How to remove retavit on twitter


How to delete Retwtter in Twitter

Retwitis is a simple and wonderful way to share the thoughts of other people with the world. Twitter Retwitis are full-fledged user tape elements. But what if suddenly the need to get rid of one or several publications of this kind? In this case, the popular service of microblogging has an appropriate function.

As you already probably noted, the process of removing the retwees and on the PC, and on mobile devices in the end comes down to one action - re-pressing the corresponding function to the icon.

Hiding the retwees of other users

Delete the retwests from your own profile is very simple. The procedure for hiding the retweets from specific users is equally uncomplicated. To such a step, you can resort when the microblog read by you is very often divided with the Folloverians publications of very third parties.

  1. So, in order for in our tape to prohibit the display of the retweet from a specific user, you first need to go to the profile of it.

    Twitter tweet in Twitter

  2. Then you need to find a pictogram in the form of a vertical triple near the "Read / read" button and click on it.

    Drop-down menu list in third-party Twitter profile

    Now in the drop-down menu it remains only to select the "Disable Retwitis" item.

Thus, we hide the display of all the retwees of the selected user in our Twitter-tape.

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