Plugins for video playback in Opera


Plugins for watching video in Opera

Viewing video online has become quite ordinary phenomenon. Almost all popular browsers support the main streaming video formats. But even if the developers did not provide for the reproduction of a specific format, many web browsers have the ability to install special plug-ins to solve this problem. Let's look at the main plugins to play video in the Opera browser.

Preset Opera browser plugins

Plugins in a browser opera are divided into two types: pre-installed (those that are already built into the browser by the developer themselves), and requiring installation. Let's talk at the beginning of the pre-installed plugins to view the video. There are only two of them.

Adobe Flash Player.

Start installing Adobe Flash Player for Opera browser

Undoubtedly, the most popular plugin for viewing video through the opera is Flash Player. Without it, video playback in Flash format on many sites will be simply impossible. For example, it concerns the popular social network "Odnoklassniki". Fortunately, Flash Player is pre-installed in the Opera browser. Thus, it does not need to be additionally installed, since the plugin is included in the basic assembly of the web browser.


Widevine Content Decryption Module plugin in Opera

The plugin WidEvine Content Decryption Module, like the previous plugin, is additionally installed, since it is preset in the opera. Its feature is that this plugin allows you to broadcast a video that is protected from copying using EME technology.

Plugins requiring installation

In addition, there are many plug-ins that require installation on the Opera browser. But, the fact is that the new versions of the Opera on the Blink engine do not support such an installation. At the same time, there are many users who continue to use the old opera on the Presto engine. It is on such a browser that it is possible to establish plugins, which will be discussed below.

Shockwave Flash.

Installation of the SHOCKWAVE Flash plugin in Opera

Like Flash Player, SHOCKWAVE Flash is a product manufactured by Adobe. Here is just its main purpose - this is playing video on the web pages in the form of Flash animation. With the help of it, you can view videos, games, advertising, presentation. This plugin is installed automatically with the program of the same name that can be downloaded on the official Adobe website.


Installing the RealPlayer plugin in Opera

RealPlayer plugin not only provides the ability to view video of various formats through the Opera browser, but also download it to the computer hard disk. Among the supported formats, such rare, like RHP, RPM and RPJ. It is installed with the basic program RealPlayer.


Installing the QuickTime plugin in Opera

QuickTime plugin is Apple's development. It comes with the program of the same name. Used to view video of various formats, and music tracks. A feature is the ability to view rollers in QuickTime format.

DivX Web Player.

Setting the DivX plugin in Opera

As with the previous programs, when installing the DivX Web Player application, the plugin is installed in the Opera browser. It serves to view streaming video in popular MKV, DVIX, AVI formats, and others.

Windows Media Player Plugin

Installing Windows Media Player Plugin Player in Opera

Windows Media Player is a tool that allows you to integrate a browser with a media player, originally built into the Windows operating system. This plugin was designed specifically for the Firefox browser, but later was adapted for other popular browsers, including Opera. With it, you can view video of various formats on the Internet, including WMV, MP4 and AVI, through the browser window. Also, it is possible to play video files already loaded to the hard disk of the computer.

We reviewed the most popular plugins to view the video through the opera browser. Currently, the main of them is Flash Player, but in the versions of the browser on the Presto engine, a large number of other plugins can also be installed to play the video on the Internet.

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