How to change the password apple id


How to change the password apple id

Password is the most important tool for the protection of recording teachings, so it must be reliable. If your password from Apple ID account is not sufficiently reliable, you should give a minute of time to change it.

Change the password from Apple ID

By tradition, you have several ways at once, allowing you to change the password.

Method 1: via Apple website

  1. Go to this link to the Authorization page in the Apple ID and log in to your account.
  2. Authorization on Apple ID website

  3. By logging in, find the Safety section and click on the Edit Password button.
  4. Password change on Apple ID website

  5. The additional menu will immediately pop up on the screen in which you need to enter the old password once, and enter the new one twice. To make changes, click on the "Edit Password" button.

Entering a new password on Apple website

Method 2: via Apple device

You can change the password from your gadget that is connected to your Apple ID account.

  1. Run the App Store. In the "Selection" tab, click on your Apple ID.
  2. Selection of Apple ID in App Store

  3. An optional menu will pop up on the screen in which you need to click on the "View Apple ID" button.
  4. View Apple ID in App Store

  5. The browser will automatically be launched on the screen, which will start redirecting the information on the information about Epple Aydi to the URL. Tap your email address.
  6. Selection of Apple ID in App Store

  7. In the next window you need to choose your country.
  8. Selection of the country of accommodation in the App Store

  9. Enter the data from your Apple ID for authorization on the site.
  10. Entering Apple ID iPhone

  11. The system will task two control questions to which the correct answers will be required.
  12. Correction of the correct answers to test questions

  13. A window will open with the sections list, among which you need to choose "Security".
  14. Security Management in Apple ID

  15. Select the "Edit Password" button.
  16. Apple ID Password Change on iPhone

  17. You will need to specify the old password once, and enter and confirm the new password in the two subsequent lines. Tap the "Edit" button to change the changes.

Entering a new Apple ID password on the iPhone

Method 3: With iTunes

And finally, the required procedure can be performed using the ITYUNS program installed on your computer.

  1. Run iTunes. Click on the "Account" tab and select the "View" button.
  2. View Apple ID through iTunes

  3. Following the authorization window, in which you need to specify the password from your account.
  4. Authorization in Apple ID through iTunes

  5. A window will be displayed on the screen, at the top of which your Eppl Aidi will be registered, and the "Edit on" button will be rightfully located, which you want to choose.
  6. Editing Apple ID through iTunes

  7. The next instant will automatically start the web browser set by default, which will redirect you to the service page. First you need to choose your country.
  8. Choosing a country of residence

  9. Specify your Apple ID. All subsequent actions coincide with the accuracy as described in the previous method.

Authority in Apple ID on computer

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