    = A2 ^ 6

  2. Content of the contents of the cell in Microsoft Excel

  3. Click on the ENTER button. As we can see, the calculation was performed correctly. Since in the cell A2 there was a number 7, the result of the calculation was 117649.
  4. The result of the construction of the Cell content in Microsoft Excel

  5. If we want to build a whole column of numbers into the same degree, then it is not necessary to record the formula for each value. Just burn it for the first line of the table. Then you just need to bring the cursor to the lower right corner of the cell with the formula. Fill marker will appear. Press the left mouse button and stretch it to the bottom of the table.

Copying the formula using the selection marker in Microsoft Excel

As you can see, all the values ​​of the desired interval were erected into the specified degree.

Calculation results in Microsoft Excel

This method is most and convenient as possible, and therefore so popular with users. It is it that is used in the overwhelming majority of calculations.

Lesson: Work with Formulas in Excel

Lesson: How to make autocomplete in Excel

Method 2: Application function

Excel also has a special feature for this calculation. It is called - a degree. Its syntax looks like this:

= Degree (number; degree)

Consider its application on a specific example.

  1. Click on the cell, where we plan to display the result of the calculation. Click on the "Paste Function" button.
  2. Go to the Master of Functions in Microsoft Excel

  3. Wizard opens. In the list of items looking for a "degree" record. After you find, we highlight it and press the "OK" button.
  4. Transition to the arguments of the function of the degree in Microsoft Excel

  5. The argument window opens. This operator has two arguments - the number and degree. Moreover, as the first argument, it can act as numerical meaning and cell. That is, actions are made by analogy with the first way. If the cell's address is set as the first argument, it is enough to put the mouse cursor in the "number" field, and then click on the desired area of ​​the sheet. After that, the numeric value stored in it will appear in the field. Theoretically, the cell's address can also be used in the "degree" field as an argument, but in practice it is rarely applicable. After all the data is entered in order to make a calculation, press the "OK" button.

Arguments Functions in Microsoft Excel

Following this, the result of the calculation of this function is displayed in place, which was allocated in the first step of the actions described.

The result of calculating the degree in Microsoft Excel

In addition, the argument window can be called by turning into the "Formulas" tab. On the tape, press the "Mathematical" button, located in the "Function Library" toolbar. In the list of available items that opens, you need to select "degree". After that, the arguments window will start.

Calling Functions through the tape in Microsoft Excel

Users who have a certain experience may not cause a wizard of functions, but simply enter the formula into a cell after the "=" sign, according to its syntax.

This method is more complicated than the previous one. Its use can be justified if the calculation must be made within the borders of the composite function consisting of several operators.

Lesson: Wizard Functions in Excel

Method 3: Establishment through the root

Of course, this method is not quite usual, but it can also be resorted if you need to build a number of 0.5. We will analyze this case on a specific example.

We need to build 9 into a degree of 0.5 or differently - ½.

  1. Select the cell into which the result will be displayed. Click on the "Paste Function" button.
  2. Insert a feature in Microsoft Excel

  3. In the operating window of the Wizard Functions, looking for the element of the root. We highlight it and press the "OK" button.
  4. Go to the arguments of the root function in Microsoft Excel

  5. The argument window opens. The only argument of the root function is the number. The function itself performs the extraction of a square root from the introduced number. But, since the square root is identical to the exercise to the degree ½, then this option is just suitable for us. In the "Number" field, we enter the number 9 and click on the "OK" button.
  6. Arguments function root in Microsoft Excel

  7. After that, the result is calculated in the cell. In this case, it is equal to 3. It is precisely this number that is the result of the construction of 9 into the degree of 0.5.

The result of calculating the root function in Microsoft Excel

But, of course, this method of calculation resorts quite rarely, using the more well-known and intuitive options for calculations.

Lesson: How to calculate the root in the exale

Method 4: recording a number with a degree in a cell

This method does not provide for the implementation of computing. It is applicable only when you just need to write a number with a degree in the cell.

  1. We format the cell to which the entry will be made in the text format. We highlight it. Being in the EM tab "Home" on the ribbon in the "Number" toolbar, click on the drop-down list of format selection list. We click on the "Text".
  2. Select text format in Microsoft Excel

  3. In one cell, write the number and its degree. For example, if we need to write three to the second degree, then write "32".
  4. Record number and degree in Microsoft Excel

  5. We put the cursor to the cell and allocate only the second digit.
  6. Selection of the second digit in Microsoft Excel

  7. By pressing the CTRL + 1 key combination, call the formatting window. Install a tick near the "Fast" parameter. Click on the "OK" button.
  8. Formatting window in Microsoft Excel

  9. After these manipulations, the specified number is reflected on the screen.

Number to degree in Microsoft Excel

Attention! Despite the fact that the number to the degree in the cell will be displayed in the cell, Excel perceives it as ordinary text, and not a numerical expression. Therefore, for calculations, this option cannot be applied. For these purposes, a standard degree record is used in this program - "^".

Lesson: How to change cell format in Excel

As you can see, in the Excel program there are several ways to cross the number. In order to choose a specific option, first of all, you need to decide why you need an expression. If you need to build an expression to write an expression in a formula or simply to calculate the value, then it is convenient to record through the "^" symbol. In some cases, you can apply the degree function. If you need to build a number of 0.5, then it is possible to use the root function. If the user wants to visually display a power expression without computational actions, then formatting will come to the rescue.

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