Articles #898

Windows Taste Manager for beginners

Windows Taste Manager for beginners
Windows Taste Dispatcher is one of the most important operating system tools. With the help of it you can see, because of what the computer slows down,...

Remote computer control using TeamViewer

Remote computer control using TeamViewer
Before the programs for remote access to the desktop and computer management (as well as networks allowing to do this at an acceptable speed), help...

How to set up a router asus rt-n10

How to set up a router asus rt-n10
In this manual, all the steps will be considered to configure the Wi-Fi router ASUS RT-N10. The configuration of this wireless router for Rostelecom...

What is the PageFile.sys file how to remove it and whether to do it

What is the PageFile.sys file how to remove it and whether to do it
First of all, what is a Page File.sys in Windows 10, Windows 7, 8 and XP: This is a Windows swap file. Why is it needed? The fact is that no matter...

Restoring files in the RS File Recovery program

Restoring files in the RS File Recovery program
Last time I tried to restore photos using another product of Recovery Software - Photo Recovery, a program specifically designed for these purposes....

How to manage a computer with an android phone or tablet, as well as with iPhone and iPad

How to manage a computer with an android phone or tablet, as well as with iPhone and iPad
Two days ago, I wrote a TEAMVIEWER program overview that allows you to connect to a remote desktop and manage a computer, in order to help a less experienced...

Ntuser.dat - What is this file?

Ntuser.dat - What is this file?
If you are interested in the assignment of the NTUSER.DAT file in Windows 7 or another of its version, as well as how to delete this file, then this...

Skype installation

Skype installation
About a year ago, I already wrote a few articles on how to download, register and install Skype. It was also a small review of the first version of...

Breaker browser Mozilla Firefox - What to do?

Breaker browser Mozilla Firefox - What to do?
If you notice that your Mozilla Firefox browser, which previously did not cause any complaints, suddenly began to bragly slow down or even "fly out"...

How to completely turn off the computer or laptop with Windows 8

How to completely turn off the computer or laptop with Windows 8
In Windows 8, the so-called hybrid load is used, which reduces the time required for Windows startup. Sometimes it may be necessary to completely turn...

What to do if the laptop is strongly noise

What to do if the laptop is strongly noise
If you encountered the fact that when working, the laptop cooler rotates with full speed and because of this it is noise so that it becomes uncomfortable,...

Startup programs in Windows 7 - how to remove, add and where is

Startup programs in Windows 7 - how to remove, add and where is
The more programs you install in Windows 7, the more it is exposed to a long load, "brakes", and, possibly, various failures. Many installed programs...