Articles #668

How to convert Doc in Epub

How to convert Doc in Epub
Over the past decade, there has been a real coup in the field of book business: with the invention of available screens on electronic ink paper books...

Program for creating comics

Program for creating comics
Short stories with lots of illustrations called comics. Usually it is printed or electronic version of the book, which tells of the adventures of superheroes...

How to create a cloud tag online

How to create a cloud tag online
Make an emphasis on important words in the text or specify the most encountered expressions in the text will help the tag cloud. Special services allow...

How to open AVCHD format

How to open AVCHD format
AVCHD files are videos taken by the corresponding high-resolution camera (mainly produced by Sony or Panasonic) and are a container intended for playback...

How to create a battle vkontakte

How to create a battle vkontakte
As you know, on a social network VKontakte, users are offered a huge number of different opportunities to allow any controversial situations. One such...

How to add blacklist in classmates

How to add blacklist in classmates
You can add too intrusive person to the "black list" so that he does not bother you anymore. Fortunately, in classmates there is nothing complicated...

How to make an online invoice

How to make an online invoice
The invoice is a special tax document that certifies the actual shipment to the customer, the provision of services and the payment of goods. With a...

How to create a PDF file online

How to create a PDF file online
PDF is a special format that is invented for presenting written in different text programs, while preserving formatting. Most of all documentation on...

How to delete an account in Windows 7

How to delete an account in Windows 7
If there are several accounts on the computer, sometimes there is a need to remove one of them. Let's see how it is possible to do on Windows 7. Method...

How to take a snapshot with webcam online

How to take a snapshot with webcam online
Each may suddenly have a need for instant photo using a webcam when there is no special software on the computer. For such cases, there are a number...

How to open JSON: 7 working ways

How to open JSON: 7 working ways
Familiar with programming people immediately recognize files with JSON extension. This format is an abbreviation of the terms JavaScript Object Notation,...

How to Clean Return Memory Computer on Windows 10

How to Clean Return Memory Computer on Windows 10
Often, some users may notice that their computer slows down, the programs do not respond or appear alerts about the lack of RAM. This problem is solved...