How to keep gif in photoshop


How to keep gif in photoshop

After creating an animation in Photoshop, it must be saved in one of the available formats, one of which is GIF. A feature of this format is that it is intended to display (play) in the browser.

If you are interested in other options for saving animation, we recommend reading this article:

Lesson: how to save video in photoshop

The process of creating a GIF animation was described in one of the previous lessons, and today we will talk about how to save the file in GIF format and on optimization settings.

Lesson: Create a simple animation in Photoshop

Saving GIF.

To begin with, we repeat the material and read the save settings window. It opens by clicking on the "Save for Web" item in the File menu.

Point Save for Web in the File menu to save the gifs in Photoshop

The window consists of two parts: a preview block

A recipigation unit in the settings of the parameters of the preservation of gifs in Photoshop

and settings block.

Block settings in the Gifki Preservation Settings window in Photoshop

Block preview

Select the number of view options is selected at the top of the block. Depending on the needs, you can select the desired setting.

Selecting viewing options in the Gifki Conservation Settings window in Photoshop

The image in each window, except the original, is configured separately. This is done so that you can choose the optimal option.

In the left side of the block there is a small set of tools. We will use only the "hand" and "scale".

Hand and Scale Tools in the Gifki Conservation Settings window in Photoshop

Using the "Hand" you can move the image within the selected window. The choice is also made by this tool. "Scale" performs the same action. Approx and delete the picture can also be buttons at the bottom of the block.

Image Scale In the Gifki Conservation Settings window in Photoshop

Low below is the button with the inscription "View". It opens the selected option in the default browser.

Image View button in the browser in the settings window of the gifting parameters in Photoshop

In the browser window, except for setting parameters, we can also get HTML gif code.

Preview of the image in the default browser while maintaining the gifs in Photoshop

Block settings

In this block, the image parameters are configured, consider it more.

  1. Color scheme. This setting determines which table of indexed colors will be applied to the image when optimizing.

    Selection of colors indexing scheme while maintaining gifs in Photoshop

    • Perceptual, and simply "scheme of perception." When it is used, Photoshop creates a table of colors, guided by the current shades of the image. According to the developers, this table is as close as possible to how the human eye sees the color. Plus - the image is the most close to the original, the colors are maximally saved.
    • The selective scheme is similar to the previous one, but the colors relating to the Web secure for the Web are predominantly used in it. It also focused on the display of shades approximate to the initial one.
    • Adaptive. In this case, the table is created from colors that are more common in the image.
    • Limited. Consists of 77 colors, some of the samples of which are replaced with white in the form of a point (grain).
    • Custom. When choosing this scheme, it is possible to create your own palette.
    • Black and white. This table uses only two colors (black and white), also using grain.
    • In grades of gray. There are various 84 levels of shades of gray.
    • MacOS and Windows. Table data are compiled based on the features of mapping images in browsers running these operating systems.

    Here are some examples of applying schemes.

    Image samples using various colors indexing tables while maintaining gifs in Photoshop

    As you can see, the first three samples have quite acceptable quality. Despite the fact that visually they almost do not differ from each other, on different images these schemes will work differently.

  2. Maximum number of colors in the color table.

    Setting the maximum number of colors in the indexing table while maintaining the gifs in Photoshop

    The number of shades in the image directly affects its weight, and, accordingly, on the download speed in the browser. The value of 128 is most often used, since this setting almost does not affect the quality, while reducing the weight of the gif.

    Examples of settings for the maximum number of colors in the indexing table while maintaining the gifs in Photoshop

  3. Web colors. This setting establishes the tolerance with which the shades are converted to equivalent from a secure Web palette. The field of file is determined by the value set by the slider: the value is higher - the file is less. When setting up WEB-colors should not also forget about quality.

    Setting the image conversion tolerance to web-colors while maintaining gifs in Photoshop


    Examples of setting up color conversion to WEEB while maintaining gifs in Photoshop

  4. Dysrying allows you to smooth out the transitions between colors by mixing the shades that are contained in the selected indexing table.

    Dystering setting while maintaining gifs in Photoshop

    Also, the setting will help how to preserve the gradients and the integrity of monochromatic sites. When using dispensing increases the weight of the file.


    Examples of applying dystering settings while maintaining gifs in Photoshop

  5. Transparency. The GIF format supports only absolutely transparent, or absolutely opaque pixels.

    Setting the background transparency while maintaining gifs in Photoshop

    This parameter, without additional adjustment, poorly displays the lines curves, leaving pixel ladies.

    Examples of the use of adjustment matte while maintaining the gifs in Photoshop

    The adjustment is called "matte" (in some editors "Kaima"). With it, it is configured to mix pixels pictures with a background of the page on which it will be located. For the best display, choose a color corresponding to the color of the site background.

    Adjusting the mixing of pixel images with the background of the PRESS PAGES RESOE IN Photoshop

  6. Interlaced. One of the most useful for Web settings. In the event that the file has a considerable weight, allows you to immediately show a picture on the page, as it loads improving its quality.

    Setting the interlaced while maintaining gifs in photoshop

  7. SRGB conversion helps save maximum original image colors while saving.

    Setting the conversion of colors in SRGB while maintaining gifs in Photoshop

Setting up "Dysrying transparency" significantly worsens the image quality, and we will talk about the "loss" parameter in the practical part of the lesson.

Dysrying settings for transparency and data loss while maintaining gifs in Photoshop

For the best understanding of the process of setting up the preservation of gifs in Photoshop, you must practice.


The goal of optimizing images for the Internet is the maximum reduction of the weight of the file while maintaining quality.

  1. After processing the picture, go to the "File - Save for Web" menu.
  2. Exhibit the "4 option" view mode.

    Choosing the number of options for viewing results while maintaining gifs in Photoshop

  3. Next, you need one of the options to make the most similar to the original. Let it be a picture to the right of the source. This is done in order to estimate the size of the file with maximum quality.

    Settings settings are as follows:

    • Color scheme "Selective".
    • "Colors" - 265.
    • "Diazering" is "random", 100%.
    • Remove the daws opposite the "interlaced" parameter, since the final image of the image will be quite small.
    • "Web colors" and "losses" - zero.

      Setting the parameters of the reference image while maintaining the gifs in Photoshop

    Compare the result with the original. At the bottom of the sample window, we can see the current gif size and the loading speed at the specified Internet speed.

    Comparison of the result of optimization of the image with the original while maintaining the gifs in Photoshop

  4. Go to the picture below just configured. Let's try to optimize it.
    • Leave the scheme unchanged.
    • The number of colors reduce up to 128.
    • Dysmering value reduced to 90%.
    • Web-colors do not touch, because in this case it will not help us keep quality.

      Setting the target image parameters while maintaining the gifs in Photoshop

    Gif size decreased from 36.59 KB to 26.85 KB.

    Reduced image size after optimization while maintaining gifs in Photoshop

  5. Since some graininess and small defects are already present in the picture, let's try to increase "losses". This parameter defines a permissible level of data loss when compressing GIF. Change the value to 8.

    Setting the level of permissible data loss when compressing GIF to save the gifs in Photoshop

    We still managed to reduce the size of the file, while losing a little in quality. Gifs now weighs 25.9 kilobytes.

    Image size after setting up loss while maintaining gifs in Photoshop

    Total, we were able to reduce the size of the picture about 10 KB, which is more than 30%. Very good result.

  6. Further actions are very simple. Click on the Save button.

    Save button in the Gifki Conservation Settings window in Photoshop

    We choose a place to save, give the name of the gif, and press "Save" again.

    Choosing a place and name of the preservation of gifs in Photoshop

    Please note that there is an opportunity together with the GIF to create a HTML document to which our picture will be built. To do this, it is better to choose an empty folder.

    Saving gifs along with HTML document in Photoshop

    As a result, we get a page and a folder with the image.

    Folder with saved gif in Photoshop

Tip: When assigning a file name, try not to use Cyrillic characters, because not all browsers are able to read them.

This lesson for saving the image in the GIF format is completed. On it, we found out how you can optimize the file for placement on the Internet.

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