How to change the mouse cursor on windows 10


Change cursor in windows 10

Each PC user has its own personal preferences regarding the elements of the operating system, including the mouse pointer. For some, he is too small, someone does not like his standard design. Therefore, quite often, users are asked if it is possible to change the default cursor settings in Windows 10 to others, which will be more convenient to use.

Changing the pointer in Windows 10

Consider how you can change the color and size of the mouse pointer in Windows 10 in several simple ways.

Method 1: CursorFX

CursorFX is a Russian-language program with which you can easily install interesting, non-standard forms for the pointer. It is easy to use even for novice users, has an intuitive interface, but has a paid license (with the ability to use the trial version of the product after registration).

Download application cursorfx

  1. Load the program from the official site and install it on your PC, start it.
  2. In the main menu, press the "My Cursors" section and select the desired form for the pointer.
  3. Click "Apply".
  4. Select the shape of the pointer using CURSORFX


Unlike CURSORFX, RealWorld Cursor Editor allows not only to install cursors, but also create your own. This is an excellent application for those who like to create something unique. To change the mouse pointer, this method needs to perform such actions.

  1. Download Realworld Cursor Editor from the official site.
  2. Run the application.
  3. In the window that opens, click on the "Create" element, and then "New Cursor".
  4. Creating a cursor in REALWORLD CURSOR EDITOR

  5. Create your own graphic primitive in the editor and in the section "Cursor" click on the "Use current for -> regular pointer".
  6. Change Cursor With Realworld Cursor Editor

Method 3: Daanav Mouse Cursor Changer

This is a small and compact program that can be downloaded from the developer's official website. In contrast to the previously described programs, it is designed to change the cursor based on previously downloaded files from the Internet or own files.

Download Daanav Mouse Cursor Changer program

  1. Download the program.
  2. In the Daanav Mouse Corsor Changer window, click the "Browse" button and select a file with the .cur extension (downloaded from the Internet or made in the program to create cursors) in which the view of the new pointer is stored.
  3. Click on the "Make Current" button to set the selected cursor with the new pointer, which is used in the default system.
  4. Change Cursor With Daanav Mouse Cursor Changer

Method 4: "Control Panel"

  1. Open the Control Panel. This can be done by pressing the right mouse button on the "Start" element or using the "Win + X" key combination.
  2. Select the section "Special Features".
  3. Control panel in windows 10

  4. Click on the "Changing Mouse Settings".
  5. Center for special features in Windows 10

  6. Select the size and color of the cursor from the standard dial and click on the Apply button.
  7. Changing the mouse pointer in Windows 10

To change the cursor form, you must perform such actions:

  1. In the "Control Panel", select "Large icons" viewer.
  2. Next, open the "Mouse" element.
  3. Changing the shape of the pointer through the control panel

  4. Click the "Pointers" tab.
  5. Click the "Main Mode" column in the "Setup" group and click the "Overview" button. This will allow you to configure the view of the pointer when it is basically mode.
  6. Working with a pointer through the control panel

  7. From the standard set of cursors, select the one that you like most, click the "Open" button.
  8. Select the cursor shape via the control panel

Method 5: Parameters

You can also use "Parameters" to replace the size and color of the pointer.

  1. Click the Start menu and select "Parameters" (or simply press "Win + I").
  2. Select "Special Features".
  3. Windows 10 parameters

  4. Next "Mouse".
  5. Special features in Windows 10

  6. Set the size and color of the cursor to your taste.
  7. Setting the mouse pointer through the parameters section

In such ways, you can only give the mouse pointer to the mouse, size and color. Experiment with different sets and your personal computer will acquire a long-awaited look!

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