How to highlight eyes in photoshop


How to highlight eyes in photoshop

When editing photos in Photoshop, the election of the model plays the very last role. It is the eyes that can become the most striking element of the composition.

This lesson dedicate how to highlight the eyes in the picture using the photoshop editor.


We divide work on the eyes into three stages:
  1. Lightening and contrast.
  2. Strengthen texture and sharpness.
  3. Adding volume.

Lighten the iris

In order to start working with a rainbow shell, it must be separated from the main image and copied to a new layer. You can do this in any convenient way.

Lesson: How to cut an object in photoshop

Separation of the site from the main layer when highlighting the eye in Photoshop

  1. To clarify the iris, change the overlay mode for the layer with the cut-off eyes to the "screen" or on any other of this group. It all depends on the source image - the darker the source, the more powerful impact you can implement.

    Changing the overlay mode for a layer with a rainbow shell on the screen when selecting an eye in Photoshop

  2. Apply to the white mask layer.

    Application of white mask to a layer with a rainbow shell in Photoshop

  3. Activate the brush.

    Tool brush to highlight eyes in photoshop

    On the top of the parameters, select the tool with rigidity of 0%, and the opacity is adjusted by 30%. Color brush black.

    Configuration of stiffness and opacity brushes to highlight eyes in Photoshop

  4. Launching on the mask, carefully score the boundary of the iris, washing part of the loop along the contour. As a result, we should get a dark rim.

    Removal of a part of the layer around the iris when selection of eyes in Photoshop

  5. To increase the contrast, apply the correction layer "Levels".

    Corrective layer levels to increase contrast when highlighting eyes in Photoshop

    Extreme engines adjust the saturation of the shadow and the luminosity of light areas.

    Setting the correction layer levels to enhance contrast when selecting an eye in Photoshop

    In order for the "levels" applied only to the eyes, activate the "Binding" button.

    Button binding a corrective layer levels to a layer with eyes in Photoshop

The palette of the layers after clarification should look like this:

Palette of the layers after the disclightening procedure when selecting an eye in Photoshop

Texture and sharpness

To continue the work, we will need to make a copy of all visible layers with the CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + E keys. Copies Let's call "Lightening".

Creating a combined copy of all layers in the palette when selecting an eye in Photoshop

  1. Click on a miniature layer with a copied iris with a pinned Ctrl key, uploading the selected area.

    Loading the iris in a selected area when selecting an eye in Photoshop

  2. Copy the selection to the new layer of the hot keys Ctrl + J.

    Copying a section with a rainbow shell on a new layer when selecting an eye in Photoshop

  3. Next, we will force the texture using the "mosaic pattern" filter, which is in the "Texture" section of the corresponding menu.

    Filter Mosaic fragments to enhance texture when selecting eyes in Photoshop

  4. With the filter setting will have to be a little tinker, because each picture is unique. Look at the screenshot in order to understand how the result should happen.

    Filter settings Mosaic fragments when selecting an eye in Photoshop

  5. Change the mixing mode for a layer with the applied filter to "soft light" and lower opacity for a more natural effect.

    Changing the imposition of the imposition of soft light and reducing the opacity of the layer when the eye is selected in Photoshop

  6. Create a combined copy again (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E) and let's call it "texture".

    Creating a combined copy of all layers in the palette with the name texture when selection of eyes in Photoshop

  7. We load the selected area by clicking on the clamping Ctrl on any layer with the cut-off iris.

    Loading the iris as a dedicated area when selecting an eye in Photoshop

  8. We again make copy allocation to a new layer.

    Copying the selected area with a rainbow shell to a new layer in Photoshop

  9. Sharpness will cause a filter called "Color Contrast". To do this, open the "Filter" menu and move on to the "Other" block.

    Filter color contrast to enhance sharpness when selecting an eye in Photoshop

  10. The radius value makes such a small detail as much as possible.

    Setting the filter color contrast to enhance sharpness when selecting an eye in Photoshop

  11. Go to the layers palette and change the imposition mode to the "soft light" or "overlap", it all depends on the sharpness of the original image.

    Changing the overlap mode to enhance sharpness when selecting an eye in Photoshop


To give the look of additional volume, we use the Dodge-N-Burn technique. With it, we can manually evil or darken the necessary sections.

  1. Again, make a copy of all the layers and call it "sharpness". Then create a new layer.

    Creating a new layer to enhance the volume when selecting an eye in Photoshop

  2. In the Editing menu, you are looking for the "Fill" item.

    Item Run fill in the Edit menu in Photoshop

  3. After activating the option, the Settings window opens with the name "Fill". Here, in the "Content" block, choose "50% gray" and click OK.

    Setting the fill of the layer to enhance the volume when the eye is selected in Photoshop

  4. The resulting layer must be copied (Ctrl + J). We get this kind of palette:

    A copy of the layer with a pouring gray to enhance the volume when the eye is selected in Photoshop

    Top layer We call "Shadow", and the lower - "light".

    Rename layers with pouring gray when selection of eyes in Photoshop

    The final step of preparation will be shown by the imposition of each layer on the "soft light".

    Changing the mode to soft light for each layer when selecting an eye in Photoshop

  5. Find on the left panel tool entitled "Lighter".

    Tool Lighter to enhance the volume when the eye is selected in Photoshop

    In the settings, specify the "Light Tone" range, exposure - 30%.

    Setting the range and exposure tool The clarifier when selecting an eye in Photoshop

  6. Square brackets we select the diameter of the tool, approximately equal to the iris, and 1 - 2 times we pass along the light sections of the picture on the Light layer. This is the whole eye. With a smaller clarifying corner and lower parts. Do not overdo it.

    Lightening the sections tool Lightening to enhance the volume when the eye is selected in Photoshop

  7. Then take the "darkener" tool with the same settings.

    Tool Dimmer to enhance the volume when the eye is selected in Photoshop

  8. This time the field of exposure is: eyelashes in the lower eyelid, the area on which the eyebrow and eyelashes of the upper eyelid are. Eyebrows and eyelashes can be emphasized stronger, that is, to punish a larger number of times. Active layer - "Shadow".

    Underline the dark sections of the image when selecting an eye in Photoshop

Let's see what was before processing, and what result managed to achieve:

The result of the selection of the eyes in Photoshop

The techniques studied in this lesson will help you effectively and quite quickly allocate your eyes in photos in Photoshop.

When processing a rainbow shell in particular and eye as a whole, it is important to remember that naturalness is valued higher than bright colors or hypertrophied sharpness, so be restrained and neat when photographing is edited.

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