How to write a stressed text in vkontakte


How to write a stressed text in vkontakte

Many users of the VKontakte social network do not know that the website contains not only public capabilities, but also hidden functions. One of these additions allows you to write any messages using the crossed text that in some circumstances opens up completely new opportunities in the design, for example, posts in communities.

Write cross-stressed text in VKontakte

In the same way as in the case of sending empty messages, in the process of writing letters with stricken characters, you will need to apply a special code that is used on many other resources on the Internet. In addition, the described code is often used in various editors and programs, regardless of the operating system.

Do not use the writing method of the crosslocked text too often, as it simply makes your messages unreadable!

If necessary, you can use the desired set of characters when writing posts from mobile devices - the result will not change from this if you adhere to the instructions.

  1. Open the SOC site. VK networks and go to the place where you want to write a message using the crown text.
  2. Selecting a place to write a message using the curved text VKontakte

    Within the framework of this article, we will consider the case of writing a message with crossed symbols in discussions in the VKontakte group.

  3. Hover your mouse over the main message input field and type a message, some of which is required to be crushed.
  4. Writing a message to insert the insertion text VKontakte

  5. Among the characters dialed, select the word you want to cross.
  6. Select the word to use the code for writing the curled text VKontakte

    The number of simultaneously curved characters is not limited to anything, but if necessary, to smoke any large message described by the technique is extremely uncomfortable. This is due to the fact that all further actions are performed exclusively in manual mode.

  7. Install the mouse cursor before the first character of the stressed word and write the following set of characters, pre-eliminating the characters ().
  8. () 822;

    Insert code to a message for writing text with curls of VKontakte characters

    To simplify the edit process, we recommend that you use keyboard shortcuts. "Ctrl + C" and "Ctrl + V".

  9. Repeat the above action on each of the following symbol in a word or several words, guided by an exceptionally initial location of spaces.
  10. Correctly inserted code to the message to write the curls of VKontakte

    For greater understanding, pay attention to the screenshot provided by us.

  11. Click the "Save" or "Send" button, depending on the writing site and message type.
  12. Sending a message with the code for writing a crown text VKontakte

    The technique will also be fully operable directly when editing the once written message, regardless of the place.

  13. After sending your message, you and all who will read this text in the future will see the characters selected previously crossed.
  14. Successfully crossed symbols in the message with the code for writing the curled text VKontakte

It is advisable not to put symbols before the sign of the space, as the letter is also crossed by the corresponding horizontal line.

On this, all the steps to write the crossed text ends. However, there are still a few points that need to be clarified.

When editing and submitting the message in which the previously described code was used, the crowns are returned to their original state, regardless of the language used. Thus, it is desirable from the first time to correctly cross the text or not to process large amounts of characters using this technique.

Editing the message with the inserted code to write the curved text VKontakte

It is not necessary to put the code before punctuation signs, as it does not affect them.

We wish you good luck when using the curved text in VKontakte.

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