How to create a chat vkontakte


How to create a chat vkontakte

It is no secret to anyone that the social network VKontakte, as any other similar site, exists in order for users to communicate with each other without significant restrictions. As a consequence, as well as due to the essential growth in the popularity of various communities, a special addition was developed for the main functionality of the site, which opens up the possibilities of creating a multiplayer chat for participants of any public.

Chat VKontakte

Immediately pay attention to the fact that any person who is a full community administrator can organize a multiplayer dialogue. At the same time, of course, people who will take part in a similar conversation should be in the group.

It is also important to note that the conversation in the community is in some kind of analogue of similar functional as part of the instant messaging system. However, if we compare the usual conversations and chat, then the radical differences in the plan of basic tools are immediately thrown into the eyes.

On this, the main process of adding chat can be considered completed. Further recommendations will help you correctly configure the multi-diamale for the group.

Customize Chat

An application for organizing a conversation in a group is a powerful tool with a sufficiently large number of different parameters. In addition, the settings can be found both, directly, in the chat interface itself and during its preparation for use.

  1. Being on the same page with applications, go back to the very beginning of the window.
  2. Block to configure the chat in the Community Management section in the VKontakte group

  3. In the "Button Name" field, enter the inscription to be displayed on the main page of your group.
  4. Setting the chat button name in the Community Management section in the VKontakte group

  5. The next configuration point is designed to exhibit privacy parameters.
  6. Setting the visibility of the chat in the Community Management section in the VKontakte group

  7. Using the Snippet field, you can choose the most acceptable signature for the transition button to your community chat when embedding the link to it.
  8. Chat Snippet Settings in the Community Management section in the VKontakte group

  9. The last graph is the name of your dialog, displayed at the very top of the open application.
  10. Changing the Chat name in the Community Management section in the VKontakte group

  11. To save the settings, click the Save button.
  12. Successful Saving Chat Settings in the Community Management section in the VKontakte group

    If you get errors, correct them according to the notification.

Also, pay attention to the signatures next to the image of the application. In particular, this applies to the inscription "Copy the link", thanks to which the text link to the newly created Cactic will be copied to the windows clipboard.

You can use this link to invit people, depending on the constraints.

As you might notice, finally remained only one link "Settings". Clicking on it, you will move to the activation window of the dialogue with the only speaker with the button.

After activating the chat, automatically redirects to this application.

  1. The main field is intended directly for writing and reading messages.
  2. The main chat fields in the chat in the VKontakte group

    When you first visit the application, you will receive a notification that allows you to subscribe to the alerts of this conversation. It is recommended to allow this supplement to send you notifications.

  3. On the right side of the main area there is a list of participants and two buttons to manage the application.
  4. Chat controls in the chat in the VKontakte group

  5. Clicking on the "Corner of the Admin" button, you will be presented the most detailed instructions for chat management.
  6. Built-in chat management instructions in the VKontakte group

    It is recommended to use this instruction if you are not clear after reading this article. Otherwise, you can always write a comment.

  7. Opening the "Chat Settings", you will be presented an additional four settings tabs.
  8. Additional chat settings in the chat in the VKontakte group

  9. The "General Settings" item fully justifies its name, since in this section there are extremely basic parameters, for example, visibility. In addition, it is here that you give you the opportunity to add a link to video broadcasting, as well as specialized text, which can perform a brief summary of the rules of behavior in this chat.
  10. Basic chat settings in the VKontakte group

  11. The next section "Officers" allows you to provide any participant in the right of the manager, by introducing a link to its page.
  12. Settings Chat executives in a chat in the VKontakte group

  13. The "Black List" settings allows you to make the same thing as the social network function of the same name, that is, to put any user, even if this person meets the requirements of the chat visit or is the leader in the list of exceptions.
  14. Settings of the black list of chat chat in the VKontakte group

  15. The final, fourth section of the multi-taillegal parameters is the most remarkable, since it is here that you can activate the unique possibility of the application - an automatic filter of obscene expressions. You also have the ability to set reference processing settings sent through the message form.
  16. Settings of the chat chat filter in the VKontakte group

  17. In addition to all named, pay attention to the central inscription in the empty central window. Click on the "Talk about the chat in the community" link to leave the direct address of your multi-diamale on the wall wall.
  18. Ability to tell about the chat in the community in the chat in the VKontakte group

At this moment, familiarization with the settings and the process of exhibiting comfortable parameters can be considered complete. When using this application, do not forget that exclusively the community manager has access to all opportunities.

When you re-create chat all fields you will have to fill out again.

Guided by each submitted instruction, you will probably have no problems with the process of creating, setting up or deleting a chat in the community. We wish you all the best.

See also: How to delete a group of VKontakte

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