How to download torrent


Download video

Now few people have not heard of content loading through torrents. Currently, this type of download is the most popular on the network. At the same time, there are novice users who are poorly disassembled in how to download video through torrent, or a file of any other format. Let's look at a specific example, how to download videos using the simplest TRANSMISSION client, which has a minimum of available features.

Adding torrent to the program

After starting the TRANSMISSION application, we need to open a file that has previously downloaded from the tracker to the hard disk of the computer.

Opening torrent file in the Transmission program

Select a torrent file that contains the location addresses in the BitTorrent network of the roller you need.

Select torrent file in Transmission program

After that, the window opens that offers add download. Before starting the download, we can choose the future location of the downloadable file, and also set its priority (normal, high or low).

Adding a torrent file to the TRANSMISSION program

Loading video

After we have added a torrent file to the transmission program, the video download automatically starts. About what is the percentage of content loaded to the hard disk of the computer, we can judge by the graphical indicator of the injection progress.

Loading video in the TRANSMISSION program

Opening a folder with video

About when the file is fully loaded, the download indicator will tell us that completely paint in green. Then, we can open the folder in which the boot video file is located. In order to do this, you need to right-click on the download bar, and select the Open folder item in the menu that appears.

Opening a folder with downloaded videos in the TRANSMISION program

Read also: download programs for torrents

As you can see, the download of video through the torrent does not represent anything complicated. This is especially easy to do with Transmission, whose interface is not overloaded by any additional features complicating work.

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