How to open 7z archive


Archive format 7Z.

One of the highest quality archiving formats according to the compression ratio is 7z, which in this direction can even compete with RAR. Let's find out, with what kind of programs you can open and unpack the archives 7z.

Software for unpacking 7z

Almost all modern archivers can know if not creating objects 7z, then, in any case, browse them and unpack them. Let us dwell on the actions algorithm for viewing the contents and unzip the specified format in the most popular archival programs.

Method 1: 7-Zip

Let's start our description from the 7-ZIP program, for which the 7Z is declared "native" format. It is the developers of this program that created the format studied in this lesson.

  1. Run 7-zip. Using the file manager located in the center of the archiver interface, go to the accommodation catalog of the target 7Z. To see the contents of the archived object, click on its name with the left mouse button (LKM) twice or click Enter.
  2. Transition to the opening of the archive 7z in the 7Zip program

  3. A list is displayed where archived files are presented. To view a specific element, it is also sufficient to click on it with LKM, and it will open in the application that is specified in the default system to work with it.

7Z archive content in the 7Zip program

If the 7-ZIP program is installed on the default computer for manipulations with 7Z format, then it will be enough to open the contents, while in Windows Explorer, click twice the LCM by the archive name.

Go to the opening of the archive 7Z in the 7Zip program through the Windows Explorer

If you need to perform unzip, then the algorithm of action in 7-zip will be somewhat different.

  1. Moving around using a 7-zip file manager to the target 7z, mark it and click on the "Extract" icon.
  2. Transition to the 7Z archive patch in the 7Zip program

  3. The archived content recovery settings window starts. In the "Unpack B" field, you should assign a path to the directory where the user wants to perform ripples. By default, this is the same directory where the archive is located. To change it, if necessary, click on the object to the right of the specified field.
  4. Go to the selection of folder for unpacking archive 7Z in the 7zip program

  5. Launched folder overview tool. Specify the directory in it where you are going to perform unpacking.
  6. Overview window folders in the 7Zip program

  7. After the path is registered, press OK to activate the extraction procedure.

Running data extraction procedure from the 7Z archive in the 7Zip program

The 7Z object is unzipped into the folder that is indicated above.

If the user wants to unpack not the entire archived object, but separate files, then the actions algorithm varies slightly.

  1. Through the 7-Zip interface, go inside the archive, files from which you want to remove. Make the selection of the desired items, and then click "Extract".
  2. Go to extracting multiple files from the 7Z archive in the 7zip program

  3. After that, the window opens, where they should be pressed for unzipping. By default, it indicates the same folder where the archived object itself is located. If there is a need to change it, then click on the object to the right of the line with the address. The "Folder Overview" will open, about which there was a conversation when describing the previous method. It should also set the unzipping folder. Click OK.
  4. Run extract multiple files from the 7Z archive in the 7Zip program

  5. Selected items will be immediately unzipped into the folder specified by the user.

Method 2: WinRar

The popular archiver WinRAR also works with 7Z, although this format is not "native" for it.

  1. Run Viryrr. To view 7z, go to the directory where it is located. Click on his behalf twice LKM.
  2. Transition to the opening of the archive 7z in the WinRar program

  3. The list of elements in the archive will be displayed in WinRAR. To start a specific file, you must click on it. It will be activated by the default application for this expansion.

The contents of the archive 7z in the WinRar program

As you can see, the actions algorithm for viewing the contents are very similar to the one that has been used when working with 7-zip.

Now let's find out how to unpack 7z in Viryrr. There are several methods for performing this procedure.

  1. To unpack 7z, you fully mark it and press "Extract" or type the combination Alt + E.

    Transition to the extraction of the archive 7z in the WinRar program

    You can replace these manipulations by right-clicking (PCM) by the name of the 7Z object, and select "Remove to the specified folder" in the list.

  2. Transition to the extract of the archive 7z through the context menu in the WinRar program

  3. The "path and extraction parameters" starts. By default, unzipping occurs in a separate folder in the same directory where 7z is located, which can be seen from the address that is specified in the "path for removal" field. But if necessary, you can change the end directory for unzipping. For this purpose, in the right window of the window using the built-in tree-type file manager, specify the catalog in which you strive to unzip 7z.

    In the same window, if necessary, you can set the overwriting and update settings by activating the radio button near the corresponding parameter. After all the settings are manufactured, click OK.

  4. Setting up the paths and parameters of the extraction of the archive 7z in the WinRar program

  5. Extraction will be produced.

There is also the possibility of instant unacceptable without specifying any additional settings, including the path. In this case, the extraction will be executed in the same directory where the archived object is placed. To do this, click on the 7Z PCM and select "Extract without confirmation". You can replace this manipulation with Alt + W combination after selecting the object. All items will immediately be unzipped.

Unpacking Archive 7Z without confirmation in the WinRar program

If you want to unzip not the entire archive, but certain files, then the actions algorithm is almost exactly the same as for the unimbranch object as a whole. To do this, go inside the 7Z object via the VIRRAR interface and select the necessary elements. Then, according to how you want to unpack, make one of the Lenses:

  • Click "Remove ...";
  • Select "Extract to the specified folder" in the context list;
  • Type Alt + E;
  • In the context list, select "Remove without confirmation";
  • Type alt + w.

Transition to extracting file files from the archive 7Z in the WinRar program

All further action holds the same algorithm as for the unimaging archive as a whole. These files will be retrieved either in the current directory or to the one you specify.

Method 3: IZARC

Manipulate 7z files can also be as small and convenient IZARC utility.

  1. Run izarc. To view 7z, click "Open" or type Ctrl + O.

    Go to the archive opening window through the button on the toolbar in the IZARC program

    If you prefer to act through the menu, then click "File", and then "Open Archive ...".

  2. Go to the archive opening window through the top horizontal menu in the IZARC program

  3. The archive opening window will be launched. Go to the directoric where the archived 7Z is located, and mark it. Click "Open".
  4. Opening window of the archive in the IZARC program

  5. The contents of this object will open via the IZARC interface. After clicking on any LKM element, it will be run in the application specified in the default system to open objects with the extension that this item has.

7Z archive content in IZARC program

To retrieve content, you need to do the following manipulation.

  1. Being inside 7z, click "Extract".
  2. Transition to the removal of the 7Z archive content in IZARC

  3. The extraction window is activated. In the "Extract B" field, you need to set the unpacking directory. By default, it corresponds to the folder where the unpackable object itself is located. If you want to change this setting, click on the image in the form of an image of the opened folder to the right of the address.
  4. Go to the selection of the directory to extract the contents of the archive 7z in the IZARC program

  5. The folder overview starts. Using it you want to relocate in that folder, where it is supposed to perform unpacking. Click OK.
  6. Folder Overview Window in IZARC Program

  7. It is returned to the file extraction settings window. As we see, the selected unpacking address is already specified in the corresponding field. In the same window, you can also specify other settings of the extraction, including configuring the replacement of files when names names. After all the parameters are specified, press "Extract".
  8. Transition to Unpacking Archive 7Z in IZARC

  9. After that, the archive will be unzipped into the specified directory.

In IZARC, there is also the possibility of unpacking individual elements of the archived object.

  1. Through the IZARC interface, open the archive contents, the part of which should be removed. Highlight those elements that should be unpaved. Click "Extract".
  2. Go to unpacking individual archive 7Z files in IZARC

  3. Exactly the same window of the unpacking settings window opens, as well as with complete ripples, which we considered above. Further actions are exactly the same. That is, you need to specify the path to the directory where the extraction and other settings will be made if the current parameters are not suitable for some reason. Click "Extract".
  4. Starting the unpacking of individual archive files 7z in IZARC

  5. Unzipping selected items will be executed in the specified folder.

Method 4: Hamster Free Zip Archiver

Another method Open 7Z - Use Hamster Free Zip Archiver.

Download Hamster Free Zip Archiver

  1. Running Hamster Friend Zip Ariver. To see the contents of 7z, move to the "Open" section by the menu on the left side of the window. Take the archive from the Utility window from the Explorer. An important point is that during the drag and drop procedure should be clamped by LKM.
  2. Treating Archive 7Z in Hamster Free Zip Archiver

  3. The application window will be divided into two areas: "Open archive ..." and "unpack nearby ...". Take the object to the first of these areas.

Treating archive 7z to Open archive archive area Hamster Free Zip Archiver

You can enter differently.

  1. Click on any place in the center of the program interface, where the icon is located in the form of the opening folder.
  2. Transition to the Archive Dispap Window in Hamster Free Zip Archiver

  3. Activated opening window. Go to the directory where 7z is located. After allocating this object, click "Open".
  4. Finding Office Window in Hamster Free Zip Archiver

  5. When using one of the two above options, the contents of the archived object 7z will be displayed in the Hamster Free Zipov archway.
  6. The contents of the archive displayed in the Hamster Free Zip Archiver program

  7. To unpack the desired file, highlight it in the list. If the items that need to be processed are several, then in this case, select the selection with the CTRL-clad button. In this way, it will be possible to mark all the necessary elements. After they are marked, click "Unpack".
  8. Transition to unpacking individual files in Hamster Free Zip Archiver

  9. A window opens, where the extraction path should be set. Move where it is necessary to produce unzip. After the directory is selected, click "Folder Selecting".

Extraction path selection window in the Hamster Free Zip Archiver

The marked files will be removed in the designated directory.

You can also execute the archive as a whole.

  1. To do this, open the archive through Hamster Fries Zip the archive by any of those methods that were painted above. Not highlighting anything, press "unpack everything" at the top of the interface.
  2. Transition to Unpacking Total Archive in Hamster Free Zip Archiver

  3. The booster selection window opens, where you want to specify the unpacking folder. Click "Folder Selection" and the archive will be completely unpacked.

Selecting a folder for extracting the entire archive in the Hamster Free Zip Archiver program

There is a faster option to unpack 7z completely.

  1. We launch Hamster Fries Zip the archiver and open the WINDOVS conductor where 7z is located. By dragging the named object from the conductor to the archiver window.
  2. Tightening the archive 7z for unpacking it in the Hamster Free Zip Archiver program

  3. After the window is located in two areas, drag the file to the part "unpack nearby ...".
  4. Tightening the archive 7z to the area to unpack next to the Hamster Free Zip Archiver program

  5. The contents are unpacked in that directory where the source is located.

Method 5: Total Commander

In addition to archivers, viewing and unpacking content 7Z can be performed using specific file managers. One of these programs is Total Commander.

  1. Make the launch of Total Commander. In one of the panels, go to the place of placement 7z. To open the content, click Double LCM on it.
  2. Transition to the opening of the archive 7z in Total Commander

  3. The content will seem in the corresponding manager panel.

7Z archive content in Total Commander

In order to unzip the entire archive, the following manipulations should be performed.

  1. Go to one of the panels to that directory, where you wish to sprinkle. In the second panel, move to the 7Z location directory and highlight this object.

    Go to the archive 7z to be unzipped in Total Commander

    Or you can go right inside the archive.

  2. Transition inside the archive 7z to be unzipped in Total Commander

  3. After performing one of these two steps, click on the "Unpack Files" icon. In this case, the active should be the panel where the archive is displayed.
  4. Transition to Unpacking Archive 7Z in Total Commander program

  5. A small unpacking setting window starts. It specifies the path where it will be performed. It corresponds to the directory that is open in the second panel. Also in this window there are some other parameters: accounting for subdirectories when removing, replacing the coinciding files and others. But most often nothing in these settings should be changed. Click "OK".
  6. Starting the unpacking archive 7z in Total Commander

  7. Unzipping files will be executed. They will be displayed in the second panel Total Commander.

Archive 7Z Unpacked in Total Commander

If you want to extract only certain files, then act differently.

  1. Open one panel where the archive is located, and the second - in the unpacking directory. Go inside the archived object. Highlight those files that wish to remove. If there are several of them, then produce the selection with the Ctrl pinch key. Click the "Copy" button or the F5 key.
  2. Go to copy dedicated files from Archive 7Z in Total Commander

  3. The extraction window will start, in which you should click "OK".
  4. Start unpacking individual archive files 7z in Total Commander

  5. Selected files will be extracted and displayed in the second panel.

Separate files are extracted from the 7Z archive in Total Commander.

As you can see, viewing and unpacking archives 7z supports a rather large list of modern archivers. We only indicated the most famous of these applications. The same task can be solved using certain file managers, in particular Total Commander.

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