How to create a playlist on YouTube


How to create a playlist

Almost every canal on YouTube can not do without the playlists created on it. But not everyone knows why they are generally needed and how to create them. And how to make the structure of the entire channel itself, using these the most sheets of playback, so and generally guess units.

What do you need playlists

As mentioned above, no self-respecting canal do without playlists. This tool is necessary for the normal structuring of the entire content on it.

Section Playlist in YouTube

In this case, they can be compared with kinocartine genres. For example, on filmytes to find some comedy, you will immediately choose the category of the same name, and you will not look for a suitable film among the entire variety of added movies for all the time, where mixes and militants, and melodramas, and everything else. After all, it is illogical.

On YouTube, playlists help to divide all the videos on topics, so that the viewer could faster finding its material. This allows not only to simplify the life of users who have entered the channels on the channel, but also to attract these users.

Also, you can also be bypass the fact that with their help you can make a good to place the main page of the channel. What will attract even greater attention of potential subscribers to it.

Lesson: How to subscribe to the channel in Youtube

Structuring the channel using playlists

If your channel is structured, it will be able to attract and keep more users, everything is clear with that. The structure also gives the very playlists that each user can create.

See also: How to create a new channel on YouTube

But players playing this one, and only they can not do. In any case, you will need to download your videos in them, and the more, the better. Well, so that your work you make did not roll, so to speak, in the common heap, you need to choose the category in advance.

In fact, everything is simple here. You have three variables - this is a channel, playlists and video recordings. The channel can be perceived as a "D" disk on a computer. Playlists are folders that are placed on this disk, and videos are files that are in these folders. Here you have a full-fledged structure.

Just before being taken for recording video, it is better to first come up with the directions in which you will move. In other words, the subjects that you will shoot videos. They, of course, maybe several, and the more, the better.

It is recommended to draw up visual structures and future work plans. You can do it across the old fashioned, using a sheet of paper and a pencil with a grater, or to use, so to speak, modern technologies, such as the MindMeister service.

Building a channel structure in Mindmeister

This site has the opportunity to use the instruments provided, in a few minutes to make a plan and structure of future works. Select priority directions, as well as make the workpiece for the future. Though, at first glance, it may seem that all this can be done without visualization, it's just in my head, but still a lot from it.

Creating a playlist on YouTube

Well, after you have decided, with what item will add them to your channel, you can move directly to their creation.

First of all, you will need to enter the section "Playlists" in your account. By the way, there are several ways to do this, but it is worth focusing on only one thing - through a creative studio. So this is because the rest may differ from different users, but there is no sense to give detailed instructions for everyone.

  1. First of all, you need to click on the icon of your profile, which is at the top on the right. And in the window that appears, click on the "Creative Studio" button.
  2. Entrance to the Creative Studio in YouTube

  3. In it, on the left pane, you need to click "Video Manager" to operate subgroups, and choose "Playlists".
  4. Entrance to the section Playlists in YouTube

  5. You will fall on the page where all your playlists will be displayed, respectively, if you do not have them, then there will be an inscription: "No playlist found", as shown in the image. In order to create a new one, click the "New Playlist" button.
  6. Button New Playlist in YouTube

  7. After pressing the small window opens, in which it will be necessary to specify its name. Here you can also limit access to the group. However, at this stage it is not necessary, since a little later you will return to this issue. After all actions are performed, press the "Create" button.
  8. Enter the name of the playlist and the choice of category in YouTube

That's all. After all the items of the above instruction, you will create your new playlist on the channel. However, if you create it for open access in order to attract new subscribers, this is not all the manipulations that you need to spend.

At a minimum, add a description in which all the essence should be set out: what theme is that it will be added, specify the genre and all other features. Ideally, the text should turn out about 1000 characters. But the more, the better. Do not missed insert keywords in the description so that users are more likely to find it when searching.

Adding a description of the playlist in YouTube

Section Parameters

So, if you want to promote your channel, then it is necessary to approach playlists. Description - this is only a small part of the work that you need to spend. Where is the most important setting of the created sheet. By the way, you can open these settings by pressing the button of the same name. Fortunately, there are not very many of them - only three. But for everyone you should run separately so that everyone understands which element, what is responsible for.

Playlist Setup Button in YouTube

basic settings

The first tab in the window that appears after clicking the "Playlist Setup" button is "basic". Based on the title, you can already understand that you can configure the fundamental parameters in it. From the name of different regions, you can make it possible to change the degree of privacy, the sorting method, and also set the additional parameters of the created sheet.

Basic tab in the playlist settings in YouTube

In the "Privacy" category by opening the drop-down list, you will be given three options to choose from:

  1. Open access - selecting this item, video recordings that will be added to this playlist, you will be able to view absolutely all YouTube users as registered and not.
  2. Link access - this selection will not provide any entity for viewing records. You can only get to them on the link that you will provide, so to speak, selected.
  3. Limited access - by selecting this option, you can only view video recording from your account, there will be no other access to them.

Privacy Category in YouTube

With privacy, everything is clear. If you want to promote a channel, dialing views and subscribers, cholect "open access" if you want to show your friends, then choose "access on the link" and provide them with a link to video. And if you do not want to show recording to anyone, choose "Limited access". But as for the sorting, then everything is still more complicated. You provide five options to you:

  • Manually;
  • Most Popular;
  • By the date of addition (first new);
  • By the date of addition (first old);
  • By date of publication (first new);
  • By date of publication (first old).

You can also put a tick "add new video to the beginning of the playlist".

Sitting Category in YouTube

Some accurate instructions here can not be, and only you make a decision on selecting a parameter. However, if you pay attention to how successful YouTube-figures do, it is better to put that the most tick, and do not worry yourself.

Well, with the category "Optional" everything is simple, it is only one parameter - "Allow embedding". Who does not know, the embedding parameter is responsible for following when publishing video recording, for example, VKontakte the user or, on the contrary, could not view the video. If the embedding is allowed, the VKontakte user will be able to watch your video if prohibited, then he will have to go to YouTube to view.

Category Advanced in YouTube

In general, the essence of this parameter you now know, so you decide, put a tick or not.

After you will be specified all the necessary parameters, do not forget to save them by pressing the button of the same name.

Communication settings

The "Autod add" tab contains not so many parameters in the settings, but it is capable of quite significantly simplifying the life of the user. But by going to her, do not forget to click the "Add Rule" button, otherwise you can not do anything.

Add rule button in YouTube

After pressing the button, a field for entering the rule will appear. But what does this mean? Everything is simple, here you can specify which words encountered in the title, description or tag added to the video will automatically add it to this player sheet. For greater clarity, you can give an example.

Suppose your playlist you are going to add video from the category "DIY". Then it will be logical, from the drop-down list, choose the "tag" and enter these themelings - "do it yourself".

Example Tag for Autod Pressure in YouTube

You can also choose from the list "Description Contains" and in the Field to "how to do". In this case, downloaded to the video channel, in the description of which these words will automatically be entered into your playlist.

An example of a description of the content for autodipulation in YouTube

Also note that you can add multiple rules. After completion, do not forget to save all the change by pressing the "Save" button.


Tab "Cologes" rarely nominates someone, but in itself it carries quite useful functions. On this tab, you can add users who will receive the right to upload your videos into this section. This option is useful when your channel is combined with another, or you drive your own pair with another person.

In order to provide your rights to your co-auto, you need:

  1. First of all, activate this option, for this press the switch.
  2. Switch in the collaborators in YouTube

  3. After that, you need to send an invitation to another user, for this click on the button of the same name.
  4. Send button in the collaborators in YouTube

  5. Once you click the button, a long link will appear before you. To invit other people, you need to copy it and send them. Crossing this link, they will become your co-authors.
  6. Link to add a co-author in YouTube

  7. In the event that you change your mind to cooperate with people, and want to remove them from co-authors, you will need to click on the Close Access button.
  8. Button Close Access in the Collaborator tab in YouTube

As always, do not forget to click "Save" to make all changes to take effect.

That ended all the settings. Now you asked all the desired playlist parameters and can safely start adding new videos. You can also create others by specifying other parameters for them, thereby creating the structure of everything in its channel.


Talking about how to create a playlist on YouTube, you can not get around the topic about how to remove it from there. And it is very simple to do it, you just need to press the desired button, well, so that you are easier to find it, now the detailed instruction will be provided, although rather short.

  1. First of all, you need to get to the section "Playlists" on the channel. How to do you should remember the instructions that was previously brought in the subtitle "Creating a playlist."
  2. Being in the desired section, pay attention to the vertical Trootch, which symbolizes the "More" section. Click on it.
  3. Button still in YouTube

  4. In the drop-down list, select the item you need - "Delete Playlist".
  5. Item Delete Playlist in YouTube

After that, you will be asked if you want to perform this action, and if so, then you boldly press the "Delete" button. After short-term processing, the previously created playlist will be deleted.


In conclusion, I would like to say that without playlists on the channel, which they do, can not do. They allow to give the structure to the entire content that will be placed on it. With the help of a competent approach to the structuring itself, each YouTube-leader will be able to attract the attention of a huge number of potential subscribers. And periodically complementing the canal with new ideas, rubrics and categories, that is, creating new playlists, the channel will develop and become only better.

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