How to find out the VKontakte ID


How to find out the VKontakte ID

Very often a user unique identifier, which automatically is issued by the system, changes by people, depending on personal preferences. After changing the ID VKontakte, it is possible to find out only in several ways that there are not so many users know about.

A unique number in this social network is more beneficial due to what is a permanent link to any page, which is not possible. Thanks to your own ID, you can leave your contact details for other people without any problems, while calmly changing the address of your page or group to a more enjoyable and memorable combination of characters.

We know ID VKontakte

First of all, it is worth noting that the unique identifier is issued by each page created by users in this social. network. That is, id is in a completely any user, applications, public pages or group.

In addition, the page identifier remains enshrined by man even after full removal of the account. If we talk more specifically, the transition by reference containing the profile ID of the remote user or any community will redirect you to a message about a non-existent or remote page and the system will never give it to new pages.

The administration of VKontakte from the very beginning of the existence of this social network it was announced that the identifier is not subject to any changes.

To date, instead of the number ID, a special link is used capable of containing various characters. At the same time, the identifier is still quite possible to learn several methods, depending on the type of page.

ID of your page

Most often, users are interested in the identifier of the personal page, both their own and other people. Why it is required to identify id number - each decides for himself.

If you need to know your own unique account identification number, but the link to the main page was reduced by you through the settings, it is best to use the personal data editing interface. In this case, if you adhere to the instructions, additional questions and ambiguities you have should not.

  1. Being on the website, open the main menu on top of the right by clicking on your own avatar.
  2. Opening the main menu of VKontakte

  3. Go to the "Settings" section.
  4. Switch to the VKontakte setup section

  5. Do not switch from the "General" tab, scroll through the window "Page Address".
  6. Search Page Address Page in VKontakte settings

  7. Click on "Edit" on the right side of the link to your page.
  8. Changing the page address in the VKontakte settings

  9. Pay attention to the inscription "Page number" - Opposite it is just your unique identification number.
  10. We know the page number in VKontakte settings

  11. To get a full-fledged link to your page, add the number to the next page found using the previous item.

    Finished ID Link to your VKontakte page

To make sure that you are all done correctly, go to the link received in your case. If you are on your own page, then the process of calculating your ID number can be considered completed. Otherwise, recheck your actions, returning to the first point in the instruction.

Note that by default, all registered people are installed as an address on the main page. Thus, if you have not reduced the link, simply open your profile - the ID will be in the address bar of the browser.

An ID of another user

In this case, the identification of the identification number causes several difficulties, since most likely you do not have access to the settings of the page of another person. Because of this, the instructions for calculating the user ID changes greatly, but still remains easily accessible to understanding.

Before following the basic guidelines, go to the page of the person you are interested in and check the address bar for the availability of an identifier. Only if the reference was modified - proceed to action.

The only restriction on the way to identifying someone else's profile is a custom blocking your page to another person.

  1. Go to the profile of the user, whose identifier you want to learn and scroll through the page before the block starts with the records.
  2. Here you need to click on the "All Entries" or "Record ..." link, where the person name is used instead of a three-way, on the page of which you are.
  3. Go to the page with Poshenny Human entries VKontakte

  4. After the transition, look attentively on the address bar of the browser.
  5. View address string on a page with a foreign person by VKontakte

  6. We are interested in numbers going to a row after the word "Wall" and to a question mark.
  7. Number of Page Page VKontakte

  8. Allocate and copying this number, add it to the end of the following text to get a full ID.

    Ready ID Link to a pages of a prayer person in VKontakte

Make sure the correctness of the copied number you can go to the resulting link. On this recommendation to identify a unique user identifier.

Group ID or community

Much more often, unique links are prescribed from groups and public pages VKontakte so that they have the most memorable and short address. At the same time, as well as in the case of user profiles, a unique ID number is enshrined for each such page.

The main difference between the mani of a person from the number of the group or community, is that a special word is used before directly:

  • ID - people's profiles;
  • Club group;
  • Public - community.

In the case of groups and publics, the word in front of the number is interchangeable.

The calculation of the identification number of communities and groups is performed completely identical.

  1. Go to the Public Page, whose identifier you are interested in and finding the "Participants" on the right side of the screen.
  2. Search Block Participants on VKontakte community page

  3. Click on the "Participants" with the right mouse button and select "Open in a new tab".
  4. In the case of communities, the inscription changes to "Subscribers" . Be careful!

    Transition to the list of community participants VKontakte on a new tab

  5. Switch to the newly open page and carefully examine the address bar of your Internet browser.
  6. View the browser address line on the VKontakte community participants page

  7. In this case, you need to look at the numbers at the very end of the link, after the sign of equality.
  8. Community Number VKontakte

  9. Copying the desired number, add it to the text below, depending on the type of page - a group or community.

    Finished ID Link to the VKontakte community page

Do not forget to check the performance of the reference obtained in the end, going through it. With some problems - do not panic, but recheck your actions.

All named methods for identifying identifiers are as comfortable as possible. You will definitely not find any special extensions or programs for these purposes, so the assortment of the choice of means is strongly limited. We wish you good luck in calculating ID VKontakte.

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