How to make a row transfer in a cell in Excel


Migrating a line in Microsoft Excel

As you know, by default, in one cell, the Excel sheet is located one line with numbers, text or other data. But what should I do if you need to transfer the text within the same cell to another line? This task can be performed using some features of the program. Let's figure it out how to make a row translating in a cell in Excel.

Ways to transfer text

Some users try to transfer text inside the cell by pressing the ENTER button keypad. But by this they seek just that the cursor moves to the next sheet line. We will consider the transfer options precisely inside the cell, both very simple and more complex.

Method 1: Using the Keyboard

The easiest transfer option to another string is to set the cursor before the segment you want to transfer, and then type the keyboard key Alt (left) + ENTER.

Cell where you need to transfer words to Microsoft Excel

Unlike the use of only one Enter button, using this method, it will be that the result that is placed.

Word transfer is also important in Microsoft Excel

Lesson: Hot keys in Excel

Method 2: Formatting

If the user does not set the tasks to transfer strictly certain words to a new line, and you only need to fit them within one cell, without going beyond its border, you can use the formatting tool.

  1. Select the cell in which the text goes beyond the boundaries. Click on it right mouse button. In the list that opens, select the item "Format cells ...".
  2. Transition to cell format in Microsoft Excel

  3. The formatting window opens. Go to the "Alignment" tab. In the "Display" settings block, select the "Transfer according to" the parameter, noting it with a check mark. Click on the "OK" button.

Format cells in Microsoft Excel

After that, if the data appear beyond the borders of the cell, it will automatically expand height, and the words will be transferred. Sometimes you have to expand the boundaries manually.

In order to similarly do not format each individual element, you can immediately select the whole area. The disadvantage of this option is that the transfer is performed only if the words do not fit into the boundaries, besides, the division is carried out automatically without taking into account the user's desire.

Method 3: Using the formula

You can also carry out the transfer inside the cell using formulas. This option is especially relevant if the contents are displayed using functions, but it can be applied in normal cases.

  1. Format the cell as indicated in the previous version.
  2. Select the cell and enter the following expression to it or in the string:

    = Catch ("Text1"; symbol (10); "Text2")

    Instead of the "Text1" and "Text2" elements, you need to substitute words or sets of words you want to transfer. The remaining formula characters are not needed.

  3. Application Functions Catch up Microsoft Excel

  4. In order for the result to be displayed on the sheet, press the ENTER button on the keyboard.

Words are postponed using FNCA in Microsoft Excel

The main disadvantage of this method is the fact that it is more difficult in execution than previous options.

Lesson: Useful features Excel

In general, the user must decide which of the proposed methods is optimal to use in a particular case. If you want only all the characters to fit into the borders of the cell, then simply format it in the desired way, and best of all format the entire range. If you want to set the transfer of specific words, then dial the corresponding key combination, as described in the description of the first method. The third option is recommended only when the data is pulled from other ranges using the formula. In other cases, the use of this method is irrational, as there are much simpler options for solving the task.

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