Articles #227

Recovery SSD, which is not defined

Recovery SSD, which is not defined
Breakage of SSD may cause considerable discomfort. But also it has the potential to become an insurmountable obstacle that does not allow the user to...

How to remove photos from google photo

How to remove photos from google photo
With the need to delete one, several or all images, the systematization and storage of which are trusted by Google photos, almost all service users...

How to put the root in the Word: 3 simple ways

How to put the root in the Word: 3 simple ways
Quite often, when working in Microsoft Word, it is necessary to go beyond the usual set of text, for example, recording various mathematical expressions...

How to fix Clock Watchdog Timeout in Windows 10

How to fix Clock Watchdog Timeout in Windows 10
Users of computers running Windows 10 may encounter the following problem - "Blue Death Screen" appears with the CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TimeOUT error code....

Applications to slow down video on iPhone

Applications to slow down video on iPhone
The iPhone has always possessed and continue to possess one of the best cameras on the market, and if we talk about shooting a video, then it does not...

How to remove broadcast on youtube

How to remove broadcast on youtube
YouTube's live esters allow you to communicate with the viewer in real time, but in the course of such a procedure, various technical problems often...

How to flash htc one x

How to flash htc one x
Each owner of the smartphone wants to make his device better, turn it into a more functional and modern solution. If the user cannot do anything with...

Programs for restoring old photos

Programs for restoring old photos
Many at home have old photos, made in black and white, accumulated over a long time a lot of dust, scratches, dents and other defects. If earlier it...

Firmware Lenovo S660.

Firmware Lenovo S660.
Among the smartphones of the famous manufacturer Lenovo has very interesting models that, despite the pretty respectful of the modern world of Android-devices...

Firmware Explay Tornado.

Firmware Explay Tornado.
Smartphones manufactured under the Explay brand have gained widespread among users from Russia. One of the most successful producer products is the...

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro Firmware

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro Firmware
The owners of Android devices of the popular Xiaomi manufacturer are often puzzled by the installation of system software in their devices, pursuing...

Programs for creating invitations for a wedding

Programs for creating invitations for a wedding
When organizing a good wedding, you want to pay attention to every detail, and one of the most important among those are invitations for guests. Fortunately,...