How to make a postcard in photoshop


How to make a postcard in photoshop

The postcard created by your own hands instantly invokes you to the rank of a person who "remembers everything, cares about everything personally." It can be a congratulation with the holiday, hello from the place of rest or just a sign of attention.

Such postcards are exclusive and, if made with a soul, can leave (be sure to leave!) In the heart of the recipient, a pleasant footprint.

Creating postcards

Today's lesson will be dedicated not to design, because the design is only a matter of taste, but the technical side of the issue. It is the technique of creating a postcard and is the main problem for a person who decided on a similar action.

We will talk about creating documents for postcards, a little about layout, preservation and printing, as well as how to choose which paper.

Document for postcard

The first step on the way of production of the postcard is to create a new document in Photoshop. It is necessary to understand only one thing: the document resolution must be at least 300 pixels per inch. Such permission is necessary and sufficient for printing images.

Next, we are determined with the size of the future postcard. It is convenient to translate units of measurement to millimeters and enter the necessary data. In the screenshot, you see the size of the A4 document. It will be a rather major card with a turn.

New Doctor For Postcard in Photoshop

Next follows another important moment. You need to change the color profile of the document with RGB on SRGB. No technique is capable of fully passing the RGB scheme and the image at the outlet may differ from the source.

Color profile in photoshop

Puttack postcards

So, we created the document. Now you can proceed directly to the design.

When laying it is important to remember that if the postcard is planned with a turn, then the place is required to be selected. It will be enough 2 mm.

How to do it?

  1. Press Ctrl + R, causing a ruler.

    Rulers in photoshop

  2. We click on the right button on the line and select the units of measurement "millimeters".

    Units of measurement of lines in Photoshop

  3. We go to the "View" menu and we are looking for there "Binding" and "Bind K". Everywhere we put the daws.

    Binding in photoshop

  4. I pull the guide from the left line until it "sticks out" to the center of the canvas. We look at the meter reading. Indications We remember, sending by pulling back: it is no longer needed.

    Signal guide in photoshop

  5. We go to the "View - New Guide" menu.

    The menu is new attacing in Photoshop

  6. We add to the value that was remembered, 1 mm (must be a comma, and not a point on Numpada). Orientation - vertical.

    Vertical guide in photoshop

  7. Create a second guide in the same way, but this time we take 1 mm from the source value.

    Failure line in photoshop

Further, everything is simple, the main thing is not to confuse the main image and the "rear" (control system).

Picture postcard in photoshop

Keep in mind that in pixels the size of the document may be huge (in our case it is A4, 3508x2480 pixels) and the image must be selected appropriate, since with an increase in the latter can significantly deteriorate the quality.

Saving and printing

Save similar documents best in PDF format. Such files transmit maximum quality and easy to print at home and in the printing house. In addition, you can create two sides of the postcard in one document (including internal) and use bilateral printing.

Saving in PDF in Photoshop

PDF document printing is standard:

  1. Open the document in the browser and click on the corresponding button.

    Postcard in the browser in Photoshop

  2. Select the printer, quality and press "print".

    Printing a PDF document

If suddenly after printing, you saw that the color on the card is displayed incorrectly, then try changing the document mode on CMYK, re-saved in PDF and print.

Changing the document mode in Photoshop

Paper for print

For printing postcards, there will be enough photobumagues with a density of 190 g / m2.

This is all that can be said about creating postcards in the photoshop program. Create, create original congratulatory and memorable cards, pleased with your loved ones.

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