Articles #59

How to add playlist in YouTube

How to add playlist in YouTube
Option 1: Creating a playlist from your rollers For the convenience of both your and your audience, the content published on the channel can be collected...

Failed to install YouTube

Failed to install YouTube
Android In most telephones running Android, YouTube is pre-installed, and it is not necessary to install it separately. However, in a number of devices...

How to speed up the download video on YouTube

How to speed up the download video on YouTube
Step 1: Check compliance with recommended parameters Google, who owns YouTube, has prepared a list of recommended video settings for the optimal download...

How to add video from YouTube to Instagram

How to add video from YouTube to Instagram
Training To execute the following actions, the target clip is required to present in the computer file system or a mobile device, so it is necessary...

How to impose music on the video in the phone

How to impose music on the video in the phone
Android On the absolute majority of android devices, there is no pre-installed video file editor, with which you could put music on the video, so to...

How to answer comment in Tiktok

How to answer comment in Tiktok
Mobile app In most cases, Tiktok users for watching video and communication are used by a mobile application, after setting it to its smartphone or...

How to turn off T9 on the phone

How to turn off T9 on the phone
Android On mobile devices with Android, there are two methods for disabling the automatic correction of the text, which, by habit, many users are still...

How to use Microsoft Teams

How to use Microsoft Teams
Option 1: PC program Microsoft Teams is great for use on a computer, meeting and private conversations. The program is optimized for working with calendar,...

Change the MAC address of the network card

Change the MAC address of the network card
Determining the network card used On some computers, several network cards are installed or virtual devices are (created during the VM installation...

How to add tips in video on YouTube

How to add tips in video on YouTube
Tips or, Simply put, links to other videos and channels either on similar resources of another author can be added via the "YouTube Creative Studio".Important!...

How to add music to video on YouTube

How to add music to video on YouTube
Method 1: Editor in "Creative Studio" With the advent of the basic editing options for the downloaded rollers, Google developers have added and means...

How to make a hat for YouTube in Photoshop

How to make a hat for YouTube in Photoshop
Step 1: Preparation Before you begin to create a cap, it is necessary to prepare for the execution of this operation.Find and download the images to...