How to use twitter


What is twitter and how to use it

If it is important for you to be aware of what is happening in the world if you are interested in the thoughts of personalities, well-known and not very, regarding one or another event, as well as if you just want to express your opinion and discuss it with others, Twitter is the most suitable for this. tool.

But what is this service and how to use twitter? It is for these questions that we will try to answer you.

About Twitter

Twitter is by no means socialize in the usual format for us. Rather, this is a messaging service with the masses. You can use the platform anyone - starting with the ordinary "user" and ending with the largest corporation or the first person of the country. Almost at the beginning of its path, Twitter gained recognition among all kinds of celebrities, which received a simple and convenient way to communicate with fans.

Twitter microblogging service home page

So, for starters, let's consider several basic concepts of Twitter service.


The first, where to start a detailed acquaintance with Twitter - the main "bricks", that is, tweets. The term "tweet" in the context of this social network is a kind of public message that can contain photos, video materials, references to third-party resources and text, the length of which cannot exceed the limit of 140 characters.

Why only 140? Such is the specifics of the microblogging service. You are more likely to pay attention to a short, but important and interesting to you publish than on albeit not too capacious, but requiring it to allocate a certain time to read it. In addition, on Twitter you can always make a short announcement and provide a reference to the main material. This constantly enjoy news resources and third-party blogs.

An example of tweet in Twitter microblogging service

Twitting can be viewed and in the role of communication, with which you can start a dialogue, or join it.


Another option of publications on Twitter is tweets that you decide to share with your readers. And called such messages with retwees.

Actually, it seems that nothing is different, as republishing someone else's post with the indication of this very source. In addition, you can complement the Retwitis with your comments, as a result of which third-party tweet in your message becomes a quote.

An example of a retweem in the Microblogging Service Twitter

Twitter also provides for the ability to repeat not only other people's, but also its own publications. The most popular use of this function is to raise old tweets to the beginning of the tape.


Even if you are not familiar with Twitter, but you are a user of VKontakte, Facebook or Instagram, then at least in general imagine what "hashteg" is. So in the Microblogging service, hashti performs the usual features.

For the same to whom this concept is unknown, explain. Hosteg is called a kind of identification label of the topic. Such may be a word or a whole phrase (without spaces) with the "#" symbol at the beginning.

For example, placing tweets about the rest, you can add to the message hashtegi # sea, # Moemeleto, etc. And this is necessary for the social network users to find your publication on the appropriate label.

An example of tweet with hashtags in Twitter microblogging service

In other words, using hashtegi, you can expand the coverage of the audience for a specific tweet.

You can also use hashtiegi in your posts in order to effectively organize them for the subsequent search.

Readers and readable

The first is also called follovers or subscribers. Here everything is extremely clear. Follovier (or reader) is a user who subscribed to updating your account on Twitter. Literally, from the English word "Follower" is translated as a "follower" or "fan".

Signing on someone on Twitter, you currently include the publication of this user in your tape tweets on the main page. At the same time, the so-called Folloving in the microblogging service is not comparable to adding as a friend, as in most social networks. If someone subscribed to you, reciprocate is optional.

Now you know the values ​​of key twitter terms. Time to get acquainted directly with the metrics functionality

Registration and entrance to Twitter

If before that twitter you have not yet used or even see it at all for the first time, you should start with Azov. First of all, you need to know how to register and log in in the social network.

Create an account in the service

To start reading and publish tweets on Twitter, first you need to start a profile in this social network. Make it is not at all difficult and does not require much time.

TWITTER account creation page

But here the registration question in the microblogging service will not be considered. On our site there is already an appropriate article, where it is described in detail about the process of creating a Twitter account.

Lesson: how to create an account on twitter

Perform input

The authorization procedure in the microblogging service is no different from that in any other social network.

  1. To carry out the entry on Twitter, go to the main page of the site or to a separate form of authentication.
  2. Here, in the first field, you specify the name-tied to the account, the phone or user name selected during registration.

    Authorization form in Twitter microblogging service

    Then we enter the password and click on the "Login" button.

Tuning Twitter

After entering the input to the newly created account, the first thing is to start filling the personal data and visual profile design. In addition, you should take care of setting up the service for your needs.

Edit profile

After creating an account on Twitter, most users immediately begin to edit public data "account", which also includes the appearance of the profile. Let's take it on this.

  1. First you need to go directly to the page of our profile.

    Drop-down menu of user in Twitter microblogging service

    To do this, next to the "Tweet" button on the right at the top we click on the avatar icon and select the "Profile" item in the drop-down menu.

  2. Then in the left part of the page that opens, click on the "Change Profile" button.

    Profile Page in Twitter Microblogging Service

  3. After this field with public data data becomes open to edit.

    Block to edit public user data on Twitter

    Here you can change the color gamut of the profile, its "cap" and avatar.

    Changing avatar and profile caps on twitter

  4. Changing photography profile (avatar) and its caps are made by the same algorithm. First, click on the domain with the inscription "Add a profile photo" or "Add a cap", respectively.

    Download photo for avatar and caps on Twitter

    Then, in the drop-down menu, select "Upload a photo", we find the image file in the Explorer window and click "Open".

    Explorer window in Windows 10

    In the pop-up window, if necessary, using the slider cut the photo and click "apply".

    Window with editing photo profile on twitter

    Just with a photo of the caps. The only thing for the second is worth choosing a picture with a sufficiently high resolution so that it all looked correctly.

  5. After the profile has been edited properly, it remains only to save the changes by pressing the corresponding button on the right side of the page.

    Conservation button Changes in Twitter profile public data

  6. Now our profile looks like.

    Our profile on twitter after change

Configure an account

You can more thoroughly approach your twitter account using the "Settings and Security" section. You can go to it thanks to the same drop-down menu, which is called by clicking on the thumbnail of our avatar.

Drop-down menu in twitter

Let's briefly consider the main categories of settings on the corresponding Twitter page.

Home Account Settings page on Twitter

The first item is "Account". This page always meets us when you go to the settings section. In this category, you can change our username and an account attached to the account. Here, if necessary, configure local parameters, such as the interface language, time zone and country. And at the bottom of the page, under the content settings block, you will find the function of disabling the account.

The following category, "Privacy and Security" is responsible for setting up privacy and unwanted content filtering. It is followed by the "Password" section, which, as it is easy to guess, allows you to change the combination of symbols for authorization at any time.

Like other social networks, Twitter supports the binding of the phone number to the account to ensure additional protection. You can control this feature using the "Phone" section.

Twitter also offers the most flexible notification settings. The "Email Notifications" section allows you to specify in a detailed way, in what cases and how often the service will send messages to your had. Filtering these most messages can be configured in the "Notifications" category. And the "Web notification" item allows you to enable real-time browser notifications.

The "Search for Friends" section contains a functional for searching on a twitter of contacts from user address books, such as Gmail, Outlook and Yandex. From here, clicking on the link below, you can go to the contact control panel loaded to the service earlier.

Friends Search page in Twitter service settings

These were the main categories of account settings on Twitter, which are necessary to know. Despite the fact that the parameters for changing the service offers quite a lot, thanks to ubiquitous tips from developers, it will not be difficult for labor.

We change the name of the user

Microblogging service allows you to change the name after the dog "@" at any time. You can do this in both the browser and in the mobile version of Twitter.

User name change page on twitter client for android

Lesson: Change the username in Twitter

Work with twitter

Using Twitter, we constantly use different parts of the very surround functional of the social network. Below your attention the instructions for solving the most popular issues of working with microblogging service.

We publish tweets

You have registered on Twitter, filled the profile, and also set up an account for yourself. And now it's time to write the first tweet - independent or as an answer to someone's publication.

So let's put the beginning of one more and, perhaps, once a very popular twitter tape.

Actually, on the content of the first tweet and can not be conceived at all. It is enough to simply use one of the primary Twitter templates with hashteg # Mojer.

Offer template tweets in Twitter

Here, however, you can also specify your own version of the welcome post.

The main way to create publications is the pop-up window caused by clicking on the "Tweet" button in the upper right corner of the site caps.

Tweet button on the Twitter service page

Most of the "New Twit" window takes a text field. In its lower right corner there is an icon for calling a list with emoticons Emodi. Under it is the icons to attach photos, video, GIF files and current location to tweet.

Pop-up window for creating tweet on twitter

To publish our message, we use the button with the "Tweet" inscription.

As you might notice, the counter of the number of remaining characters is located near the button. If a limit of 140 characters is exhausted, sending a message will not work. In this case, the tweet will have to cut to the desired size.

As for the use of mobile applications to publish tweets, here the logic of our actions is still the same. Moreover, writing messages in Twitter from your smartphone is even more convenient.

  1. For example, on Android, to proceed to draw up a message in a mobile twitter client, you need to press the floating button with the pen in the lower right corner of the screen.

    Main page Twitter applications for android

  2. Then, writing the desired post, click on the small "tweet" button on the right below.

    Twitter Publication Window in Twitter for Android

In addition to publishing independent tweets, you can respond to messages of other users. To do this, use the "Tweet in response" field, placed directly under the contents of tweet.

Twitter page in Twitter Microblogging Service

The novice user of Twitter should also be aware of some intricacies of creating tweets:

  • In your posts, you can actively use hashtegi, but do not overdo it. Twitters, the basis of which make up one labels, other Twitter residents may often mark as spam.
  • If you wish to notify the user about the specific TV, in the message text you can specify its name in the form @ nickname.
  • Write simply and do not break one message for several tweets. Try to fit your idea in one post.
  • Like any other social network, Twitter allows you to use links in your posts. In order to save a precious place for text, reduce "Links" using services such as Google URL Shortener, reducing VKontakte and Bitly links.

In general, the functionality of the publishing of tweets on the social network Twitter is not only very simple, but also quite flexible. In fact, any kind of public message in the service is tweetful by default and it is not going anywhere.

Such a mechanism has already proven itself from the best party. Most people who regularly use Twitter note that even in everyday life, more intelligible and concretely became expusing.

There is here, however, one is quite a serious minus - to change the already published tweet, you will have to remove it and write anew. The function of editing publications on Twitter has not yet been "brought".

Use the Retwitis

Very often you will have a desire to share the message of any Twitter user with your audience. For this, the service developers have provided a wonderful opportunity to "repeat" other people's publications.

How it works? In fact, all the same repairs in social networks.

  1. Directly under each tweet is a series of icons. And it is precisely the second pictogram on the left, which represents two describing the circle of arrows, is responsible for the rivers.

    Retweet icon in Twitter

  2. After clicking on the Retwerta icon, our view will appear the pop-up window in which it remains only to confirm its action by clicking on the "Retwitt" button.

    A popup window for creating a retwit on the social network Twitter

    Here, in the field above, you can add your comment to a third-party publication. True, thus retavit turns into a quote.

    Window for quoting tweet on twitter

  3. As a result, in our tape, it will look like this:

    Retribal in our twitter tape

    And quote like this:

    Quote in our twitter tape

We read other users

As mentioned above, there is no concept of friends on Twitter. Here you just subscribe to updates any profile you like. At the same time, the owner of the account of interest to you should not confirm your consent.

But let's still move on to the topic of subscriptions to tweets. In order to start reading a personalized ribbon of another user, you just need to open it profile and click on the "Read" button.

Button to subscribe to the user's personalized ribbon in the Microblogging Service Twitter

A promissory is made in a similar way. We click on the same button and stop reading the selected user.

We use a black list

On Twitter, the user on whom you are signed may for any minute to ban you to read it and in general - to see any traces of your existence in the social network. Accordingly, you can do so.

It is implemented by all this using the blacklist function.

  1. To add a list of any user, just click on his twitter page on a vertical triple near the "Read / read" button.

    Drop-down list of action for another twitter user

    Then in the drop-down list, select "Make @ username in a black list".

  2. After that, you mean with information in a pop-up window and confirm our solution by pressing the "Blacklist" button.
    Pop-up window when adding Twitter user to a blacklist

By performing these actions, you actually hide your presence in Twitter for the relevant user.

We remove tweets

Often on Twitter you have to delete your own publications. Partly it was like that due to the lack of such desirable tweet editing functions. To change the contents of your post, you have to delete it and re-publish it already corrected.

"Destroy" tweets can be literally for a couple of clicks.

  1. Go to the desired publication and click on the arrow on the right above and in the drop-down list, select the "Delete Tweets" item.

    Go to tweet menu on Twitter

  2. Now it remains easy to confirm our action.

    We serve the removal of tweet in the Microblogging Service Twitter

In the mobile application Twitter, everything is done in the same way.

  1. We go to the context menu tweet.
  2. Select the item "Delete Twit" and confirm the action.

    Remove tweets in your Twitter Mobile Application for Android

Remove the Retwitis

Along with tweets, the inalienable components of your personal ribbon are the Retwitis. And in the event that you have changed my mind to share any publication with readers, you can delete it using an elementary action.

Retwitter icon in Twitter

Lesson: How to delete Retworth in Twitter

Add friends

Twitter has many people, the interests and views of which coincide with yours, and which you would like to read. Also in this social network most likely there are some of your friends and friends whose publications you are not going to keep track of. Fortunately, find the right person and subscribe to its updates is not at all difficult.

Block Recommendations on Twitter with Additional Synchronization Panel

Lesson: how to add friends to Twitter

We are looking for tweets

About how to find and subscribe to your close-up users of Twitter users, we have already told. Here, let's talk about how to find publications on the themes of interest to us and join the hottest Topikov Topikov.

So, the most obvious option for the search for tweets is to use the appropriate field in the site cap. But here you can search for messages in several ways.

The first and easiest - the usual search for the word.

  1. In the "Twitter Search" line, specify the word or phrase you need, and then either select the appropriate option in the drop-down list, or simply click the Enter key.

    Drop-down menu in Twitter search row

  2. As a result, a list of tweets relevant to your request will be displayed.

    Search for tweets in Twitter microblogging service

However, such a way to search for tweets can be considered the least efficient, because the subject of the messages with the phrase you specified can vary greatly.

Another thing is to use labels in the same search bar, i.e. Histegue discussed above.

Here, for example, the search for a twitter on hashthega #News:

Search Issuing on hashthege in the Twitter service

As a result of the execution of such a request, you get a list of people and tweets, to one degree or another corresponding to the desired topics. So, here in the issuance the main mass is made up of news tweets.

Well, if you are most interesting exactly trend discussions, it is possible to join them on Twitter with the help of the "current topics" block.

This element is always on the left side of the social network interface. With it, you can observe the topics that are popular at twitter at the moment. In essence, this is a list of trend hashtegov.

A block of topical topics in the Twitter service

Topical topics are selected by the service, based on your list of readable, locations and interests. Thanks to this section, you will always be up to date with the latest news.

If desired, the contents of the block can be formed by selectively - at a specific location.

  1. To do this, at the top of the block, click on the "Change" link.

    Deculsion to change the contents of topical topics in Twitter

  2. After that, we click "change" already in the pop-up window.

    Change location for topical topics on twitter

  3. And choose the city you need or a whole country from the list "Places nearby" or using the "Search for Locations".

    Location selection window for topical topics on twitter

    Then press the "Finish" button.

    Well, in order to activate the intellectual selection of tops from Twitter, in the same window, click "Go to individual relevant topics".

We write private messages

Twitter functionality is not limited only by public messages. The service of microblogs also provides the possibility of conducting personal correspondence.

  1. To send a message to the user, on the page of his profile near the "Read / read" button, press the vertical Troetch and choose the "Send a private message" item.

    Go to sending a private message to the user Twitter service

  2. After that, the chat window with the selected user opens.

    Chat window with twitter

    As you can see, in the correspondence you can use emoji-smiles, gif images, as well as photos and video materials.

Go to chat with a specific person can also be used by the Unnamed button to the right under the block of basic user information.

Unnamed button to send messages in the social network Twitter

Moreover, there is a whole section of "messages" on Twitter, entering which by selecting the point of the same name in the header of the site.

List of tabs in the Social School Twitter

  1. To send a private message from here, you must first click on the "Start correspondence" button.

    Turning Personal Messages in Twitter Profile

  2. Enter the name of the desired user to the search string that appears and select it from the results list.

    Select a user from the list of search results in Twitter messages

    In the correspondence you can alternate up to 50 users, thereby creating a group conversation.

    By clicking on the "Next" button, we move directly into the chat window.

In addition, in private messages you can share and tweets. To do this, there is a corresponding button under the contents of the publication.

Button to send tweet in a personal message

Come out of the account

If you use twitter on a stranger or public device, after each session, your account should be left. That's just the process of deavodilization of "account" in the service of microblogging on mobile and desktop platforms is somewhat different.

Account Settings in Twitter Application for Android

Lesson: How to exit an account on Twitter

Remove account

If desired, your profile on twitter can be completely removed. The reason for such actions is not important - the main thing is that there is a similar opportunity. Well, if then, they still changed his mind, during a certain period, the account can be easily restored.

Enter password to delete Twitter account

Lesson: Removing an account in Twitter

Useful advice

In addition to the standard features of the popular microblogging service, there are many third-party tools that expand its functionality, and other use of the social network. It is about them that articles collected in this block will tell you.

Download videos from Twitter

Despite the fact that this social network does not provide for the possibility of loading video files to the device, with a number of third-party services and applications, this deficiency can be fill with interest.

Home Application Page + Download 4 Instagram Twitter

Lesson: Download video from Twitter

We are promoting twitter account

The reality is such that to gain popularity and attract advertisers. An ordinary twitter user can only resorting to a thoughtful promotion of his profile. At the same time, several methods of promoting the account are available to your choice.

Lesson: how to promote an account in twitter

Earn on Twitter

Like any social Internet platform, twitter allows you to turn your own account in a good source of income. Of course, to get substantial profits here you need a well-promoted profile.

An example of advertising publication in the Microblogging Service Twitter

Lesson: how to make money on twitter

Problem solving

As is known, any system is imperfect and subject to failures. Unfortunately, in this case, Twitter is also no exception. In addition to the problems on the side of the microblogging service, the errors in working with social network often admit the users themselves. Of course, we must be able to solve such problems.

We restore access to the account

If you can not enter your Twitter account, one can be a variety of factors. To restore access to the account, you should use one of the tool services offered by the developers.

Search Account when contacting Twitter Support

Lesson: solving problems with the entrance to Twitter

As you might notice, Twitter is a very voluminous and flexible Internet platform. It can be very easy to work with social network and use it absolutely everything that proves the daily audience of the service in tens of millions of people.

In addition to the browser version, Twitter also exists as applications for mobile devices. The functionality and the principle of twitter work on smartphones and tablets is completely similar to a desktop version of the service. Well, use the mobile twitter client and more convenient.

P.S. Subscribe to us on Twitter and do not miss useful materials.

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