How to remember Login from Yandex.Wef


How to remember Login from Yandex Mail

In some cases, the situation may occur when it is impossible to remember the login from the mail. This is usually happening with new accounts, and the previously saved user data does not work for various reasons.

We remember the login on Yandex.We

When a user has forgotten login from mail, you can use the possibility of recovery. However, for this it is necessary to remember which data were used during registration. The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. Open the authorization page on Yandex mail.
  2. Select "Recall Password".
  3. Recall the password from Yandex Mail

  4. In a new window, click "I do not remember the login."
  5. Remember login on Yandex mail

  6. On the page that opens, enter the phone number to which the email address is tied, and captivated. Then click "Continue".
  7. Enter the phone number on Yandex mail

  8. SMS will be sent to the entered number. The code from the message should be entered in the window and select "Continue".
  9. Entering confirmation code on Yandex mail

  10. After that, it is required to write a name and surname used during registration.
  11. Enter the name and surname from Yandex Mail

  12. As a result, the service will find an account with the specified data. If everything is correct, click the "Login" or "Recall Password" button.
  13. Log in to the found Yandex Mail Account

Read more: How to remember the password on Yandex.We

The procedure for restoring a forgotten login is quite simple. However, it is necessary to remember the specified data during registration. If everything is correctly entered, the service will be able to prompt and restore the lost account.

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