How to set up Yandex.mount redirection to another service


how to set up Yandex mail forwarding to another service

In some cases, you need to adjust the redirection from the Yandex mailbox to the account of another service. Make it is quite possible in the presence of access to both accounts.

Customize mail forwarding

To send alone notifications to another mailing address, do the following:

  1. Open mail settings on Yandex and select "Letter Processing Rules".
  2. Rule of processing incoming letters on Yandex mail

  3. On the new page, click on the "Create Rule" button.
  4. Create rule on Yandex mail

  5. In the window that opens, you will need to enter addresses from which messages you want to redirect.
  6. Then check the box opposite the "Send to" item and enter the location of the service itself. After click "Create Rule".
  7. Entering data for forwarding to Yandex mail

  8. To confirm, you will need to enter a password.
  9. Enter password on Yandex mail

  10. Then a message will be displayed with the "Confirm" button that you want to click.
  11. Confirm the Person on Yandex mail

  12. After will be sent notice to the selected mail. It will be necessary to open it and click "Confirm".
  13. Confirm forwarding to Yandex mail

  14. As a result, the rule will be actively and all the necessary messages will enter the new box.
  15. Customized Peradressing on Yandex mail

Setting up mail forwarding is a fairly simple procedure. It is largely convenient because it allows you to get important letters immediately to the active account.

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