Articles #713

How to enable hibernation in windows 7

How to enable hibernation in windows 7
The state of hibernation ("winter hibernation") can significantly save electricity. It consists in the possibility of a complete shutdown of the computer...

Yandex Browser does not download files: Basic Causes

Yandex Browser does not download files: Basic Causes
Yandex.Browser is not only a means for displaying sites, but also a tool for downloading files from the network to a computer. Today we will analyze...

How to restore Windows Installer in Windows XP

How to restore Windows Installer in Windows XP
Installation of new applications and removal of olders in the Windows XP operating system is provided by the Windows Installer service. And in cases...

How to delete a failed folder in Windows 7

How to delete a failed folder in Windows 7
A situation is possible when you need to delete any folder, and Vinovs 7 prohibits this action. Errors with the text "Folder is already used". Even...

How to use Chemax

How to use Chemax
Chemax is the best offline application in which codes are collected to most existing computer games. If you would like to use it, but do not know how...

How to delete updates in Windows 10

How to delete updates in Windows 10
There are such situations in which Windows 10 updates are needed. For example, the system has become incorrect to behave and you are sure that this...

Where are the plugins in Yandex Browser

Where are the plugins in Yandex Browser
To expand the capabilities of the Yandex.Browser is endowed with the connection feature of plugins. If you want to manage their work in this web browser,...

Sound in the browser: what to do

Sound in the browser: what to do
If you encountered a situation when the sound is present on the computer, and you were convinced of this by opening a media player, and turning on your...

Nvxdsync.exe - what kind of process

Nvxdsync.exe - what kind of process
In the list of processes displayed in the Task Manager, you can observe nvxdsync.exe. For what he is responsible, and can the virus be masked under...

Wininit.exe - what is the process

Wininit.exe - what is the process
WinInit.exe is a system process that turns on when the operating system is started.Process information Next, consider the goals and objectives of this...

How to disable hibernation on windows 7

How to disable hibernation on windows 7
Hibernation is one of the energy saving modes on computers with the Windows line of Windows. But sometimes it is necessary to disconnect it, since the...

What format is better to pour video on YouTube

What format is better to pour video on YouTube
YouTube video hosting supports multiple video formats. Therefore, at the installation stage, you need to decide on what format you will save and unload...