Articles #948

Cleaning Android memory in Files Go from Google

Cleaning Android memory in Files Go from Google
Google posted on the Play market its own application for cleaning the internal memory of Android - Files Go (while in the beta version, but already...

Removing malicious programs in Roguekiller

Removing malicious programs in Roguekiller
Malicious programs, browser expansion and potentially undesirable software (PUP, PNP) is one of the main problems of Windows users today. Especially...

Verifying DMI Pool Data error when downloading a computer

Verifying DMI Pool Data error when downloading a computer
Sometimes, when loading a computer or a laptop may hang on the Verifying DMI Pool Data message. "Without any additional error messages or with BOOT...

How to hide the Wi-Fi network of neighbors in the Windows Wireless Networks list

How to hide the Wi-Fi network of neighbors in the Windows Wireless Networks list
If you live in an apartment building, then with a high probability, opening a list of available Wi-Fi networks in the Windows 10, 8 or Windows 7 taskbar,...

Bad System Config Info error in Windows 10 and 8.1

Bad System Config Info error in Windows 10 and 8.1
One of the errors with which you can encounter in Windows 10 or 8.1 (8) - Blue Screen (BSOD) with the text "On your PC there is a problem, and it must...

Recording video from the desktop in VLC

Recording video from the desktop in VLC
The VLC media player can make much more than just playing video or music: it can be used for converting video, broadcasts, integrating subtitles and,...

Virtual VirtualBox Machine for Beginners

Virtual VirtualBox Machine for Beginners
Virtual machines are emulating devices on another device or, in the context of this article and simplified, allow you to run a virtual computer (as...

Data recovery after formatting in DMDE

Data recovery after formatting in DMDE
DMDE (DM Disk Editor and Data Recovery Software) is a popular and high-quality program in Russian to restore data, remote and lost (as a result of file...

Firefox Quantum - a new browser that is worth trying

Firefox Quantum - a new browser that is worth trying
Exactly a month ago, a strongly updated version of the Mozilla Firefox browser (version 57) was released, which received a new name - Firefox Quantum....

How to change the 32-bit Windows 10 to 64-bit

How to change the 32-bit Windows 10 to 64-bit
If you are updated with 32-bit Windows 7 or 8 (8.1) to Windows 10, a 32-bit version of the system is installed in the process. Also, some devices have...

Free programs for viewing photos and image management

Free programs for viewing photos and image management
View photos in Windows is usually not difficult (if only we are talking about some special format), but not all users arrange standard photo viewing...

Keyboard does not work in Windows 10

Keyboard does not work in Windows 10
One of the common user problems in Windows 10 is no longer working keyboard on a computer or laptop. At the same time, most often the keyboard does...