How to see photos without registration in instagram


How to see photos without registration in instagram

Instagram is the most popular social service in which users are more willing to share with their photos and video recordings. Often, the owners of computers and smartphones would like to see photos published by users of this social network without registering at the same time.

Immediately, it should be clarified that viewing a photo and video in an instagram application without authorization (registration) will be impossible, so in our task we will go somewhat different.

We view photos without registration in Instagram

Below we will look at the two options for viewing the photo from Instagram, which will not require your account availability of this social network.

Method 1: Using the browser version

The Instagram service has a browser version that, let's say straight, very inferior to a mobile application, since it does not have a lion's share of possibilities. Specifically, for our task, the web version is ideal and suitable.

Please note that this method you can view photos of exclusively open profiles.

  1. Without registering in the web version, instagram you will not have a search function, which means you will need to get a link to the photo or the user page, the publications of which you want to view.

    If you already have a link - it is enough to insert an absolutely any browser into the address bar, and the asking page is displayed in the next instant.

  2. In the event that you do not have links to the user, but you know his name or login, prescribed in instagram, you can go through any search engine.

    For example, go to the main page of Yandex and enter the search query of the following form:

    [Username_IFI__ser] Instagram

    Let's try through the search system to find the profile of the famous singer. In our case, the request will look like this:

    Britney Spears Instagram.

  3. We draw your attention to the fact that if the instagram account was registered recently, it can still be in the search engine and not displayed.

    Search in the search engine Instagram

  4. The first link on request is the result you need, so we open the profile and proceed to view the photo and video in Instagram without registration.

View photo in Instagram without registration

Method 2: View photo from Instagram in other social networks

Today, many users publish the photo at the same time both in Instagram, and in other social networks. Such a way to view a photo without registration is suitable in the event that you want to see the publication of a closed profile.

See also: How to watch a closed profile in Instagram

  1. Open the page of interest in the social network and look at its wall (tape). As a rule, the most remarkable snapshots are duplicated in popular social services such as Vkontakte, classmates, Facebook and Twitter.
  2. View photo from Instagram in other social networks

  3. In the case of VKontakte's social service, it is recommended to further view the list of albums - many users set the auto-port function of all pictures published in instagram, in a certain album (by default it is called "Instagram").

Instagram album on social network VKontakte

To date, these are all the ways to view photos in Instagram without registration.

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