How to disable Windows 10 Driver Update


How to disable automatic driver update in Windows 10
In this manual, how to disable the automatic update of device drivers in Windows 10 in three ways is a simple setup in the system properties, using the registry editor, as well as using the local group policy editor (the last version for Windows 10 Pro and corporate). Also at the end you will find a video guide.

According to observations, many problems with the work of Windows 10, especially on laptops, are currently related to the fact that the OS automatically loads the "best", in its opinion, the driver that ultimately can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as black screen , incorrect operation of sleep and hibernation and similar.

Disable the automatic update of Windows 10 drivers using the Microsoft utility

Already after the initial publication of this article, Microsoft has released the SHOW OR Hide Updates utility, which allows you to disable the update of the drivers of specific devices in Windows 10, i.e. Only those for which the updated drivers cause problems.

After starting the utility, click "Next", wait when necessary information will be collected, and then click on the Hide Updates item.

Microsoft Show Or Hide Updates Utility

In the list of devices and drivers that you can disable updates (not all you can appear, but only those for which, as far as I understand, problems and errors are possible during automatic update), select those for which you would like to do and click Next .

Disable Driver Update Using the Microsoft utility

Upon completion of the utility, the selected drivers will not be updated automatically. Address for downloading Microsoft Show or Hide Updates:

Disabling automatic installation of device drivers in GPEDIT and Windows 10 registry editor

You can disable the automatic installation of individual device drivers in Windows 10 manually - using the Local Group Policy Editor (for professional and corporate editions) or using the registry editor. This section shows a ban for a specific hardware ID device.

In order to do this using the Local Group Policy Editor, the following simple steps will be required:

  1. Go to the Device Manager (Right click menu on the Start button, open the device properties, update the drivers for which you want to prohibit, on the "Details" tab, open the "Education ID". These values ​​are useful to us, they can be copied entirely and insert them into text File (so it will be more convenient to work with them), but you can simply leave the window open.
    View Windows 10 Equipment
  2. Press Win + R keys and enter the gpedit.msc
  3. In the Local Group Policy Editor, go to "Computer Configuration" - "Administrative Templates" - "System" - "Installing the Device" - "Restrictions on the device installation".
    Driver update policies
  4. Double click on "Disable the installation of devices with the specified device codes".
  5. Install "Enabled", and then click "Show".
    Disabling automatic driver update
  6. In the window that opens, enter the equipment IDs that you defined in the first step apply the settings.
    Ban for updating drivers

After the specified steps, installing new drivers for the selected device will be prohibited, and both automatically, the Windows 10 itself and manually by the user, until the changes in the editor of the local group policy is canceled.

Installing the device driver is prohibited

In case the GPEDIT in your Windows 10 edition is not available, you can do the same using the registry editor. To begin with, perform the first step from the previous way (find out and copy all the equipment ID).

Go to the registry editor (Win + R, enter Regedit) and go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ DenyDeviceDs section (if there is no such partition, create it).

Prohibition of hardware drivers

After that, create string values, as the name of which are the numbers in order, starting with 1, and the value of the equipment ID for which you want to prohibit the driver update (see Screenshot).

Disable automatic driver boot in the system parameters

The first way to disable driver update is to use the settings of the Windows 10 device installation settings. To get to these parameters, you can use in two ways (both options require you to be an administrator on your computer).

  1. Click right-click on "Start", select the "System" context menu item, then in the "Computer Name, Domain Name and Working Group" section "Click" Change Parameters ". On the "Equipment" tab, click "Device Settings".
    Change computer parameters
  2. Through the Right Click on the start, go to the "Control Panel" - "Devices and Printers" and right-click on your computer in the list of devices. Select "Device Settings".
    Installation settings Devices

In the setup parameters, you will see a single query "Download automatically manufacturer applications and custom icons available for your devices?".

Turn off Windows 10 Drivers Update

Select "No" and save the settings. In the future, you will not receive new drivers automatically from the Windows 10 update center.

Video instruction

Video manual in which all three ways are clearly shown (including two, which are described later in this article) Disable automatic driver update in Windows 10.

Below are additional disabling options, if certain problems arose with the above described above.

Using the registry editor

The same can be done using the Windows 10 registry editor. To start it, press the Windows + R keys on the computer keyboard and enter the REGEDIT in the "Run" window, then click OK.

In the Registry Editor, go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ DRIVERSEARCHING section (if the DriverSearching section is missing in the specified location, then right-click on the CurrentVersion section, and select Create - partition, then specify your name).

In the DRIVERSEARCHING section, change (on the right side of the registry editor) the value of the SEARCHORDERCONFIG variable by 0 (zero), by clicking on it twice and entering a new value. If there is no such variable, then on the right side of the registry editor, right-click - create - the DWORD 32 bit parameter. Specify the SearchRerConfig name for it, and then set the zero value.

Disable Driver Update in the Registry

After that, close the registry editor and restart the computer. If in the future you will need to re-enable automatic driver updates - change the value of the same variable by 1.

Disable driver update from the update center using the Local Group Policy Editor

And the last way to disable automatic search and installation of drivers in Windows 10, which is only suitable for professional and corporate versions of the system.

  1. Press Win + R on the keyboard, enter the gpedit.msc and press ENTER.
  2. In the Local Group Policy Editor, go to the "Computer Configuration" section - "Administrative Templates" - "System" - "Install Driver".
    Installing Drivers in Local Group Policy Editor
  3. Double click on "Disable a request to use Windows Update when searching for drivers".
  4. Install "Enabled" for this parameter and apply settings.
    Disable automatic driver installation in GPedit

Finish, drivers will no longer be updated and installed automatically.

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