Articles #280

Reboot Linux from the console

Reboot Linux from the console
Holders of different Linux distributions occasionally face the need to restart the operating system, what needs to be done after making any changes...

How to change the password in vkontakte from the phone

How to change the password in vkontakte from the phone
VKontakte's social network provides a fairly large number of account protection tools, the main of which is the password from the page. To ensure greater...

How to change the number of VKontakte

How to change the number of VKontakte
In the social network VKontakte, as in most similar sites, a mobile phone number is an integral part of the profile, speaking in the role of login when...

How to disable comments in vkontakte

How to disable comments in vkontakte
Comments on the social network Vkontakte Although one of the important functions allowing users to openly communicate among themselves in communities...

How to remove a member from the group in Vaiber

How to remove a member from the group in Vaiber
Administering groups and communities in Viber for the user who has relevant privileges does not represent any difficulties. In the next article, let's...

How to minimize all windows in Windows 10

How to minimize all windows in Windows 10
Many users when working at a computer or laptop often open several programs at once and use many windows. Sometimes in such situations there is a need...

How to delete comments under the photo vkontakte

How to delete comments under the photo vkontakte
In the social network, VKontakte provides for the possibility of writing comments under various entries, including photos, all users without exception....

How to find out with whom the user of VKontakte is rewritten

How to find out with whom the user of VKontakte is rewritten
The VKontakte social network allows each user to communicate with each other using the internal instant messaging system or group conversations for...

Password reset in Ubuntu

Password reset in Ubuntu
The general security rules of the Ubuntu operating system oblige each user to come up with an arbitrary password that meets the requirements that will...

Analogues iTunes.

Analogues iTunes.
iTunes is a popular program necessary to work with Apple devices on a computer. The problem is that it does not differ in high stability (especially...

How to view a password from Wi-Fi in Windows 10

How to view a password from Wi-Fi in Windows 10
If you are on a regular basis using the Internet via Wi-Fi, then surely come across the situation when you need to urgently remember the password from...

Like in Vaiberi to see who looked like a message

Like in Vaiberi to see who looked like a message
Marks "Like", which can be sent to each other participants in group chats, have become a rather popular phenomenon in Viber Messenger. Motivation to...