Articles #307

Code 52 when installing the driver in Windows 7

Code 52 when installing the driver in Windows 7
Each computer user at least once came across the need to install drivers in the operating system. This operation is not always successful, because sometimes...

How to invite a friend in Vatsap

How to invite a friend in Vatsap
If you need to exchange information through WhatsApp with a person who is not registered in this system, it is not necessarily "on the fingers" to explain...

How to remove yubar from a computer on windows 7

How to remove yubar from a computer on windows 7
Many love the UBAR for the convenience of searching for films and music, but no less large group of users This application may irritate - hang, aggressive...

Kernel Data Inpage Error on Windows 7

Kernel Data Inpage Error on Windows 7
Many users of operating systems at least once in their lives came across the advent of the blue screen of death (BSOD). It may occur both when running...

Error "Unable to connect to service" in Windows 7

Error "Unable to connect to service" in Windows 7
Errors and failures - a very non-uncommon when working on a computer with Windows. This article will talk about a problem that is accompanied by a pop-up...

How to save correspondence in whatsapp

How to save correspondence in whatsapp
Absolutely any device used as a platform to gain access to the possibilities of WhatsApp, as a result of a breakdown of hardware components or due to...

How to remove rundll32.exe

How to remove rundll32.exe
During the usual operation of the Windows operating system, many third-party and embedded processes are launched, including Rundll32.exe. Most often,...

Work with Formulas in Excel

Work with Formulas in Excel
One of the main features of Microsoft Excel is the ability to work with formulas. This greatly simplifies and speeds up the procedure for counting common...

Function intermediate results in Excel

Function intermediate results in Excel
When working with tables, there are often cases when, in addition to common results, it is necessary to pour and intermediate. For example, in the sales...

Function Module in Excel

Function Module in Excel
The module is an absolute positive value of any number. Even at a negative number, the module will always be positive. Let's find out how to calculate...

Creating Summary Tables in Excel

Creating Summary Tables in Excel
Excel's summary tables provide users with users in one place to group significant amounts of information contained in bulky tables, as well as compile...

Error update 80073712 in Windows 7

Error update 80073712 in Windows 7
Windows updates are one of the most difficult processes from the technical point of view in the operating system. In view of this, when performing an...