How to hide the formula in Excel


Hiding formulas in Microsoft Excel

Sometimes, when creating a document with calculations, the user needs to hide the formulas from foreign eyes. First of all, such a necessity is caused by the reluctance of the user, so that a stranger understands the structure of the document. The Excel program has the opportunity to hide formulas. We will understand how this can be done in various ways.

Ways to hide the formula

It's no secret that if there is a formula in the Excel table, it can be seen in the formula row by simply highlighting this cell. In certain cases, this is undesirable. For example, if the user wants to hide information about the structure of computing or simply does not want these calculations to change. In this case, a logical action will hide the function.

Formula in Microsoft Excel

There are two main ways to do it. The first of them is the hide of the cell content, the second way is more radical. When using it, the ban on the selection of cells is prescribed.

Method 1: Hiding Content

This method most accurately corresponds to the tasks that are delivered in this topic. When using it, only the contents of the cells are hidden, but no additional restrictions are imposed.

  1. We highlight the range, the contents of which you need to hide. Right-click on the selected area. The context menu opens. Select the item "Format cells". You can do somewhat differently. After selecting the range, simply dial the CTRL + 1 keys on the keyboard. The result will be the same.
  2. Transition to cell format in Microsoft Excel

  3. The "Cell Format" window opens. Go to the "Protection" tab. Install a tick near the "Hide Formulas" item. Tick ​​from the "Protected Cell" parameter can be removed if you do not plan to block the range from the changes. But, most often, protection against changes is just the main task, and the hide of formulas is optional. Therefore, in most cases, both ticks are left active. Click on the "OK" button.
  4. Format cells in Microsoft Excel

  5. After the window is closed, go to the "Review" tab. We click on the "Protect Sheet" button located in the "Change tool" block on the tape.
  6. A window opens, in the field of which you want to enter an arbitrary password. It will take if you want to remove protection in the future. All other settings are recommended to leave the default. Then you should click on the "OK" button.
  7. Enter password in Microsoft Excel

  8. Another window opens, in which the previously entered password should be re-dial. This is done to ensure that the user, due to the introduction of an incorrect password (for example, in a modified layout), did not lose access to the sheet change. Also, after entering the key expression, press the "OK" button.

After these actions, the formulas will be hidden. In the line formulas of the protected range, during their allocation, nothing will be displayed.

Formulas are hidden in Microsoft Excel

Method 2: Prohibition of the selection of cells

This is a more radical way. Its application imposes a ban not only to view formulas or editing cells, but even on their allocation.

  1. First of all, you need to check whether the checkbox is installed near the "Protected Cell" parameter in the "Protection" tab of the previously acquainted range of the selected range. By default, this component had to be turned on, but it does not prevent its condition. If still in this paragraph there is no checkmark, then it should be put. If everything is fine, and it is installed, then just press the "OK" button located at the bottom of the window.
  2. Formatting window in Microsoft Excel

  3. Further, as in the previous case, we click on the "Protect Sheet" button located on the Review tab.
  4. Similarly, a password introduction window opens with the previous way. But this time we need to remove the checkbox from the "Allocation of blocked cells" parameter. Thus, we will prohibit the execution of this procedure on the dedicated range. After that, enter the password and click on the "OK" button.
  5. Leaf Protection in Microsoft Excel

  6. In the next window, as the last time, repeat the password and click on the "OK" button.

Now, on the previously selected section of the sheet, we will not just be able to view the contents of the functions in the cells, but even simply allocate them. When you try to make a selection, a message will appear that the range is protected from changes.

Cell lock message in Microsoft Excel

So, we found out that turn off the display of functions in the formula row and directly in the cell in two ways. With the usual hide content, only formulas are hidden, as an additional feature, you can set the prohibition of their editing. The second method implies the presence of more rigid prohibitions. When it is used, it is blocked not only the ability to view the contents or its editing, but even the selection of the cell. Which of these two options depends, first of all, from the tasks set. However, in most cases, the first option guarantees a sufficiently reliable degree of protection, and the discharge blocking is often an excessive precautionary measure.

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