How to check the temperature of the video card


How to check the temperature of the video card

Temperature of the video card is the main indicator that needs to be monitored throughout the device. If you neglect by this rule, you can get overheating with a graphics chip that can entail not only unstable work, but also failure is a very checked video adapter.

Today we will discuss ways to observe the temperature of the video card, both software and those where additional equipment are required.

Method 2: Pyrometer

Not all components on the video card circuit card are equipped with a sensor. These are memory chips and the power subsystem. At the same time, these nodes also have a property to highlight quite a lot of heat under load, especially when overclocking.

GTX 980TI video card circuit board

See also:

How to overclock AMD Radeon video card

How to overclock NVIDIA GeForce video card

You can measure the temperature of these components using an auxiliary tool - a pyrometer.

Pyrometer for measuring the temperature of memory chips and power circuits on a video card

Measurement occurs simply: you need to bring the device to the instrument on the components of the board and remove the readings.

Monitoring the temperature of the video card with a pyrometer

We got acquainted with two methods for monitoring the temperature of the video card. Do not forget to follow the heating of the graphics adapter - this will allow you to quickly diagnose overheating and take the necessary measures.

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