How to change the color of the hyperlink in PowerPoint


How to change the color of the hyperlink in PowerPoint

Stylistic design of the presentation has a high meaning. And very often, users change the design to embedded topics, and then edit them. In the process of this, it is regrettable to face the fact that not all elements are amenable to logical, it would seem that ways to change. For example, this concerns the change in the color of the hyperlink. It is worth understanding here in more detail.

Principle of color change

The presentation theme also changes the color of hyperlinks, which is not always convenient. Attempts to change the shade of the text of such a link in the usual way to do not know anything good - the selected plot simply does not respond to a standard command.

Hyperlink in PowerPoint.

In fact, everything is simple here. The color of the text of the hyperlink works on another mechanics. Roughly speaking, the imposition of the hyperlink does not change the design of the selected area, but imposes an additional effect. Because the "Font Color" button changes the text under imposition, but not the effect itself.

Modified color hyperlinks in PowerPoint

It should be noted that this does not change the color of the imposition as such, but only imposes from above the additional effect. It is possible to make sure that you can put a barc-dotted selection with a minimum thickness in the circuit settings. In this case, the green color of the hyperlink will be clearly visible through the red contour of the text.

Discernible overlay effect in PowerPoint

Method 2: Design Setup

This method is good for large-scale changes in the color of the link effects, when one is changed for too long.

  1. To do this, go to the "Design" tab.
  2. Tab design in PowerPoint

  3. Here we need the area "Options", in which you should click on the arrow to turn the settings menu.
  4. Options for those in PowerPoint

  5. In the unfolding list of functions, we will need to be brought to the very first, after which an additional choice of color schemes will appear on the side. Here we will need at the very bottom to choose the option "Set up colors".
  6. Opening editing color options in PowerPoint

  7. A special window will open to work with the colors in this section. At the very bottom there are two options - "hyperlink" and "viewed hyperlink". They need to be configured by any necessary way.
  8. Changing the color of the guiprage in design in PowerPoint

  9. It remains only to click the "Save" button.

The parameters will be applied to the entire presentation and the color of the links will change in each slide.

As you can see, this method changes the color of the hyperlink itself, and not "deceiving the system", as mentioned earlier.

Method 3: Topping theme

This method may be suitable in cases where the use of others causes difficulties. As you know, changing the presentation theme also changes the color of the hyperlink. In this way, you can simply choose the necessary tone and change the rest of the non-satisfying parameters.

  1. In the tab "Design" you can see a list of possible topics in the area of ​​the same name.
  2. Design Topics in PowerPoint

  3. It is worth moving through each of them until the desired color for the hyperlink is found.
  4. Changing the color of the hyperlink when changing the topic in PowerPoint

  5. After that, it remains manually to reconfigure the presentation background and the remaining components.

Read more:

How to change the background in PowerPoint

How to change the color of the text in PowerPoint

How to edit slides in PowerPoint

A controversial way, since here work will be much more than in other options, but this also changes the color of the hyperlink, so it is worth saying about it.

Method 4: insertion of the illusion of text

The specific method, which, although it works, but by convenience gives way to others. The essence is inserting into the text of the image simulating the text. Consider the preparation on the example of Paint as the most accessible editor.

  1. Here you need to choose "Color 1" of the desired shade.
  2. Text color in Panit

  3. Now you should click on the "Text" button, indicated by the letter "T".
  4. Insert text in Paint

  5. After that, you can click on anyone plot of the web and start writing the required word in the area that appears.

    Hyperlink text in Paint

    The word must save all the required register parameters - that is, if the word is first in the sentence, it should begin with a capital letter. Depending on where it is necessary to insert it, the text can be any please, at least a caps, just to merge with the rest of the information. Then the word will need to configure the type and font size, type of text (bold, italics), as well as apply an underscore.

  6. After that, it will remain cropped the image frame so that the picture itself is minimal. The boundaries must be located as close as possible to the word.
  7. Cutting borders in Paint

  8. The picture remains to save. It is best in PNG format - this will reduce the likelihood that when inserting such an image is distorted and pixelized.
  9. Now you should insert the image into the presentation. For this suitable any of the possible ways. In the place where the image should be, it is necessary to make indents between words using the "Space" or "Tab" buttons to clear the place.
  10. Exemption space for hyperlink in PowerPoint

  11. It remains to put the picture there.
  12. Inserted hyperlink in PowerPoint

  13. Now you just need to configure the hyperlink for it.

Read more: hyperlinks in PowerPoint

An unpleasant situation may also happen when the background of the picture does not merge with such a slide. In this situation, you can remove the background.

Read more: How to remove the background by the pictures in PowerPoint.


It is very important not to be lazy to change the color of the hyperlink, if it will directly affect the quality of the presentation style. After all, it is the visual part that is the main in the preparation of any demonstration. And here any means are good to attract the attention of the audience.

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