How to use Chemax


How to use Chemax

Chemax is the best offline application in which codes are collected to most existing computer games. If you would like to use it, but do not know how to do it, then this article is for you. Today we will analyze the process of using the mentioned program very detail.

Stages of working with Chemax

The entire process of using the program can be divided into two parts - search for codes and data saving. It is on such parts that we share our today's article. We now turn directly to the description of each of them.

Code search process

At the time of writing a article in Chemax, various codes and tips for 6654 games were collected. Therefore, a person who collided with this software for the first time may be difficult to find the necessary game. But adhering to further prompts, you will handle the task without any problems. That's what needs to be performed.

  1. Run the Chemax installed on your computer or laptop. Please note that there is an official Russian and English version of the program. In this case, the release of the localized version of the software is somewhat inferior to the English-language version. For example, an application option in Russian version 18.3, and English-language - 19.3. Therefore, if you do not have serious problems with the perception of a foreign language, we advise you to use the English-language version of Chemax.
  2. After you launched the application, a small window will appear. Unfortunately, it is impossible to change its size. It looks as follows.
  3. General view of the Chemax program window

  4. In the left block of the program window there is a list of all available games and applications. If you know the exact name of the desired game, then you can simply use the slider next to the list. To do this, it is enough to climb it with the left mouse button and pull up or down to the required value. For the convenience of users, the developers have allocated all the games in alphabetical order.
  5. Search games in the list using the slider

  6. In addition, it is possible to find the desired application using a special search string. She is above the list of games. Just click on the left button of the left mouse button and start typing. Already after entering the first letters, the search for applications on the basis and the instantaneous allocation of the first coincidence in the list will begin.
  7. Search game through the search string in Chemax

  8. After you have found the desired game, the description of the secrets, the available codes and other information will be displayed in the right half of the Chemax window. For some information games there is a lot of information, so do not forget to flip it with a mouse wheel or with a special slider.
  9. List of codes and tips for games in Chemax

  10. You still have to study the contents of this block, after which you can begin to perform the actions described in it.

Here is the whole and the whole search process of cheats and codes for a specific game. If you need to save the received information in digital or printed form, then you should read the next section of the article.

Saving information

If you do not want to seek the program to the program every time, then you should save a list of codes or secrets of the game in a convenient location. To do this, you can use one of the options proposed below.


  1. Open a section with the right game.
  2. In the top area of ​​the program window, you will see a large button with the image of the printer. You need to click on it.
  3. Information Print Button in Chemax

  4. After that, a standard small window with print parameters will appear. In it, you can specify the number of copies if you suddenly need more than one instance of the codes. In the same window, the "Properties" button is located. By clicking on it, you can choose the print color, orientation of the sheet (horizontal or vertical) and specify other parameters.
  5. Indicate printing parameters in Chemax

  6. After all print settings are set, press the OK button, located at the bottom of the same window.
  7. Run the printing process of information in Chemax

  8. Next will begin directly the print process itself. You only need to wait a bit until the necessary information is printed. After that, you can close all previously open windows and proceed to using codes.

Saving to Document

  1. By selecting the desired game from the list, press the button in the form of a notebook. It is located at the top of the Chemax window next to the printer button.
  2. Information Conservation Button in Text Document

  3. Next, a window appears in which you want to specify the path to save the file and the name of the document itself. In order to select the desired folder, you should click on the drop-down menu marked in the image below. Having done this, you can choose a root folder or disk, and then select a specific folder in the main area of ​​the window.
  4. Folder selection to save the file in Chemax

  5. The name of the stored file is prescribed in a special field. After you specify the name of the document, click the "Save" button.
  6. Specify the name of the stored file and click the Save button

  7. You will not see any additional windows with progress, as the process occurs instantly. Going to the previously specified folder, you will see that the necessary codes are preserved in the text document with the name you specify.

An example of a saved text file with CHEMAX codes

Standard copy

In addition, you can always copy the necessary codes yourself on any other document. It is possible to duplicate not all the information, but only the selected area.

  1. Open the right game from the list.
  2. In the window with a description of the codes themselves, you clamp the left mouse button and select the text of the text you want to copy. If you need to highlight the entire text, you can use the standard key combination "Ctrl + A".
  3. We highlight the text to copy in Chemax

  4. After that, click on any place selected by text with the right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, click on the "Copy" line. You can also use the popular key combination of the "Ctrl + C" keys on the keyboard.
  5. Copy the selected section of the text in Chemax

  6. If you drew attention, then in the context menu there are two more lines - "Print" and "Save to File". They are identical to the two print and preservation functions described above, respectively.
  7. Copying the selected text area, you can only open any valid document and insert the contents there. To do this, you can use the "Ctrl + V" keys or click the right mouse button and select "Insert" or "Paste" from the pop-up menu.
  8. Insert text from Chemax to any document

This part of the article came to an end. We hope you have no problems with saving or printing information.

Additional features chemax

Finally, we would like to tell about the additional feature of the program. It lies in the fact that you can download various saving games, the so-called trainers (programs for changing game indicators of the type of money, lives, and so on) and much more. To do this, you need to do the following.

  1. Choose a desired game from the list.
  2. In the window where text with codes and hints is located, you will find a small button in the form of yellow zipper. Click on it.
  3. Press the button in the form of lightning in Chemax

  4. After that, the browser will open, which is installed by your default. It will automatically open the official CHEMAX page with games, the name of which begins on the same letter as the game selected earlier. Most likely it was intended that you immediately get to the page dedicated to the game, but, apparently, this is some kind of deficiency from the developers.
  5. Please note that the Google Chrome browser opens the page is marked as dangerous, what you warn you before opening. This is due to the fact that the site posted on the site intervene in the executable processes of the game. Consequently, it is considered malicious. Actually nothing to be afraid. Just press the "More details" button, after which I confirm your intention to go to the site.
  6. Google Chrome Warning About Cheemax Danger

  7. After that, the required page will appear. As we wrote above, there will be all the games here, the name of which begins on the same letter as the desired game. We are looking for her own in the list and click on the line with its name.
  8. Choose from the list on the CHEMAX game

  9. Next, on the same line there will be one or more buttons with a list of platforms for which the game is available. Click on the button that matches your platform.
  10. Select the platform to display Chemax codes

  11. As a result, you will fall on the cherished page. In its very top there will be tabs with different information. By default, on the first of them are chita (as in Chemax itself), and here the second and third tabs are dedicated to trainees and conservation files.
  12. Sections with different files on the CHEMAX website

  13. Going to the desired tab and clicking on the required string, you will see a pop-up window. In it, you will be asked to introduce the so-called captcha. Enter the value specified next to the field, then click the "Get File" button.
  14. We enter the captcha and click the download button on the CHEMAX website

  15. After that, the archive will start loading with the desired files. You still have to remove its contents and use to be appointed. As a rule, in each archive there is instructions for using a trailer or installation of storage files.

Here is the actual information that we wanted to convey to you in this article. We are confident that you will succeed, if you adhere to the described instructions. We hope you will not spoil the impression of the game by using the codes offered by the Chemax program.

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