Lost contour brush in photoshop


Lost contour brush in photoshop

Situations with the disappearance of contours of the brushes and the icons of other tools are known to many novice masters of photoshop. This causes discomfort, and often panic or irritation. But for the beginner it is quite normal, everything comes with experience, including tranquility if troubleshooting occurs.

In fact, there is nothing terrible in this, Photoshop did not "break", viruses are not hooligany, the system is not junk. Just a little lack of knowledge and skills. This article will devote to the reasons for the occurrence of this problem and its direct decision.

Restoration of the contour of the brush

This trouble occurs only for two reasons, both of them are the features of the photoshop program.

Cause 1: Brush size

Check the imprint size of the tool used. It is possible that it is so great that the contour is simply not placed in the work area of ​​the editor. Some brushes downloaded from the Internet may have such dimensions. Perhaps the author of the set created a high-quality tool, and for this you need to set huge sizes for the document.

Tool size in photoshop

Cause 2: Capslock key

The photoshop developers are laid in it. One interesting feature is laid: with the "CapsLock" key, the contours of any tools are hidden. This is done for more accurate work when using small-sized tools (diameter).

Solution Simple: Check the key indicator on the keyboard and, if necessary, turn off it by repeatedly pressing.

Such are simple solutions to the problem. Now you have become a little more experienced photospeaker, and do not be afraid when the contour of the brush is disappeared.

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