How to use Artmani


How to use the artmoney program

One of the programs for chiting in single games is artmoney. With it, you can change the value of variables, that is, you can get the required amount of a certain resource. In this process and the functionality of the program is looped. Let's figure it out with its capabilities.

Setting up artmoney

Before starting to use Artmani for your purposes, you must look into the settings where there are several useful parameters that can facilitate the reading in the game.

To open the settings menu, you need to click on the "Settings" button, after which you will open a new window with all possible program editing parameters.

Artmoney settings


Briefly consider options for settings that are in the "Main" tab:

  • Top all windows. If you put a tick opposite this item, always the program will be displayed the first window, which can simplify the process of editing variables in certain games.
  • Top all windows artmoney

  • An object. There are two modes of operation in which you can use Artmani. This is a process mode or file. Switching between them, you yourself choose what you will edit - the game (process) or its files (respectively, the file (s) mode).
  • Select an ArtMoney object

  • Show processes. You can choose from three types of processes. But you just use the default settings, that is, "visible processes" where most games fall.
  • The appearance of artmoney processes

  • Interface language and user manual. In these sections you have a choice of several languages, on one of which will be displayed the program and preset tips for use.
  • ArtMoney language settings

  • Regeneration time. This value shows how long the data is overwriting. And the freezing time is the time through which the frozen data is recorded in the memory cell.
  • Frost time, ARTMoney Regeneration

  • Representation of whole. You can enter numbers both positive and negative. If the "Unsenional" parameter is selected, it implies that you will use only positive numbers, that is, without a minus sign.
  • Presentation of entire artmoney

  • Configuring folder scanning. This mode is available only in the PRA version that needs to be bought. In it, you can choose a folder as an object, after which you can specify which files can be viewed in it. After such a choice, you are given the opportunity to search for a specific value or texts in the folder with the game files.

Adjusting the ARTMoney folder scan


In this section you can configure Artmoney's appearance. You can hide the process, after which it will not be displayed in the list of active, which is valid in accordance with and with windows, if you select the "Hide your windows" item.

ARTMONEY invisibility mode

In this menu, you can configure memory access functions, which is available only in the version. It can help you to get around the protection or in case Artmani cannot open the process.

Your ARTMONEY access functions

Read more: Solving the problem: "Artmoney cannot open the process"

In this section, you can configure the search parameters of various variables, edit the memory scan settings. You can also decide whether to stop the process while searching, which can be useful for games in which resources change quite dynamically. Also configure scanning priority and rounding type.

Artmoney search settings


These data are used while saving table data. Configure the settings of this tab if you want to share with the world with your tables.

Personal settings artmoney


This section allows you to change the appearance of the program for yourself. Skins programs are available for editing, that is, its outer shell. You can use them as pre-installed, and additional can always download from the Internet. You can also configure the font, its size and color of the buttons.

ARTMONEY interface settings


Very useful feature if you are going to often use the program. You can customize the hot keys to yourself, which will significantly speed up some processes, because you do not have to look for the buttons in the program, but only it will only be enough to press a specific key combination.

Hot keys Artmoney

Changing the value of variables

If you want to change the number of resources, points, lives and the other, then you need to refer to the appropriate variable, which stores information about the desired value. It is done very simply, it is enough just to know what value stores the specific parameter you want to change.

Search for accurate value

For example, you want to change the value of cartridges, seeds. These are accurate values, that is, they have an integer, for example, 14 or 1000. In this case, you need:

  1. Select the process of the game required (for this, the application must be running) and click "Search".
  2. Selection of ArtMoney process

  3. Next you need to configure the search parameters. In the first line you select the "accurate value", after which you specify this value (the number of resources you have), it should not be zero. And in the column "Type" specify "whole (standard)", then click "OK".
  4. Search for accurate ARTMONEY

  5. Now the program has found many results, they must be selected to find accurate. To do this, go to the game and change the amount of that resource you were looking for initially. Click "Cut" and enter the value you changed, and then click "OK". You need to repeat the screening process until the number of addresses becomes minimal (1 or 2 addresses). Accordingly, before each new screening, you change the amount of resource.
  6. Separate the exact value of artmoney

  7. Now, when the number of addresses has become minimal, transfer them to the right table by clicking on the arrow. Red tolerates one address, blue - everything.
  8. Address transfer to ARTMONEY

  9. Rename your address not to get confused, for which he answers. Since you can transfer the address of various resources to that table.
  10. Now you can change the value to the required, after which the number of resources will change. Sometimes the changes come into force, you need to change the amount of resources yourself again so that their visibility becomes correct.
  11. Changing the exact value of artmoney

  12. Now you can save this table to repeat the address search process every time. You just download the table and change the amount of resource.

Save the finished result of artmoney

Thanks to this search, you can change almost any variable in a single game. Provided that it has accurate value, that is, an integer. Do not confuse this with interest.

Search for unknown value

If there is some value in the game, for example, life, presented in the form of a strip or some sign, that is, you cannot see the number that meant the number of your health glasses, then you need to use the search for an unknown value.

First, in the search column, you choose the item "Unknown Meaning", followed by searching.

Search for an unknown value of artmoney

Next, go to the game and reduce yourself the amount of health. Now, during the screening, simply change the value to "decreased" and spend the screening until you receive the minimum number of addresses, respectively, changing the amount of your health before each screening.

Cutting an unknown value of artmoney

Now that you received an address, you can know exactly what numerical range is the importance of health. Edit the value to increase the number of your health glasses.

Search for range of values

If you need to change some parameter that is measured as a percentage, then the search does not fit according to the exact value, since interest may be displayed as, for example, 92.5. But what if you do not see this number after the comma? Here and comes to the rescue this search option.

When searching, select Search: "Range of values." After that, in the "value" column, you can choose which range is your number. That is, if you see 22 percent on the screen, it is necessary to put in the first column "22", and in the second - "23", then in the range and falls the number that is after the comma. And in the column "Type" select "with a point (standard)"

Search ARTMONEY Range Range

When you select, you act also specify a specific range, after the change.

Cancellation and Saving Clear

Any chipping step can be canceled. This is necessary if you indicated the wrong number with some step. At such a point, you can click on any address in the left table with the right mouse button and select the "Cancel" item.

Canceling artmoney

If you cannot complete the process of finding a specific address immediately, you can save your screening and continue, for example, in a few days. In this case, also on the table on the left, right-click and select "Save Clear". Next, you can specify the name of the file and select the folder where it will be saved.

Saving the screening of artmoney

Saving and opening tables

After you have completed the search for certain variables, you can save the finished table to use the change in certain resources multiple times, for example, if after each level they are reset.

You just need to go to the "Table" tab and click "Save". Next, you can select the name of your table and the place where you want to save it.

Saving ARTMoney tables

You can open tables in the same way. All also go to the "Table" tab and click "Download".

Loading table artmoney

This is all you need to know about the main features and functions of the Artmoney program. This is enough to change some parameters in single games, but if you want more, such as creating cheats or trainers, then this program will not work and you will have to look for its analogues.

Read more: Artmoney-analogumes

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