Formula division in Excele: 6 simple options


Division in Microsoft Excel

In Microsoft Excel, division can be made both with the help of formulas and using functions. Delimacy and divisor acts the numbers and addresses of cells.

Method 1: division number for the number

Excel sheet can be used as a kind of calculator, simply sharing one number to another. The sign of the division protrudes the slash (reverse line) - "/".

  1. We become in any free cell of the sheet or in the formula string. We put the sign "equal" (=). We recruit a dividious number from the keyboard. Put the sign of division (/). We recruit a divider from the keyboard. In some cases, dividers are more than one. Then, before each divider, we put a slash (/).
  2. Formula division in Microsoft Excel

  3. In order to make the calculation and output its result on the monitor, we make the click on the ENTER button.

The result of dividing in Microsoft Excel

After that, the excel will calculate the formula and to the specified cell will output the result of calculations.

If the calculation is made with several characters, then the order of their execution is made by the program according to the laws of mathematics. That is, first of all, division and multiplication is performed, and then addition and subtraction.

As is known, dividing on 0 is an incorrect action. Therefore, with such an attempt to make such a calculation in Excele in the cell, the result "# Del / 0!" Will appear.

Division at zero in Microsoft Excel

Lesson: Work with Formulas in Excel

Method 2: Dividing the contents of cells

Also in Excel, you can divide the data in the cells.

  1. We allocate in the cell into which the result of the calculation will be displayed. We put in it the sign "=". Further, click on the place where Delimi is located. This address appears in the formula row after the sign "equal." Next, you set the "/" sign from the keyboard. Click on the cell in which the divider is located. If divisters are somewhat, as in the previous way, we specify them all, and before their addresses put the sign of division.
  2. Division of Numbers in Cells in Microsoft Excel

  3. In order to make an action (division), click on the "ENTER" button.

The division of numbers in the cells is made in Microsoft Excel

You can also combine, as a divide or divider using simultaneous cell addresses and static numbers.

Method 3: Column division on column

To calculate in the tables, the values ​​of one column are often required to divide the second column data. Of course, you can share the value of each cell in the way that is indicated above, but you can make this procedure much faster.

  1. Select the first cell in the column where the result should be displayed. We put the sign "=". Click on the divide cell. We recruit the sign "/". Click on the divider cell.
  2. Delivery in Table in Microsoft Excel

  3. Click on the ENTER button to calculate the result.
  4. The result of fission in the table in Microsoft Excel

  5. So, the result is calculated, but only for one row. In order to calculate in other lines, you need to perform the above steps for each of them. But you can significantly save your time by simply by performing one manipulation. Set the cursor to the lower right corner of the cell with the formula. As you can see, an icon appears in the form of a cross. It is called the filling marker. Click the left mouse button and pull the fill marker down to the end of the table.

Autocomplete in Microsoft Excel

As we can see, after this action, the procedure for dividing one column on the second will be fully implemented, and the result is removed in a separate column. The fact is that through the filling marker, the formula is copied to the lower cells. But, taking into account the fact that by default, all references are relative, and not absolute, then in the formula, as it moves down, the addresses of the cells are changed relative to the initial coordinates. Namely, this is necessary for us for a particular case.

Decision column on column in Microsoft Excel

Lesson: How to make autocomplete in Excel

Method 4: Decision column on a constant

There are cases when it is necessary to divide the column on the same constant number - a constant, and withdraw the amount of division into a separate column.

  1. We put the sign "equal" in the first cell of the total column. Click on a divisible cell of this string. Put a sign of division. Then manually with the keyboard put the desired number.
  2. Cell division at the MICROSOFT Excel constant

  3. Click on the ENTER button. The result of the calculation for the first string is displayed on the monitor.
  4. The result of dividing the cell on a constant in Microsoft Excel

  5. In order to calculate values ​​for other lines, as in the previous time, call the fill marker. In exactly the same way, stretch it down.

Filling marker in Microsoft Excel

As we see, this time the division is also correct. In this case, when copying data, the reference marker again remained relative. The dividend address for each row automatically changed. But the divider is in this case a constant number, which means that the property of relativity does not apply to it. Thus, we divided the contents of the column cells to the constant.

The result of dividing column on a constant in Microsoft Excel

Method 5: Column Decision on the Cell

But what to do if you need to divide the column on the contents of one cell. After all, according to the principle of relativity of references, the coordinates of the divide and divider will be shifted. We need to make the address of the cell with the divider fixed.

  1. Install the cursor to the highest column cell to display the result. We put the sign "=". Click on the placement of the divide, in which there is a variable value. We put slash (/). Click on a cell in which a permanent divider is located.
  2. Decision to a fixed cell in Microsoft Excel

  3. In order to make a reference to the absolute divider, that is, constant, put a dollar sign ($) in the formula in front of the coordinates of this cell vertically and horizontally. Now this address will remain when copying the fill marker is unchanged.
  4. Absolute link to the cell in Microsoft Excel

  5. We click on the ENTER button to display the calculation results on the first line on the screen.
  6. The result of calculating in Microsoft Excel

  7. Using the filling marker, copy the formula into the remaining column cells with a general result.

Copying the formula in Microsoft Excel

After that, the result is ready for the entire column. As we can see, in this case, the column was divided into a cell with a fixed address.

Plugging column on a fixed cell in Microsoft Excel

Lesson: Absolute and relative links to Excel

Method 6: Private function

Delivery in Excele can also be performed using a special function called private. The peculiarity of this feature is that it divides, but without a residue. That is, when using this method of dividing the result, there will always be an integer. At the same time, rounding is made not according to the generally accepted mathematical rules to the nearest integer, but to a smaller module. That is, the number 5.8 function rounds not up to 6, and to 5.

Let's see the application of this feature on the example.

  1. Click on the cell, where the result of the calculation will be displayed. Click on the "Insert function" button to the left of the formula string.
  2. Move to the Master of Functions in Microsoft Excel

  3. Wizard opens. In the list of functions that it provides us, we are looking for an element "Private". We highlight it and press the "OK" button.
  4. Private function in Microsoft Excel

  5. Opened window arguments open. This feature has two arguments: numerator and denominator. They are introduced into the fields with the corresponding names. In the "Numerator" field we enter Delimi. In the "Danger" field - a divider. You can enter both specific numbers and the addresses of the cells in which the data is located. After all values ​​are entered, press the "OK" button.

Private function arguments in Microsoft Excel

After these actions, the Private feature makes data processing and gives an answer to the cell, which was indicated in the first step of this division method.

Performance function calculation in Microsoft Excel

This feature can also be entered manually without using the wizard. Its syntax looks like this:

= Private (numerator; denominator)

Lesson: Wizard Functions in Excel

As we see, the main way of dividing in the Microsoft Office program is the use of formulas. The declining symbol in them is the slash - "/". At the same time, for certain purposes, it is possible to use a private function in the division. But, it is necessary to take into account that when calculating in this way, the difference is obtained without a residue, an integer. At the same time, rounding is made not by generally accepted standards, but to a smaller module in an integer.

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