How to make an active link in instagram


How to make an active link in instagram

Instagram has become for many users an excellent advertising tool that allows you to successfully promote your sites, products and services. But that other users could quickly go to your site, instagram provides the ability to add an active reference.

Active link is a hosted URL, when you select the automatic user redirection. But in Instagram is not so simple - if you want to add an URL of the site in the description of the photo, then such a link, unfortunately, will not be active.

We assume the existence of two types of active links: on a different profile of this social network and a completely different site.

In the event that you need to place a clicable link to another site, then only one single option is provided - place it on the main page of your account. Unfortunately, you can place no more than one URL reference to third-party resource.

  1. To make an active link in this way, run the application, and then go to the right tab to open the page of your account. Tap the "Edit Profile" button.
  2. Editing profile in Instagram

  3. You switched to the Account Settings section. In the column "Website" you will need to insert a previously copied URL or to register the site manually. Save the changes by clicking on the "Finish" button.

Adding an active link to Instagram

From this point on, the link on the resource will be displayed on the profile page immediately under your name, and clicking on it will start the browser and follows the transition to the specified site.

Link to the site in Instagram

In the event that you need not to refer to another site, but to the profile in Instagram, for example, your alternative page, then here you have two ways to place reference.

Method 1: We celebrate a person in the photo (in the comments)

Link to the user in this case can be added under any photo. Earlier, we disassembled in detail what ways there are ways to note the user in Instagram, therefore we will not stop at this point in detail.

See also: How to note the user in the photo in Instagram

Method 2: Adding a link to the profile

A method similar to the addition of a link on a third-party resource, in a slight exception - on the main page of your account will be displayed on another Instagram account.

  1. To begin with, we will need to get the URL to the profile. To do this, open the desired account in the application, and then click in the upper right corner on the trout icon.
  2. Calling an additional menu in Instagram

  3. An additional menu will unfold on the screen in which you will need to be tapped on the "Copy Profile URL" item.
  4. Copying URL profile in Instagram

  5. Go to your page and select the "Edit Profile" button.
  6. Transition to profile editing in Instagram

  7. In the column "Website" insert a previously copied URL from the clipboard, and then tap on the "Finish" button to make changes.

Adding a link from the clipboard to Instagram

This is still all the ways to insert an active link to instagram.

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