Articles #776

How to change the mouse cursor on windows 10

How to change the mouse cursor on windows 10
Each PC user has its own personal preferences regarding the elements of the operating system, including the mouse pointer. For some, he is too small,...

How to protect the flash drive from viruses

How to protect the flash drive from viruses
The flash drives are primarily valued for their portability - the necessary information is always with you, you can watch it on any computer. But there...

AMD processors overclocking

AMD processors overclocking
AMD manufactures processors with wide opportunities for upgrades. In fact, the CPU from this manufacturer is only 50-70% of their real capacities. This...

How to delete Windows 8 users

How to delete Windows 8 users
When several people use one device, it is convenient to create your own account for each user. After all, this way you can share information and restrict...

How to install windows 8

How to install windows 8
Microsoft quite regularly releases new versions of operating systems with new features and therefore it is not surprising that many users want to update...

How to install windows xp from flash drive

How to install windows xp from flash drive
If the computer slows down during his work, it means that there are little space left on it and many unnecessary files appeared. It also happens that...

How to make a family tree in photoshop

How to make a family tree in photoshop
The genealogical tree is a branched list of family members and (or) other people consisting of related or spiritual communications.Variants of the formulation...

How to increase processor performance

How to increase processor performance
The frequency and performance of the processor may be higher than indicated in standard characteristics. Also, with the time of use of the system, the...

Laplace function in Excel

Laplace function in Excel
One of the most well-known non-elementary functions, which is used in mathematics, in the theory of differential equations, in statistics and in the...

How to make comic in photoshop

How to make comic in photoshop
Comics at all times were very popular genre. On them films are removed, based on them create games. Many would like to learn how to make comics, but...

Restoring Windows XP system from flash drive

Restoring Windows XP system from flash drive
There are such situations when the OS as a whole still works, but has some problems and because of this, the work at a computer can be very difficult....

How to enter safe mode in windows 8

How to enter safe mode in windows 8
Sooner or later in the life of any user comes the moment when you want to start the system in safe mode. This is necessary in order to competently eliminate...