How to Disable Lock Screen in Windows 10


Disable the screen lock in Windows 10

The lock screen in Windows 10 is a visual component of the system, which is actually a kind of expansion to the login screen and is used to implement a more attractive type of OS.

There is a difference between the locking screen and the login window into the operating system. The first concept does not carry substantial functionality and serves only to display pictures, notifications, time and advertising, the second is used to enter the password and further authorization of the user. Based on this data, the screen with which the lock is performed, you can turn off and at the same time not to harm the functionality of the OS.

Options for shutdown screen lock in Windows 10

There are several methods that allow you to remove the screen blocking in Windows Windows 10 using the built-in tools of the operating system. Consider in more detail each of them.

Method 1: Registry Editor

  1. Click on the "Start" element with the right mouse button (PCM), and then click "Run".
  2. Enter the regedit.exe in the string and click "OK".
  3. Run registry editor in Windows 10

  4. The transition to the registry branch that is located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-> Software. Next, select Microsoft-> ​​Windows, and then go to CurrentVersion-> Authentication. In the end, it is necessary to be in Logonui-> SessionData.
  5. For the "AllowLockScreen" parameter, set the value 0. To do this, you need to select this option and click on it PCM. After select the "Edit" element from the context menu of this section. In the column "value", we write 0 and click on the "OK" button.
  6. Disabling the lock screen in Windows 10 via the registry editor

The execution of these actions will save you from the lock screen. But unfortunately, only for an active session. This means that after the next login to the system, it will again appear. You can get rid of this problem. You can additionally formed the task in the task scheduler.

Method 2: GPEDIT.MSC Equipment

If you do not have a HOME editorial office of Windows 10, then remove the screen lock also can also be as follows.

  1. Press the "Win + R" combination and in the "Run" window, dial the gpedit.msc string that starts the necessary snap.
  2. Opening of the Local Group Policy Editor in Windows 10

  3. In the "Computer Configuration" branch, select the "Administrative Templates" element, and after the control panel. At the end, click on Personalization.
  4. Personalization of elements in windows 10

  5. Double click on the "Prohibition of the Lock Screen Displays" element.
  6. Set the "Enabled" value and click "OK".
  7. Disable the lock screen via the editor of the local group policy in Windows 10

Method 3: Rename Catalog

Perhaps this is the most elementary way to get rid of the screen lock, as it requires the user to execute only one action - renaming the directory.

  1. Run the "Explorer" and dial the C: \ Windows \ SystemApps path.
  2. Find the Microsoft.Lockapp_CW5N1H2TXYewy catalog and change its name (administrator rights are needed to make this operation).
  3. Disable the lock screen by renaming the directory

In such ways, you can remove the screen lock, and with it and annoying advertising, which can occur at this stage of the computer.

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